
Friday, May 8, 2009

Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

It’s funny… I was searching through stacks of photos trying to find ones of my mom and me to put into this post. I wanted to be able to show you in pictures why she should be celebrated this Mother’s Day… and in all of those stacks of photographs I was only able to find a meager few where I could crop just the two of us together.

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And that so perfectly sums up being a Mom, doesn’t it? She was the one taking the photos. She was the one who tended to the scraped knees and the hurt feelings and the moments when no one but a Mom could make things better.

She’s the one who cooked the meals to nourish our bodies. She’s the one who made fancy after-school snacks in the pretty dishes to nourish our spirits. She’s the one who snuggled with us in the chair at night before bed to nourish our hearts.

She’s the one who made the birthday cakes and planned the parties and shopped for the presents. Every year on Christmas Eve Dad would walk in the door at 5pm from doing chores and ask her, “Now, do we have enough presents for everyone?” Mom’s the one who reassured him that, yes… she had thought of all six of the children before the Christmas Eve deadline. She’s the one who organized the events and holidays where I was photographed with other people. She’s the Mom.


When I was little, I was literally attached to my Mom’s hip. If she went to town for coffee with friends, I went too. If she was making beds, I was getting in her way. If she was baking a cake, I was licking the beaters. Which is why I am the only one of the six kids who was sent to preschool. They were nervous that if I didn’t start something before kindergarten I’d never want to leave her side.

I remember walking down the hall into Ms. Hollitz’ room. There was a little boy at the end of the hall who was crying and refusing to walk through the door. Mom leaned down and said to me, “That poor little boy is scared. It’s a good thing you’re a big enough girl to be able to do this and know I’ll be back.”


Smart move. Because I remember thinking that the little boy had the right idea. But every day Mom would drop me off at preschool and reassure me what time she would be there to pick me up… and she promised she would go straight home and not have coffee with friends or do anything that I would possibly be missing out on. Of course, Mom was a good liar about the coffee, but she was always waiting there in the parking lot right when she said she would be. Because that’s what Mom’s do. They show up when it counts.

A friend on Twitter was recently asking for examples of things our Moms taught us so that he could put them in his Mother’s Day sermon. I told him that my Mom always told us that any work that’s honest is honorable. She told me when I went to school that if I waited for people to come be my friend I would be lonely… I should go be their friend. And most importantly, she prayed for us.

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She didn’t just pray for us, but she prayed every night for the people we would someday marry. She prayed that, just as we were being raised with love, our future spouses were also being loved and were making good decisions. Decisions that would prepare them to be good to her children.

I have joked that she may have wasted a few good years of prayer on my spouse since I seem destined to be eternally single, but when I look around at the people who have blessed my life, I know her prayers were heard. Not for my spouse, but for my friends who have chosen to walk through this life with me… I think her prayers were really for them. And I’m so grateful she loved me enough when I was little to think ahead to my adult life.

But she’s the Mom. That’s what Mom’s do.

And I love you for all of it. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.


  1. This is the sweetest post ever! Brought a few tears to my eyes- and I am reading this at work... so I am sure I would be sobbing if I were at home! Your mom sounds like she is a great woman! I hope my daughter and 2 step-sons will be able to look back and say the same things of me! Great post!

  2. Now I'm crying. Thank God for all those mothers who lift their children in prayer and raise them to be Godly people.

    Beautifully written.

    Recent blog post: A Trip to the Zoo

  3. Mary Grace McNamaraMay 8, 2009 at 7:53 AM

    Amen! You mother is a beautiful woman, and you know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

    Happy Mother's Day to all moms and mom-like people out there!


    Recent blog post: Recycled Jeans Make a Great Apron!

  4. Nice - thanks Sara, now I look like a schmuck with the piddly little note I put in a card for Mom!

    Um, hey Mom - yeah, what she said . . .

  5. Happy Mother's Day to your beautiful mama!!

    Recent blog post: where in the world is carmen sandiego?

  6. What a wonderful post. You two could be twins, if you dyed and cut your hair. Two very lovely ladies. Wishing your mom, the happiest of Mother's Days!

