
Friday, April 24, 2009

Two Giveaways in One Week?!?

Yep... you get to win again. :)

I was sent a copy of a new book, Nine Ways God Always Speaks, written by Mark Herringshaw and Jennifer Schuchmann ... and they were kind enough to include one to give away to a blog reader as well!

I was completely intrigued by the title, because I have always been a little in awe when people have told me that God spoke to them. It seems so casual when it is said in conversation. Someone will randomly comment, "God told me that was the right decision." or "God spoke to me and so I got up and took action." And I always have the same question.


Seriously. I have had people look at me like I'm nuts when I ask it, but really... if you say God spoke, I'm interested in hearing the details.

What they most often mean is that they had a thought, or a feeling, or an urge to do something out of the ordinary. And that I totally understand. I've had my moments of a thought coming out of the blue and realizing that, while it came from within me - it wasn't from me. I've had impulses that I have ignored, which have nagged at me endlessly until I've taken action on them. I've looked back on situations where I didn't feel God's presence in my actions, but later see His hand guiding all of it. I've never heard God's voice, but there are ways He definitely speaks.

And that's what this intriguing little book is all about. If I'm honest, I was hoping for definitive answers. I was hoping they were going to outline what to listen for, how to listen for it, and what it will sound like when you hear it. I kind of wanted a how-to guide for calling up God and hearing what He has to say.

What I got, instead, made a lot of sense. I got examples... this book tells story after story of ways God has touched people in their lives, spoken to them, guided them. It's broken up into sections, but each story is unique, just as we are unique and our relationship with God is one of a kind.

And I think that's how God works. He meets us where we're at, He speaks our language and waits for us to listen. As the authors put it, "The burden of discerning God's communication isn't on the speaker; it's on the listener." Sometimes He's very subtle. It's up to us to pay attention.

I was just talking to my friend Jenny the other day about the fact that if we want to be good listeners, we actually have to shut up every once in awhile. [Literally, we're definitely talkers.] But even if we're not saying a word, if we want to hear what God has to say it might be a good idea to give Him the room to sneak in between the radio and the television and the Wii playing in the background. We've decided it might be the courteous thing to give Him some wiggle room.

I don't think that's because He can't get His message across through all the noise. He can. He can do anything. It's that the noise makes it harder for me to listen... and that part of the relationship is all up to me.

So, this book didn't give me instructions. It didn't give me answers. But it certainly gave me a lot to think about. It gave me examples that I saw myself and my life reflected within. It also gave examples that seemed way out there to me, but it opened my eyes to the possibility that those instances exist for people.

That's the beauty of being unique. We all get to figure out how He works in us as we go along.

If you're interested in winning a copy of the book, just leave me a comment by midnight CST on Sunday, and I'll announce the winner on Monday!


  1. I feel Him speaking to me more then hear. :)

    Recent blog post: What’s on Your Mind ‘09? - Matthew 11:28-30

  2. Christina J. WerdebaughApril 24, 2009 at 4:12 AM

    Sounds like a great book!! Maybe one that we could create sort of an "online" bookclub meeting for those of use who are homebound?

  3. Like you, I was totally intrigued by the title of this book. It sounds like a great read. Have a fabulous weekend. Blessings, SusanD

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday - 4/23/09

  4. I've never heard the "booming voice of God" either, but have certainly had Him tell me He's around. And every time, it was thought-provoking and left me with more questions than answers. I really do embrace the mystery of Him for the most part. We'll get answers eventually and I'm quite OK with that.

    Recent blog post: He is Risen Indeed

  5. This would be a great book for me to read right now, and I'm trying to learn to be still and hear God in my own life. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
    Have a great weekend with Riley and George ;)

  6. I have always wondered about that as well as how others talked to him. I would love to hear your thought on that.

    Love from WI


    Recent blog post: Encouragement

  7. Cool book....I will have to get this one. My Amazon account hasn't been activated in a whole week...

  8. I love hearing and reading about this. I think it shows up so differently for everyone. Perhaps there are more ways than just the ways your used to hearing HIM talk to you, but you just have to be open to them!

    Recent blog post: My Own Little Miracle. Part One

  9. I've pondered this same topic and would love to read the book. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it!

  10. This sounds like a wonderful and important book. I am a literal thinker who loves God. If I didn't already understand that His is not a literal voice, then I am sure I would be having my hearing checked.

    Hey! Maybe they could put a chapter in about ice cream! Would God say Moose Tracks, too? ;)

    Recent blog post: What Shows Through?

  11. The book sounds very interesting. If I don't win I may consider buying. Thanks for sharing.

    Recent blog post: Seven Months

  12. Oh, I would love to win this book. I always enjoy a good read. Thanks!!!

  13. Hi Gitz,
    Honestly, I whould love to get this book. Can I get it anywhere? I am a newer Christian, and love reading anything that had to do about God. Expecially, anything that has to do with strengthning my relationship with Him.
    Have a great weekend!!!


    Recent blog post: The panic

  14. Sounds like a really good book...I have been forcing myself to be silent just so I can hear what it is that I am supposed to be doing...Not really "hearing" anything but I know it is there...I have recently opened that door back up so I am still holding onto ways of the past instead of looking forward...Maybe I need to be a little more quiet?

  15. Interesting book! If I don't win, I may have to go out and get it anyway. My moments of being spoken to have been that subtle urging, though once it seemed much more like an embrace. Thanks for sharing the title, so I can put it on my "To Read" list!

