
Monday, November 17, 2008



Did you ever have a lemonade stand when you were little? I never did at home because we lived on an acreage and there isn't a lot of traffic on country blacktop roads. And the traffic that did go by were farmers who didn't believe in speed limits... so a folding table at the end of our driveway wouldn't have been the safest place for a kid.

There was one summer, though, when I was staying with my cousin Stacey for a week... she had lemonade stands all the time. We got our fancy signs made and my Aunt Darlene helped us whip up some sugar-filled concoctions for the cars that passed by. And then we waited. And waited. And waited.

Every once in awhile people came by with their 50 cents to buy a glass... and a few times they'd hand us a dollar and would tell us to keep the change. We were crazy excited and thrilled that our hard work was paying off and people seemed to be pleased with our little venture.

And then HE stopped by. This random man who pulled his car to the side, asked for two glasses of lemonade, drank them, handed us a $20 bill and got back in his car. We were INSANE with excitement. We ran into the house talking over one another, relaying the story, running out of breath and celebrating our windfall... it was a good day to be in the lemonade business.

I was talking with a good friend of mine the other day who has had a lot happen in her life. She made the comment that she didn't think she was turning her lemons into lemonade.

I get that... me and my Pollyanna-self is always trying to take the lemons and find a new way to mix them up until something sweet comes from them. But I started wondering... what if it's more than that? What if all these lemons we're handed in life... the sour things we have to take, squeeze, stir and add bits of ourselves to in order to make them digestible... what if that's just the first step?

What if WE are the lemonade?

It's important for us to look at our lives, the gifts and burdens we're handed, and be open to the ways we can add sweetness. The ways we can intentionally help someone else, make our own selves better and try to do our best in any given situation. Turn our lemons into lemonade.

I know I couldn't do any of those things on my own. There is no way I would have the perspective, strength or fortitude if I didn't ask God for help in those everyday areas of my life. Our lemons turn to lemonade because He's given us the gifts to make that happen.

But have you ever thought about it from God's perspective? That He sees all of the challenges we have in our lives and He lets us walk through them for a reason? He could easily make every obstacle we face easy... smooth out the rough road ahead of us and make every day simple. But He's watching us as we work through the sour patches... as we take the lemons in our lives, squeeze all the juice from them, add in the sweetness of our faith and trust and acceptance, and press forward.

Maybe while we are going through the rough patches with as much grace as we can muster, He is smiling... seeing the big picture.

Smiling because He knows we will sometimes break even with our 50 cents, sometimes exceed our own expectations with a dollar tip, and have magical times when we are graced with a windfall of $20 just because we persevered. He is smiling... and pleased with the sweet concoction He's created in each and every one of us.

Maybe we don't just take our lemons and make lemonade.

Maybe to Him WE ARE the lemonade.

Just a thought.


  1. If you ever write an inspirational/motivational book, I'd be first in line to buy it!

  2. I'll be the SECOND in the line then! Gitz, you truly have a gift of words!! What an awesome reflection, and an inspiration to start a cold, achy bone day!
    Christina in WV

  3. Third - I'll be the third! After buying your book, I'd be on the way to SAM'S CLUB to buy a lifetime supply of sugar

  4. Oh my goodness, never have I thought of it from that perspective! I love it!
    And please note yet another comment about you writing a book!!! I'm the second in line to buy it!

  5. i want to be PINK lemonade. that case...if i'm the lemonade, what are the strawberries????

  6. I plugged up my printer so I can print this and use it like a study guide. You know how much I needed it. Love you, Sara.

    And I'm not getting in line for your book. I fully expect an advanced, autographed copy.

  7. Oh, I hope He's pleased. Some days I'm certainly more sour than others. :(

    I had this same phrase (If life gives you lemons...) going through my mind last night, wondering if I should blog about it. I like your twist on the thought.

    Thanks, Sara!

  8. "Refreshment" for God... simply brilliant... love the metaphor!

    I arrived at school today just as my son was meeting with his reading group. He was so excited, "Mom, he said, you'll never guess what we are reading about ... making lemonade in summertime.. isn't that funny today he says as he points to the snow flakes fluttering about outside!"

    Not wanting to hurt his feelings I agreed, but inside I thought, not today... really its just perfect, even in snowy weather!

    Have a sweetly rewarding day!

    BTW, if there is a line forming for the BOOK, I'll even be last in line... just get me in the line!

  9. You guys crack me up... I think for now I'll just keep trying to write the blog every day and worry about a book later :) Good to know I'd have a few takers, though! ;)

    @Cathi... You ARE totally pink lemonade... but wouldn't grape be super tasty??? I think all the strawberries are in your crazy pb&j concoction... ;)

    @anita: :)

    @michelle & vicky: I think great minds must be thinking alike today...

  10. This awesome...

    Smiling because He knows we will sometimes break even with our 50 cents, sometimes exceed our own expectations with a dollar tip, and have magical times when we are graced with a windfall of $20 just because we persevered

    This stopped me in my tracks.


  11. youre extra sweet lemonade. yes you are.

    sometimes. im just pulp. but today, you helped take the "funk" out of that pulp.

    and im pushing abw out of line. sorry. but i wanna be first.

    i kid.

    i wont push. hard.


  12. Oh Gitz, you always have such a way with words! Thank you for that. You make me see things from a different point of view. I can be pretty narrow minded at times.

  13. Wow! What a fresh perspective. I am God's lemonade. I'll accept that:)

    Found your blog by way of Mabel's House. I'll be back to visit!