    Recent blog post: This and That

  7. Just Beautiful

    Recent blog post: UGH Turbo!

  8. That was so sweet! I hope my little girl grows up to be as thoughtful as you.

    Your mom is lucky to have you as a daughter!

    Recent blog post: WDW: Tickets

  9. Oh my Sara!! Thank you so much and I love you. You forgot to say that the best present I ever got for Mothers day was you. That' right -- Sara was born on Mothers Day.

  10. Sara, you have just been doing amazing posts this week and I have just loved coming here every day. And to have your mom show up and say that, after what you just said about her? I don't think it gets any better than this.

    I think its every mother's dream to know they touched their kids in the exact ways you just told us today. Happy's Mother's Day, hope Riley gets ya something extra special ;)

    Recent blog post: "Wired for Sound."

  11. *sniff* Think I'll call my mom...

  12. :) It is UNCANNY how much you two not only LOOK alike but how you make the SAME expression in each picture! And you are both so BEAUTIFUL. I'm serious and no flattery here. Truth is truth.

    What a blessing to have a mom like this. I hope my children feel this way about me when they are grown. (Maybe I should start working harder! lol)

    Recent blog post: Let HER Entertain You.....

  13. Ever since seeing your beautiful canvases, I have tried to think of how I could use that idea for my nursery. I am expecting a little girl in the next few weeks and keep thinking that an arrangement of 3 or 4 canvases would look really neat in the nursery. I cannot for the life of me figure out what to put on them though. Any ideas?

  14. I bet this made your mom cry! Being a preschool teacher, I got a chuckle out of the preschool part! Your mom's comment to you on that first day was a very smart one. What nice photos! You are gorgeous!

    Recent blog post: This and That and Some Funnies

  15. Sara, what a beautiful sentiment for your mom. Sounds like you were a lucky girl to have her, and I'm sure she counts herself as lucky to have you. In case she's reading this, I'll tell her what I told your dad on his birthday post: You sure did a heck of a job raising this girl : )
    (and Hoody too ... because I've gotta love the sense of humor in your reply : )

    BTW, when is your birthday? Must be soon if you were a Mother's Day baby ... do tell!

  16. What a beautiful post, Sara. Your memories are beautiful ones, and your mother sounds as if she was a loving and adoring mother - and still is. Happy Mother's Day! - to your Mom and thank you for sharing your story.

    Over at "RaisinToast"

    Recent blog post: Oh! What Nice Navigation You Have! ©

  17. I'm sure you're a great Mom... and someday they'll be blogging all about you :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  18. Thanks, Kristy... I'm sure it's a special Mother's Day for you this year with a little one on the way...

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  19. She is pretty cute, isn't she?

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  20. Well, I can't run to Hallmark so I had to create my own sentiment. :) I'm pretty sure it's implied that it's from all of us [or at least it is now...] :*

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  21. You know, my mom always has people ask what color her hair dye is! She looks at them like they're crazy and wonders who in the world would dye their hair WHITE?

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  22. It's kind of hard to top a present every year since I gave you "me" right off the bat! ;)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  23. Thanks, Vicky... that's so nice of you to say about the posts. And I have no doubt your boys will gush over you someday... in a boy kind of way :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  24. Hey, Rob... you know, I hadn't noticed that but you're totally right. Our expressions match exactly!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  25. Hi, Mindy... will you email me at so I can have your email address? That way we can toss around some ideas! :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  26. It's funny... I remember walking down that hallway so clearly. And that little boy was NOT happy.

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  27. Yeah, Hoody's always been the ornery one in our family... cracks us up on a regular basis!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  28. Happy Mother's Day to you, too!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  29. Some ideas for you:

    God bless this child. (or baby's name)

    Every baby needs a lap!

    Now I lay me down to sleep...

    Sugar and spice and everything nice
    That's what little girls are made of.

    Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star
    Do you know how loved you are?

    A pretty background with simply the baby's name on top of it. Or the baby's name and the date of birth, length and weight.

