
Monday, March 2, 2009

I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

Alternately titled: Remember When I Told You I Was An Idiot?

Do you all remember my nice post about Lent that went up on Friday? How I waxed on about Lenten obligations and my memories of being a kid during the time of no-meat Fridays?

I had written that on Thursday so it would post at 12:01 on Friday morning… and then I went to bed because my sister Laura and brother-in-law Jeff were coming for lunch the next day. My nephew Thomas is an excellent basketball player (just ask me) and he had a tournament nearby this past weekend, which means I got to hang out with his lovely parents.

It was a rainy, crummy day here in Iowa on Thursday, which means I was feeling pretty crummy myself and sleep alluded me the majority of the night. So when I finally rolled out of bed on Friday morning at 11:15, and Laura called at 11:30 to see what sounded good for lunch because they were in town, I wasn’t exactly bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and thinking things through. She said they were right by a Kentucky Fried Chicken and I said, “That sounds perfect! I haven’t had that in ages and I love mashed potatoes. Let’s do that!”

[Does anyone see where I’m going with this yet?]

I hung up and finished putting on my mascara before sitting down to the computer to check on the blog. You know, the one that posted on Friday morning where I told you about my fish/chicken confusion? The one where I’m a smart-alec and tell you all at the end: “And remember, it’s Friday: NO CHICKEN.”

Yeah… that one.

I died laughing as I realized that I just told my sister chicken sounded great for lunch on a Lenten Friday, and called my mom to tell her that I’m an idiot (as if giving birth to me and knowing me for 35 years wasn’t enough for her to know that already). Here’s how our conversation went:

Mom: “You know, when the Hispanic hired hands on the farm learned we only ate fish on Fridays they told your dad that in Mexico chicken isn’t considered meat and is ok during Lent. They said it’s different because chickens come from eggs.”

Me: “Umm… Mom? Unless something changed from my 5th grade sex education class until now, we all originate from eggs.”

And that right there, people, is proof that I get it from my mother.


  1. THAT is hilarious!!!!!!!!! :-P

    Recent blog post: Organized Chaos

  2. so did you call off the colonel?!

    [i think i love you even more for this, if that's even possible!]

    Recent blog post: coffee talk: sock etiquette

  3. ;) I knew you'd like that one...

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  4. Nope. By the time I realized it I knew they'd already have it ordered. Right or wrong I enjoyed the Colonel's recipe and the good company that generously brought it to me. This is the same sister that was here when I told the story about the kitchen sprayer... we never seem to have boring lunches these days... :-[

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  5. Oh that's too rich! I gave up sugar and recently ate 6 chocolate kisses before I remembered...woops. I feel a little better now! O:-)

    Recent blog post: Spring is Coming!

  6. Ha ha ha ha ha ha...!

  7. I only wished that you remembered after lunch, not before. But didn't that chicken taste great. Nummy.

  8. hahahahaha! priceless. I love your frankness. Always entertaining and thought provoking. Blessings, Susan

    Recent blog post: Project 365

  9. too funny. I see that you ate the chicken anyway. I don't think God's going to punish you so eat away :)

    On ANOTHER note..I am still confused how to comment on your blog. I don't think I am doing it right as my pic never shows up. Is it just me?

    Recent blog post: Funny Friday

  10. :-D :-D :-D Yay for those of us with short-term memory loss! I am not alone. That's priceless. Thanks for the good laugh this early in the morning. I've been up since 4 'cause I can't sleep either. I think I'm going back to bed for a bit. I'll wake up and come back here. Hopefully, seeing my name on a post will jog my memory that's I've already read this!

    Recent blog post: Homeschooling to the Finish Line with Hannah-Bo

  11. i think it's great that the colonel celebrated lent with you!

    Recent blog post: first time for everything

  12. KFC sounds delightful right now.

    Recent blog post: give-away!

  13. HA HA HA HA! That is just classic, Sara, oh my goodness :-D

  14. best laugh I've had all day

    Recent blog post: Sunday Setlist - Java 22nd February 2009

  15. I started laughing at the title and I haven't stopped. OH the hilarity! I'm thinking of calling our home town store and suggesting they move the chicken to the dairy department. It's all wrong with it sitting there between the pork chops and ground beef.

    My question is this: well, shoot. I can't remember it. I just keep picturing that shiny chicken meat on your Friday plate.

    Recent blog post: Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Tips

  16. That is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

  17. so cute, sara!! i hope you are doing well today.

  18. It's like confession today on the blog! ;) We'll just pretend like I have the power to absolve you... now go in peace.


    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  19. You know, it REALLY did. :)

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  20. I just apparently have no shame...

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  21. They are working on getting it set up so you can sign in with your blogger account, but aren't there yet. You can use your Facebook account info to sign in (it should be a drop down option where it says guest) and then it will show your name and photo.

    Just be sure to put your email address in so you get replies from people, and your blog address so it links to you in case people want to check out your blog.

    For people that don't have Facebook: just leave it as guest and put your name in the nickname spot and fill the rest out.

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  22. Oh, how I understand that! I always check my sent email box in the morning to see who I replied to the night before... ;)

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  23. It was really good... you should have it for supper... and the potatoes would be easy on your teeth/headache.

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  24. Yeah, even I couldn't believe how dumb I was on this one... :-P

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  25. Thanks, girlie... hope you have a smog-free day where you can see those mountains...

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  26. Funny post. Maybe if you felt bad as you were eating the chicken you would be okay. :)

    I observed Lent as a teenager, sort of. I always gave up something I never really wanted, like liver. Some how I don't think that was how it is suppose to work.

    What is Riley giving up for lent?

    Recent blog post: Music Videos 2/27/09

  27. I love me some colonel's chicken! :*

    Recent blog post: Online Church?

  28. I seriously wish Riley would give up his urge to pee in my kitchen, but so far... no such luck *DONT_KNOW*

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  29. I had kind of forgotten how good it was!

    Recent blog post: I Should Not Be Your Lenten Role Model

  30. This post totally cracked me up. I have really enjoyed your blog! (btw - I'm in Iowa, too!)

    Recent blog post: i heart faces
