
Monday, September 24, 2012


Sara treasured each of you. Sara treasured your friendships.

"Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety." 
~Proverbs 11:14

It is so humbling to read all of your comments and e-mails about our sweet Sara. How she provided guidance and comfort to you personally, in a way only Sara knew how. Please know how much we, Sara's family, treasure your stories. Through your stories, there is a presence of Sara and that is so comforting.

What we want you to remember today, is the gift of friendship you gave to Sara. Your friendship provided guidance and comfort to her. When I reflect on Sara's illness and the last several years that she was not able to leave the four walls of her home, I turn to a place of gratitude. Gratitude for the friendships she found in each of you.

You helped Sara live life. You gave her hope and a reason for being. You gave her a purpose for getting up in the morning. You helped fill her heart with love and joy. For that, we are eternally grateful!

As I was reading through your comments, one of you reminded me of something Sara said. "...if I am still on this earth, it means He has intended for me to do something more. If I didn't have something more to do, He would reward me by taking me home to Him." God has plans for each of us and I believe that not only was her plan to make a difference in your life, but it was for you to also gift Sara. Gift her with your community, your friendships, your love.

Sara lived the plan He had for her with open arms, with an open heart, with joy. What I believe God and Sara would want from us, is to continue living the plan that we are here to accomplish.   Take what we learned from them and continue walking our faith journey with open arms, an open heart, with joy.

Sara trusted God and knew that whatever reason He had for her to live the life she was given, there was a purpose. She trusted that He had the bigger picture and she stepped forward in faith by living the life that was in front of her. I am going to make sure the pain and suffering as well as the love and joy she experienced to live the life that was in front of her, was not in vain. I am going to make sure that her purpose, her wisdom, her gift of teaching and modeling for us is carried on through my life. Will you join me in that?

Thank you for being Sara's friend. Thank you for being her counselor.  You helped her so she wouldn't fall, you helped her feel safe in fulfilling His plan. You helped her keep her faith.

And the Master said, "Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your Master's happiness."   ~Matthew 25:21

One year ago today, Sara journeyed to be with our Master, our Father. She is home, on Holy Ground, with Him. Sara is singing, dancing and praising Him joyfully.

Love and blessings from all of Sara's family! We are grateful to each of you for always being her friend and bringing joy to her life.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Grief and Joy

"When the heart grieves over what is lost, 
the spirit rejoices over what it has left."
 ~ Epigram, Sufi

One year ago today Sara started Hospice. 

For the first time in as long as I can remember, one year ago today, Sara was provided with enough medication to ease her pain and keep her from getting physically sick. As we watched the medication begin to work, we also saw the many years of pain leave her face.  She looked like an angel! An angel ready for her journey to heaven.

In keeping with Sara's motto of, "It's not about me," over the course of the next two days, her focus was on making sure those of us left here on earth were taken care of. That we were o.k. Sara said to us, "I will be fine." "Isn't this exciting?" "It is all of you who are left here to grieve." I want to make sure you are o.k."

She was so COURAGEOUS! Without shedding a tear, and filled with joy and excitement, she told us how excited she was to meet our Heavenly Father. She continued teaching us. Teaching us how to love, choose joy, and be courageous.

Our hearts grieve over her loss, but we are so grateful and our spirit rejoices over what she has left us. She has left us so much of herself through her writings and the life she lived. The life she lived for God and others! For this we will be forever grateful. 

Thank you dear sister. 

We love you all the way around the world and back...and into the heavens! 

Blessings and thanks to all of you who loved Sara. She loved you too!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grace and the Holy Spirit

September 12, 2011, one year ago today, I answered a call from my sister Sara and she asked me to come. Come and be with her. “Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m okay, I was just wondering if you could come be with me.”

Of course! Where else would I be? Sara asked me to come.

Sara always loved to have people come visit, but she rarely asked. Sometimes it was because she wasn't feeling well, but mostly, she didn't want to be a burden to anyone. Typically, if I was going to visit, I had to be the one to tell her I was coming. There was only one other time I recall her asking me to come because she needed help.  It was when her disease, her pain, was more than she could handle. The only other time she asked me to come, was when she had Cushings, she needed the doctor’s help, and couldn’t get to them.

Sara said, “Don’t worry,” but I did nothing on that four hour trip but pray and worry!  Asking God, “please help me know how to help my sweet sister Sara.”

I felt like this time was different.  She had been getting worse. She had just received IV’s the week-end before because of dehydration. Steve was with her that week-end. He said when he left on Sunday that she seemed to be doing better.

But, she had taken a turn for the worse. Again.

God's Grace is "the power of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves".  And the fact is, we cannot do anything for ourselves.  Jesus says, "...without me you can do nothing."  ~John 15:5

I needed God’s grace. I always wear the necklace Sara gave me that says, “By Grace Alone.” Those words kept going through my head and I asked for His help, His grace. Without His grace, I was lost. How was I going to help her? How could I ease her suffering and pain?

I walked through the door of her condo.  Sara's dear friend Meg was with her, sitting next to her in bed. I hugged Sara (as much as I could without creating more pain) and I said, “Is this time different?” She said “Yes, I think so.” We cried, Meg left, and throughout that night I helped her as she struggled constantly. She hardly had a moment without relief from pain and getting physically sick.

Morning finally came and her friend, home nurse, our angel, Tabatha came to see how Sara was doing. After Tabatha saw Sara, we had much conversation, blood tests were taken, the results were received, and the words came…

”You may want to consider HOSPICE.” My tear filled eyes met Sara’s and she said, “YES.”

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.   ~Romans 8:26
My head said No, but my heart felt hers as excitement filled her face. Sara was finally going to meet our heavenly father. She said “Yes.” And her journey began…one year ago today, she began her journey to be with our heavenly father and, our dad!