    Or small canvases with pretty bow hangers that spell out the letters of the baby's name.

    Just some ideas. Congratulations!

    Recent blog post: Maui 2008 Revisited Day 4

  30. Thanks, Susan... I'm so happy for you that Kathleen is home this Mother's Day. Hope it's a special one for you!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  31. As usual, Sara, you've come up with a winner of a post. Happy Mother's Day to your mom.

    Recent blog post: Maui 2008 Revisited Day 4

  32. Aww... you're so good!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  33. Thanks, Sherri... easy to write when all you have to do is remember. :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  34. ooooohhh boo-hooing here. What a GREAT story, especially since it's true! What a wonderful tribute to an, obviously, generous of heart and soul woman.

    Recent blog post: Friday's Pop Quiz: What Kind of Communicator are You?

  35. I love your mother's comment. It really is hard to top a present like "you" on mother's day. By the way, did you get my email? You won the Harry Potter Collection on my blog! Congrats!

    Over at "RaisinToast"

    Recent blog post: Oh! What Nice Navigation You Have! ©

  36. What a wonderful post you have written for your mom...very special. I joined in a few days back as I cameacross your JOY post and just absolutely loved every bit of it...I have now posted the button and amhoping that morewillcometoreadyour writing...your an amazing gal with a wonderful story to share. I love the name story! I look forward to learning more about you. Have a great week-end.

    Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday...

  37. I like your new header (at least its new to me, I think!)

    Moms are good. My mom always said "In order to have friends, you have to be a friend". :)

    Recent blog post: 300

  38. What an adorable post!


    Recent blog post: Currents (9th May)

  39. It's always good to have these days to celebrate special people, isn't it?

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  40. Thanks so much, Melissa... I'm glad you found our little world here. :) Thanks for joining in; I love getting to chat with you all every day. :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  41. It is new, THANKS! :) I have to spend all my time indoors, so I thought the blog should at least look a little more like sunshine and Spring colors. :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: God Bless Mom

  42. I found your blog today on Mother's Day (while trying to distract myself because of a migraine.) I read what you wrote about your Mom stopping vacuuming to help you write your name. After I read this, my kids called me and instead of responding from the computer I went and sat with them on the couch. Thanks for the inspiration.

    I appreciate your sharing your journey with pain. I have been on a journey with daily pain for the past 17 years. I have daily headaches/migraines. I have recently started a blog to share verses that encourage, inspire and challenge me. I like the way you tell your story. I marked your blog as a favorite and I look forward to reading more.
    (I tried to find a picture of myself but just found this of my kids.)

    Recent blog post: orphans in distress

  43. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeMay 10, 2009 at 5:59 PM

    okay, so you and your sweet mom made me cry. I love this and how blessed your mom must be to have you love her so...
    Soooo, your birthday's coming up huh??? smooch~

    Recent blog post: Welcome to my new Home!

  44. I just found your blog by accident and was so moved by your story. It was the perfect day to find it, too, because the word "Joy" reminds me of my mother. Her favorite verse--the one she shared with me whenever I was having a hard time as a teen--was Psalm 30:5b and so JOY became the word I associate with her the most. I also have a little Maltese, Emmi, who is so naughty and so cute! Glad to have found you!

    Recent blog post: Bloom Where You Are Planted

  45. Wasted prayer on your spouse? hahaha....

    You know... I think it's amazing that you have matching facial expressions in each photo. Am I the only one who noticed that?

    Recent blog post: Because I knew their stories…

  46. Love this post. It's really true that moms are rarely in photos. I try to hand the camera off to my husband so that I'll be in some of the photos, because after my dad and his mom passed away, I found that we had very few pictures of them to enjoy. The camera always seems to want to focus on the kids (or cute puppies), doesn't it?

    Hey, I know you are missing being outdoors. If you want to take a nature walk vicariously, I posted some pictures of my Mother's Day outing to the local nature center with my kids. Lots of greenery!

    Recent blog post: 2d Annual Mother’s Day Nature Walk
