
Monday, December 22, 2008

Emmanuel, God With Us

When I was in college, one of the big traditions on campus was the Men's Glee Club Christmas Concert. It's a big event that is usually sold out every year, and they hold auditions for students to try out and earn a spot to perform. I was always a little bit chicken to try out because I wasn't a part of the music program or any choirs in college and figured I didn't really have a shot.

But my friend Nicole, the one who is sitting at home this Christmas preparing for the arrival of her twin girls, was always one to encourage me... so I sucked up my courage and tried out. When I came back to our apartment one day to find balloons and notes of congratulations, I realized she had gotten to the answering machine before I did and that I was going to be performing at the concert. It's one of those moments that I'm so glad I had the opportunity to experience.

The song I sang at that concert is also one that I sang each year during the Christmas season at St. Stephen's. After all of the wonderful comments and stories last week, I thought this recording might keep us in the right mood for all we have to celebrate in the days ahead...

If you missed the story behind my recordings, you can find it here.

06 Emmanuel, God With Us  by  gitzengirl


  1. That was beautiful Sara. Your voice filled the room, and it was serene and rich and lovely. Thank you for posting that! I am thankful God allowed that time for you in the studio.

  2. @coloradolady: I just went and re-embedded it. If you're still having issues, let me know. Thanks :)

  3. @Anita: Oh! Guess it is working!!! Thanks for being so kind, as always. :)

  4. Beautiful.....that is the only word I can think of. Your voice is so wonderful.

    I think you need to make a CD and put them up for sale....there must be a way with technology what it is today to do that. I don't think you would have any trouble selling these if you did.

    Your voice is amazing. Such talant.

  5. It must be amazing to be able to sing like that... Sounds lovely Sara! I´d love to have that talent, but I don't ;-)

  6. I didn't think that after last week I'd come here this week and be given another joyous gift of such magnitude. I'm so happy to have been wrong : )

    Thank you for that lovely song. Thank you for the gift of your voice!

    Be well, love to you!

  7. So timely Gitz. It's a week when pausing to refocus is so necessary. Thank you for the pause.

  8. simply beautiful. I wish that I could sing...I mean I can sing, it just isn't that pretty. God's going to make me a worship pastor in heaven as it something I would love to be passionate about.

  9. Amazing! Both your voice and the the fact that HE IS with us.

    Merry Christmas Sara.


  10. Wow - that't all I can say...WOW!
    Would you please add a copy of your recordings to the list of things that I want to buy from you!
    A Very Merry Christmas to you Sarah.


  11. Beautiful!!

    I've never heard that song before. Totally new to me. It's always good to hear new Christmas songs.

    Sara, your voice is soothing to hear. You have a resonance that's deep and rich. I'm really surprised you never studied music.

    I think I'll go listen again.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Merry Christmas!!!

  12. Thanks for sharing another beautiful part of your self with us. Your voice is amazing : )

  13. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Echoing all the comments above.

  14. I can't get enough of that beautiful voice of yours. Keep sharing it with us.

    I haved downloaded the track and added it to my collection. I look forward to the next song.

  15. Brent (inworship) posted this on his blog today too! A video recording of them doing it at church!!! LOL!

    Off to listen to YOU now! ;-)

  16. Okay, not the same song. HAHA!!

    But his was called "God With Us" too. haha!

    Love it!!! You could make people cd's and give them as gifts! Now there's an idea!

  17. sara, i am so grateful i have found your blog online and the opportunity to hear you sing :)
    thank you for sharing that! so beautiful!

  18. Sara, I honestly do not know how I missed the first one. I think it was because I wasn't used to the grey bar and figured it hadn't loaded for me.

    All I can say as I listen to them both is, God has blessed you over and over and over. Thank you so much for blessing me and others with your many God given talents.

  19. Intentionally took a blog button...thanks! ;)

  20. WOW!!! Thanks so much for sharing! Beautiful!


    Thank you!

  22. my heart just melted.

    dang it gitz!