    Recent blog post: Roots

  16. i definitely agree about God meeting you where you are at and speaking to you in specific ways. i am definitely interested in this book! thanks!


  17. I think God speaks to me mostly through His Word. It is truly living and active! Sometimes, after He has answered a prayer, I'll smack myself in the head (think V8 commercial) and say, Lord I'm sorry, you answer and I don't even notice!

    I GOT MY CANVASSES!!!! I love them. They are even more beautiful in person! Is it o.k. to link to you about them? Thanks so much! :-D

    Recent blog post: We're officially home!

  18. Ooooh what a great book! It sounds like a good read! :-)

  19. I think I would LOVE that book. Especially if you did. And I very much trust your thoughts on this. I'm a talker, too (could you TELL?) and listening is GOOD. :)

  20. Robin All Things Heart and HomeApril 24, 2009 at 7:20 PM

    I met Jennifer S once, she and my bud Julie are writing buddies, I've heard it a great book!
    And from what you said I really want to read it!
    love you Sweet Pea...Your spring green Dell is on the way WWWOOOOOO HHHOOOOOO! :-D

    Recent blog post: Stephie’s Monster Cookies!

  21. Sounds like great book! I would love to win a copy to read.

    Recent blog post: Boogity, boogity, boogity.. Let's go racing boys!

  22. Looks like an interesting book. Aww your dog is adorable! :O

  23. i need to pick up this book and read it with my son.

    we were JUST talking about this last night. kota is very mindful and aware of those "i think God is gettin in my ear" moments. there are times when suddenly he will disappear into his room, come out later and share that he felt he needed to go read his bible cuz God needed to talk to him.

    dude. youre 12! but he gets it. i told him what you said in your post. God is always trying to get out attention. we're just not always aware of it, be it our busyness or our mouths. we dont stop often or long enough to soak Him in.

    Recent blog post: pimp my post

  24. Sounds like a great book to read. Thanks for the chance to win..

  25. This book sounds wonderful. I'd never heard of it, but think it would be awesome :) Love your blog by the way.... you are a true inspiration! Oh, and your little doggie is absolutely adorable! The pictures of him (and the stories!) crack me up!

    Recent blog post: Happy Weekend!

  26. Hi, not sure why the message I just left did not work, but wanted to make sure I mentioned how much I appreciate so many of your blog posts, your openness to share what God is teaching in and working on in you, and you work is such a blessing as well. I would love to win the book to give to a friend, if possible... thank you. Have a great day.


    papercutting blog

    family blog

    Recent blog post: For All Artists Out There...

  27. it is exciting to me to hear about your son, Tam... May God alway draw his heart continually after Him. May He pour His annointing and blessing and faith into your son and use Him in amazing ways for His kingdom. Remember how Daniel, Samuel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, each were so young, but even so early their resolve to follow God was sure and true. That is what I want for my kids, and that is what I desire even for your son, whom I have never met. Blessings on you and your family. May He "bless you, keep you, make His face shine upon you, and give you peace" (numbers 6: 24-26)


    family blog

    papercutting blog

    Recent blog post: For All Artists Out There...

  28. I've been interested in this book since I saw it on Matthew's blog. I'm not big on the emotional "God spoke to me" side of this, though I'm sure it happens, but rather a "God opens and closes doors" kind of speaking. It would be interesting to know what she thinks of it.

  29. Sounds like a great read. I too am very intrigued!!! Thanks for sharing.

  30. I know God speaks and when He speaks to me it's in a multitude of different ways. I know in my spirit He is speaking because my spirit reacts to His voice. I also always ask for confirmation so I am sure I am not hearing incorrectly or through my own agenda. But, I have heard Him audibly a few times and it's amazing. I agree with you and Jenny ... it's good to be still and quiet and listen. Let Him take the lead. That reminds me of a speaker, Louis Giglio, I heard who was talking about prayer and how we usually pray down our laundry list and then Jesus name, Amen. He said something like, How about praying, Hello Lord, I'm just going to sit hear and listen to what You have to say. Wow! That is life-changing! Great post!

    Recent blog post: On Moving and Hormones ...

  31. This sure sounds like an interesting read. I also have never heard God audibly speak and always wonder what it's like. I think I am really bad at listening. My head is always filled with one worry or another.

    Thanks for another giveaway opportunity this week. I hope you've had a good weekend. :)

  32. I've felt that 'gut feeling' where I take that as God nudging me. Sometimes its a little nudge 'yes Kate, do that' other times its a pretty hard jab 'what are you thinking!?? STOP!!'
    I'm not sure I've heard His voice but I keep looking for His hand, His guiding, His help.
    I need it a lot. Will have to go out and get this book (if I don't win it)

  33. Interesting title...sounds like a book I would definitely enjoy reading!
    Love your blog and especially your tales about your adorable pooch,Riley!! :)

  34. "...if we want to be good listeners, we actually have to shut up every once in awhile."

    And don't forget: God gave us two ears and one mouth. ;)

    Recent blog post: SunBeams 9

  35. i think i've figured out the missing photo thing. i had to switch to internet explorer, cause i couldn't get it to work in firefox. hmph.

    i'm trusting to hear from God for some big stuff... will you pray that i'll hear Him clearly?

    Recent blog post: i’ll never be good enough
