
Monday, January 19, 2009

I've Succumbed

I've succumbed to the world that is Facebook.

I didn't mean to do it. I swear. I thought blogging was enough for me. Then a friend strong-armed me into being a Twit (yes, Tam... I'm talking about you), and considering I'm phenomenally behind at returning the growing number of emails in my inbox, I figured all of that was plenty enough to keep me busy.

But a friend of mine had some photos she uploaded to Facebook and the only way I could see them was to create an account. Seriously, though... how big of a deal could that be? I'd open an account, fly in under the radar and just lurk a bit.

Oh, how very naive of me. I opened an account, responded to a couple of friend invitations that were waiting for me, and three hours later I was sucked in... writing on people's walls, sending notes, uploading my blog. Seriously, people? What is wrong with me? I am physically incapable of resisting the urge to be a joiner. I can't help but jump in with both feet.

Suddenly I'm Facebook friends with cousins I've never met, high school friends I haven't spoken to in years, college friends whose weddings I was in and yet didn't know how many kids they had. I'm able to see that my niece is going to a Rascal Flatts concert (seriously, Anna? Country?) and gloat to an old friend that I was right about the Cardinals (never underestimate the power of Kurt Warner).

So, if you're on the fence about Facebook (*cough*Susie*cough*) my advice is to go ahead and jump in. The water's fine. And for the love of all things holy, people, if there's another social network out there you think I just can't live without -- keep it to yourself. I'd hate to get so caught up with the online world that I forget to blog...


  1. Facebook = major time suck! But too much fun!

  2. i've been racking my brain for something creative or witty to say. and i'm drawing a blank. more times than not, that's the case. hmph.

    i AM glad you're facebooking now. :)

  3. another way to share life with each other ;)

  4. Thank goodness you're on facebook! Do you know how it felt without you there?'s a PARTY!

    I don't think you joined for the sake of joining, I think you got sucked in by LOVE.

  5. I used to think Facebook paled in comparison to Myspace. Now I'm addicted to both. It's amazing what you can do and who you can find with just a few little mouse clicks...

  6. Here's the thing...I love it that you're on there!
    The reasons I love FB so much is the people I haven't seen in 25 years that I've reconnected with...also, it's amazing how I can keep up with my kids and their friends. Like the Rascal Flats concert you found out's too fun...keeps people like me who hate the phone connected!
    Love today.

  7. ALL family and friends are peer-pressuring me to it, but... I just don't want to have one more distraction to get ADDICTED to. :-) At least not right now... thanks for the message. glad it is working out for you. Frankly, i am so tempted but I think i will wait a little longer. make sure all don't leave me for some other place like they did when they got me to go on MySpace. Such loyal friends and family they are!!! :-) Or should i say "fickle"? Anyhow, be blessed and have a great day.
    papercutting and creative blog family blog

  8. Welcome to FB! Won't you be my friend? And you can update your status with Twitter (hopefully you also added TweetDeck) so you never REALLY have to hang out there too much.....but you will :) You're in deep, now!

  9. So glad you finally gave in to the peer pressure. It is fun seeing what you are up to on FB!

  10. Oh, please, don't stop blogging for twit and facebook. I would be crushed! :)

    I'm getting the same peer pressure (invitations) ... eek!

  11. Hey! I'm not quite sure when you joined, but I've searched for you soooooo many times b/c I wanted to Add you as a Friend!! Well, now I can, actually...just did...and I'm so super excited!! :)

    Welcome to the wonderful world of FB! It's just one more website that you'll get to check to see all of your comments from friends/family!! Such fun!!

    Thanks again for letting all of your blog friends know about your latest subscription to FB!!

    Have a fabulous day!

    Jess :)

  12. One of my daughters talked me into joining Facebook (the same one who got me blogging), and I know exactly what you mean. Within a day or two, my high school reunion committee found me, I've talked with a niece that I haven't seen since she was 7 or 8, and I know when my friends are going to WalMart, or if they've just finished doing their laundry.
    I'll have to see if I can find you and you can add me to your list, hee hee - pretty soon, you'll stop blocking my comments, as you will be sick of me:)

  13. You sum up the world of FB perfect. I am addicted to FB now that my neighbor talked me into joining.

  14. I am so happy! This made me laugh SO HARD!!!

    Love you girl....hysterical!

  15. and p.s.
    don't knock the country.

    we can still be friends though. ;-)

  16. I only got on board myself a few weeks ago. I love reconnecting with people you haven't seen in ages and especially the things they remember that you have long forgotten. So fun! So glad you are part of it too, count me in as one of the people who searched for you in the past!

  17. I've had a FB account for a while now and prefer it to myspace. -- I just met a young man (29) w/AS. He's here working on my gas fireplace. I was telling my husband about you, we were reading your blog and Shawn started telling me about his disease. He has quite a story. Blessings to you and him. Susan

  18. I was a bit late to the FB scene- I was resisting because I was afraid to get sucked in... I had every right to be afraid- I'm hooked!


  19. Welcome to my world! My pretend world, that is! Now that I'm on Facebook, checking emails, reading about 10 blogs a day, and trying to write my own ... I barely have time for my real life : )
    But it is fun, and addicting and a great way to reconnect with people. Have fun with it!

  20. I'm giving you the Lemonade Award. Stop by my blog to pick it up. :-)

  21. I found your blog off of Angie Smith's blog Bring the Rain. I love your art and have one of your buttons you posted on my blog. The other day I saw this phrase I thought would make a good saying for one of your art pieces. "Write your hurts in the sand. Carve your blessings in stone." Thanks for sharing your talents.

  22. I am laughing right now. I SO get this post. I'm glad you jumped in. Look me up.....So did I :)

  23. yeah i got sucked into fb too, its just something about writing on peoples walls that is kinda orgasmic haha.

  24. Hey, all... it is fun seeing you all everywhere. :)

    @susan d: That's incredibly ironic! Sometimes it just blows my mind when moments fall together like that. I'm sure he was shocked you'd ever heard of the disease... I always am when someone knows what I'm talking about.

    @amy: thanks for the quote. you're right, I really like it. :)

  25. Hey, I added you as a friend! Glad you joined FB!!!

    Pamela in TX

  26. :)
    Yes! No forgetting to blog. NO Ma'am!!!

  27. Those are exactly the reasons I won't get involved in Facebook - I don't WANT to be found! *LOL*

  28. I love facebook! I am glad you succumbbed!!! (Did I spell that right - maybe I could facebook it?!)

  29. are we facebook friends?

    youre my favorite twit.

  30. So addicting...welcome to 2.0 world.

    also, great posts on free will and spiritual gifts.

  31. So addicting...welcome to 2.0 world.

    also, great posts on free will and spiritual gifts.
