
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blog Buttons

You know how I like to make everyone happy? This is another shameless attempt at making that happen.

Awhile back I had an email asking me if I had ever thought about making some blog buttons with inspirational sayings on them because a reader wanted to have a visual reminder for herself to think positive on her blog.

I didn't, and didn't know how to go about making any.

More recently I had an email from another reader with an idea that I should have some blog buttons made so people could have visual reminders of positive thinking on their blogs. She even offered to pay to make the buttons.

Hmmm... ok. I'm listening.

So, I went surfing around online (ever the frugal one) and figured out how to make blog buttons all by my little old self. I have NO IDEA if this is something you all are interested in or if it will just make two readers happier people, but if it only makes two of you happy then it will have been well worth the effort. :)

Here's where I feel the need to put a disclaimer: I'm not promoting anything. I'm not asking you to put these on your blogs to increase my traffic. If no one uses these, it's ok with me. But if you think any of these little buttons will somehow make your day more Pollyanna-ish, then they are all yours. I made four buttons for you to choose from (two are graphics, two are from canvases I had made) or if you have a different post/saying you would prefer let me know and I'll whip one up for you.

I've also put them on the right sidebar so you can get them at your leisure. All you have to do is copy the code underneath the button, paste the code into an HTML widget and it should appear on your sidebar. Just spreading the love, people. Enjoy. :)

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></a></center>

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></a></center>

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></a></center>

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></a></center>



  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! I'm getting the choose joy button, and I am proud to link to your page! I have been working on a button forever but couldn't decide what to use as a graphic (imagine that). You are so creative. I am terribly impressed. Maybe I'll use my art and people will be inspired to laugh!

    Seriously, it is a blessing to link to your blog and share in helping people find a place where they can be refreshed and encouraged. Thanks Sara.

  2. And I chose the silver lining one because it really, really speaks to me. From a a little different perspective than yours, perhaps. It begs the question, "How much is enough?" I believe that had more people in the past couple of years been happy with a silver lining, our world would not be in such economic turmoil with so many families on homeless or on the brink of being homeless.

    Love the sentiment for its many meanings and I added it to my blog as well.

    Thanks for being you, Sara.

  3. Thank you sooo much for the buttons Gitz. I love your sayings that you've put on them. All 4 are on my blog (and I had to learn how to put them on my sidebar! Ahhhh, I learn something new every day.) And if you are ever bored and have nothing better to do and your body is cooperating???.....please make some more blog buttons!!

  4. Oh, these are great. I tried to figure out how to make buttons, but have not mastered it ....yet. I have the silver lining on my blog....after the holidays and some of the Christmas comes down from my blog, I will add all of them. I love them! They are great.

  5. I am using the silver lining one! LOVE IT!

    Soooo incredible that you figured out how to make these! Wow! I am totally impressed!

  6. wow, love them!! how kind are you. that is so wonderful. for now, i am taking the choose joy button. however, i think i may have to come back and get the "live intentional" button as that is what i'm trying to do lately.

    you're amazing,

  7. Oh - I really like the third one. The only thing better would be a "real canvas from the painter"!
    Thank you , thank you, thank you Sara!

  8. By-the-way, how in the world did you ever figure out how to do this? Would you please teach an online course? I'd PAY to take it!!!

  9. I'm using 2 can I do that? Now if only I can figure out how to get them on wordpress...girl you've no idea how steep my learning curve is. I love them! I consider this your little present to us! Thank you!!!!!
    (Actually, I went back and thought shoot I love them all! Maybe I'll change them out in weeks to come. IF I can figure it out!) Any wordpress users out there that have 1/2 a brain pllllease give me some advice...Seems I'm operating with only 1/4 of mine these days!
    Love to you~

  10. are you doing today sans marshmallows? I'm trying to boycott s'mores all day today in your honor :)

  11. THANK YOU!!!!!!

    Its like waking up to early Christmas. You are such a treasure and a blessing to so many and I know your words are meant to be shared :)

    I can't tell you the amount of pure "JOY" you just brought to me. Thank you for listening.

    Love you Gitz!

  12. Holy Mackerel! I think I got it!!!

  13. Sara...I love them all! You have great talents.

    Thanks, Ruth L.

  14. Thanks so very, very much, Sara, for the GREAT buttons. Since I don't have my own blog site, I've saved them to my pictures and will rotate them as my desktop background!! You're a true gem, Sara! Again, thanks so much for sharing your great talent with all of us! May our loving Father continue to shower blessings on you, dear-heart! Lauratina

  15. Very cool.

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  16. Woooow
    Love the buttons!!
    I am really into motivational quotes and all other different kinds of sayings. The ones you made are great.
    I found this site today with really funny and unique ones that were made into magnets. They were original art!!
    Anyway, thanks for sharing your art and your thoughts. Keep up the good work :)

  17. They´re beautiful! I went with the Choose Joy one, definitely need that reminder. Thanks!

  18. oooh...I LOVE THESE!! I'm def. going to link this so others can be reminded as well!!


    You all are seriously the most fun blog peeps ever. Seriously.

    I held my breath as I put this post up today because I didn't know if you all might think the buttons were silly. And here you all are, excited about keeping joy and faith and happiness front and center to see everyday. You all are so cool.

    My family had a rough day today with a farm sale that didn't turn out like we wanted, and I swear if it wasn't for all of you today reminding me of my own words and my own faith it would have been harder. I adore each and every one of you.

  20. I snagged the 3rd one! They are soo cool!

  21. Those are great, Sara! I am snagging the Be Intentional~ That reminded me of a story I had to share~ A few weeks ago I was heading to an appt and ran through McD's drive through first for a diet coke fix. I was already running behind and they were slow (it is afterall McD's :)) ) I was frustrated, irritated and getting grumpy as I was waiting in the line~then your post popped in my head about having one chance to affect this person at the window. I chose to "be intentional" at that moment and I thank you for that! (I tried to do a link to the actual post but alas, computer savvy I am not!)
    It is 13 degrees here in SD, thinking about in IA, hoping it is a little warmer for you!

  22. I'm picking, CHOOSE JOY because it will be my reminder that sometimes joy doesn't just come. We choose it. On days where it's not the obvious emotion to feel, we choose whether or not to have it. I want more joy in my life. So that's why I choose joy! Thank you for making these.

    p.s. plus I figure it'll be a quick link back to your blog for me too! ;)

  23. thank you for such a generous act of pure kindness. i linked to your blog from another and plan to use your BEAUTIFUL "choose joy" button. i've never commented on a random blog, but i felt so compelled to here. i've read a little about your journey and am thrilled to have found your site...i've already been so very blessed by your thoughts and words. thank you for blessing us with your gift and know thoughts and prayers are with you on the easy and on the hard days...God bless you.

  24. This is so fantastic. You are crafty! In a high-tech sort of way. :)

    I'm guessing these are collections from the famous wall o' happiness? wow...

  25. This is my first time to visit your blog and I can tell you that it won't be my last. Wow! You are amazing. I right away put the "Be Intentional" button on my blog. That is one of God's words to me. How fitting! I love how you speak His truth so much ... in your words, in stories and in your life. Thank you!
