
Friday, June 26, 2009

Riley Speaks…

Someone is having withdrawals from his blog mascot fame.


I told him NorEaster asked for photos of him in the comment section today and he seemed to perk up a bit…


Then he started barking orders.

Obviously he’s been thinking a lot while we’ve been laying around, because he had some big ideas for me…


Let it be known that when the alpha speaks, I listen… so here’s another song I recorded back in the day:

04 Turn and Love  by  gitzengirl

Thanks for being so patient with me, guys. I’ll work on a post to update you on life in general… I’m just realizing while putting this little one together that it’ll have to be done in spurts instead of my normal way of writing [which usually consists of me sitting down and babbling until I’m done, otherwise known as rambling], but I’ll do my best to get one up by Monday.

In the meantime, enjoy the song and I hope you have a GREAT weekend…

Miss you all!


  1. We all knew this anyway, but Riley is one smart alphadog :)

    Recent undefined:=-

  2. Beautiful songyou have made! I sure hope that your doing take care a you. ;)

    Recent undefined:=-

  3. Beautiful songyou have made! I sure hope that your doing take care a you. ;)

    Recent undefined:=-

  4. We are thinking of you all the time. Miss you, too!!

  5. Thinking & praying for you-as always.
    I think Riley gets cuter with age?!

  6. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJune 26, 2009 at 5:56 AM

    Love this song! such an UP beat!!! (Great message too)
    Okay, I'm so interested in you right where you are. I want to know how in the world you are doing. Was this caused by the brief Dr. visit? I have a million questions...
    I'm praying, and holding you in my head and my heart...hugs for you, smooches for Riley...

    Recent blog:=- Squash-Vidalia Onion Casserole

  7. Yes, I was wondering the same thing...if the Dr's visit brought this on.
    Riley always looks so "well-kept." How often do you have to have him groomed? I love his big black eyes.

  8. I could totally see Riley boogeying to your beautiful voice. I'm sure he loves it as much as we do! Beautiful - sending hugs of healing :)

    Recent blog:=- I Just Don't Understand

  9. I'm wondering those things too and praying for you constantly. God has totally laid you on my heart. Don't you be concerned with us and not blogging.....we want you to rest and get better! Blessings, SusanD

    Recent undefined:=-

  10. Its so good to even have you show up briefly, but especially with Riley pics and a beautiful song! Just keep hanging in there and know we are all here for you whenever! Love and hugs!

  11. A song a day won't keep your readers away.
    Riley's a smart boy.
    Sending constant prayer and much love!

    Recent blog:=- Pugs in Desperate Need of Help

  12. Beautiful song! Still praying for you. Can't wait to read your post on Monday! ;)

    Recent undefined:=-

  13. Gorgeous song - thanks for sharing, Sara! We miss you too!


  14. That Riley....he is such a cutie! I hope you are feeling a bit better, just rest..take it easy. We miss you but will be here when you feel up to it again. :)

    Recent blog:=- Beginner Quilting Class: Yes... I am that person.

  15. I can only imagine the joy that Riley brings to your life because he sure makes us all smile! Praying for you sweet sister! Praying!

    Hey, have you thought of publishing a book of all those funny photo's of Riley and his alpha-dog quirks? It would be great ... "The Life of Riley." :)

    Have a restful day sweet friend!

  16. Thanks Riley for the song from your Mom. Hope you are better soon! YOU are an inspiration to us all.

    Recent undefined:=-

  17. Just gorgeous Sara! When did you record the songs you have posted? Give Riley a cuddle for me!

    Hugs and Blessings, Leslie

  18. I remember the days sitting in St. Stephen's with you singing this song. It gave me chills then, and it still does. We miss you darling! Hope you feel better soon!

  19. Aww, what a gorgeous dog! I try and blog photos of my cat sometimes, but she NEVER looks at the camera when I want her to! :/

    Recent blog:=- Mr. Fat Gingerbread Man.

  20. ... and he never lets me forget it :)

  21. Thanks, Melissa. I recorded them many years ago and am happy I have them now. Glad you liked it.

  22. Miss you, too. Sorry I couldn't answer the phone the other day but it was great to get your message!

  23. Thanks for the prayers... I think he's getting a smidge calmer with age, too, which might be making him cuter in my book... :-P

  24. Hey, girl... I've been trying to put a post together all week to update you guys and will hopefully get it up today, so maybe 1/2 million of your questions will be answered. :* Thanks for checking in.

  25. I actually groom him myself, so he gets brushed and trimmed often. He also stays pretty clean since he never leaves the house either! :)

  26. Thanks, Candy. It's funny, when he was a puppy I sang him to sleep at night... can you say child-replacement?!?!?

  27. Thanks, Susan... I really appreciate it so much. I'll hopefully have a post finished later today to put up and explain things for you.

  28. Thanks, babe. Wondering how Dakota is doing?

  29. Thanks, Neas... don't have too many recorded songs left, so I'm trying to use them sparingly :)

  30. Thanks, Paige... glad you liked it!

  31. Thanks, Cynthia... hope you're feeling well this weekend.

  32. Hey, Suzanne... Riley's sitting next to me snuggled on his own blanket right now. :)

  33. God knows I have enough photos of him to put one together. :)

  34. Thanks, Becky. You all really do keep me going, too.

  35. I did them quite a few years ago when I was working at the magazine. I was hired to do a radio jingle and traded for a little bit of studio time. [It was the corniest jingle EVER.]

  36. Hey, Carla... I miss those days so much... there's nothing like singing at St. Steve's.

  37. The trick is in the Cheerios. This pup will pose endlessly for a treat :)

  38. Thank you, Gitz. That fella really perked ME up! :-D
