
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hours of Entertainment…

Just to keep you informed of every, tiny, miniscule aspect of our lives, this is still what Riley does to break up the hours of boredom busyness around here:

Where’s Riley?IMG_6853IMG_6854There he is!!!

I wonder if that game will ever get old…

[If it’s already gotten old for you, don’t tell me. The little dude keeps me entertained]

I did manage to take a moment out from all the laying around rousing games of peek-a-boo around here to pick a canvas winner, so without further ado, picked:

AMY: I'm crying. You amaze me with your wisdom. 
Beautiful, abundant blessings to you.

Looks like I’ll be shipping my first out-of-country canvas to Canada!!!

Congratulations!!! Email me at with your mailing address and I’ll get it shipped out to you!

***** ***** *****

If you feel so inclined, and have had a burning question that you’ve just been dying to ask me, now’s your big chance since I’m going to do another Blog Peep Question post next week! I do still have a list of your questions waiting for answers, but feel free to leave any questions [serious, silly or otherwise nosy] in the comment section today… what I don’t get to next week I’ll include in another post.

Have a great Thursday… [and I promise I’ll have something of more substance to say tomorrow. :)].


  1. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeMay 28, 2009 at 6:27 AM

    Oh this is just what I needed woman...substance is highly over-rated today. Aren't you a sweetie sending a canvas to Canada!!!
    Smooch to the pup~

    Recent blog post: Styrofoam~Twine~and Flowers oh my!

  2. Oh, I love this one. I want to be more fun. Less of a nerd. Nice, easy-breezy post.

  3. Riley is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!

    Question - I have been following your blog for awhile but have somehow missed this. Do you have family that lives near you? I know you have a fantastic support network and lots of friends, I know your family has visited (due to blog posts) but I was not sure if they live nearby at all.

    Also, if you had to eliminate one candy bar from the world - which would you destroy? :)

  4. Oh, I love this post. I want to be more fun. Not such a nerd. Easy-breezy.


  5. Congratulations, Amy!

    And I never get tired of seeing Riley. What a hoot!

    Recent blog post: Buddy the Dog or "What's for Lunch?"

  6. Okay, what does your quiet time with God look like? What has been your favorite bible study? Who inspires you the most?

    Recent blog post: Such amazing truth ...

  7. More substance? Please... as if there is anything of more substance than Riley pup!! 8-)

    Recent blog post: Dairy Queen Shenanigans

  8. That's a really gorgeous dog, i love your pics

  9. I want to know if you "play" any games on FB.
    Sometimes I feel bad about sending you stuff - but if you aren't interested, just hit that little ignore button!

    Recent blog post:

  10. I don't think peek a boo will EVER get old!

    Recent blog post: Yesterday

  11. Peek-a-boo never gets old when you are playing with the young. When you get my age objects like car keys, and glasses, start playing hiding games. That is not fun.

    Does Riley understand this seasons final episode of Lost? It is beyond the level of comprehension for my poor human brain.

    Is that a little baby elephant on the couch in the first picture? Where did it come from?

    Recent blog post: Bible Study – Deuteronomy 15:7-8 Helping the Poor

  12. so cute. i love it. =) he looks sooo hugable. and soft. and I just have a cat who naps all day. she doesn't play any games, thats for sure.

    Recent blog post: Killing Community

  13. It's possible that I missed this since I haven't been reading for *too* long, but how and when did you start painting?? Your canvases are beautiful. Related question, how do you choose the quotes which you feature?

    Recent blog post: she has a FACE!
