
Monday, June 1, 2009

Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

I’m always looking for ways that we can be a little more interactive here on the Gitzen Girl blog. I love that you show up every day to read my ramblings, but sometimes I wonder what YOU ALL really want to read about. And I think I may have figured out a fun way to let you decide.


On Mondays, we’re going to pretend that we’re back in our younger days of watching Sesame Street… where each episode was brought to you by a letter of the alphabet.

I’m going to give you the chance to pick my topic of the day, and each week’s topic will correspond with the next letter in the alphabet. For example, next Monday’s topic will have to start with the letter “A” … but YOU ALL will have to provide the topic for me. You can have me tell you about my [A]ll time favorite meal, or tell you a story about owning an [a]quarium or inquire about whether or not I’m [a]ccident prone. I would appreciate it if you didn’t ask about crazy topics like aardvarks or acroliths, because those are topics for which I don’t necessarily have a lot of experience [I totally grabbed that last one randomly at].

I have, however, read enough Harry Potter books to tell you how to do the [a]ccio spell if you’re interested.

At the end of each Monday’s blog post, I’ll have you give me suggestions in the comment section for the following week’s letter. Beer, Cats, Driving while my car starts on fire [oh wait, that one was already covered…], basically the sky is your limit.

This could be fun… I’ve always liked a good challenge. :)

a to z

Ok, peeps, start posting topics in the comment section! And remember, next week’s blog post will be brought to you by the letter [A].


  1. How about A is for Accidents, Ambulance, and Arithmetic. Any stories that might fit there? :) Any accidents that led to an ambulance ride? Did you like to study arithmetic?

  2. Animals - different animals that have been part of your life. There had to be others before Riley, even though he probably doesn't like that idea.

    Recent blog post: Summer Time Fun

  3. Sara,
    Any new research, medications, etc for Ankylosing Spondylitis. Well, it does start with an "A"

  4. I would like to know about your most favorite acronyms.

  5. Oh, I feel old! I remember when Sesame Street was the new show on TV! Let's hear about some of your college "antics"!

    Recent blog post: Wiffle Ball Fun

  6. Okay, I've clicked over twice because I am brain fried today... no A's coming to mind... total blank, but I see you have plenty to pick from so I'll see which cleverness you choose for next week and hope I come back to life by then :-P

    Recent blog post: 2009 North America Pepsi Cup

  7. How about your favorite recipe with "almonds" or something that made you particularly "angry" ... although I find that one hard to see in your sweet self! :) Or, better yet, what is one of the most "awesome" things God has done in your life ... you know, something that really dropped your jaw! Fun!

    Recent blog post: My "Ace of Cakes"

  8. Do ya have any experience with All Spice? No? Me either :P

  9. "attitude" I would like to talk to you about how you keep such a good attitude. Is it something you just are or do you work at being positive? And how do you achieve it each day, moment ect. And do you ever find yourself in the dark place of a bad attitude?

    Recent blog post: THE BOYS' GRADUATION

  10. Wow. I can see this is going to help spark ideas for all kinds of posts!!! :)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  11. mmm... good one [and yes, we don't mention the others in front of the jealous dog...]

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  12. i wanted to let you know that I gave you the "Lovely Blog Award" on my blog today. I appreciate your art and your authentic posts.

    Recent blog post: Winners and Awards

  13. I should do a post about that sometime, shouldn't I? I haven't delved too far into it for fear of boring people to tears. ;)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  14. wow... i can tell you're a writer with that question :)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  15. gosh, i don't even know what year Sesame Street started... but remember, you're only as old as you feel :)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  16. Honestly, Vicky... it took me forever to come up with examples! I was just counting on you all being more creative than me!!!

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  17. all good ones... except i don't like any nuts other than peanuts, so any almond recipes would be ones that i skip :)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  18. i just had to google allspice to make sure i knew what you were talking about. you know, because i'm such a masterful cook and all. :)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  19. this is a good one, samantha.

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  20. Wow... thanks so much! I'll go check it out ...

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  21. Hey, at least you spelled it correctly. I couldn't even do that! LOL
    Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 11:10:54 -0700
    Subject: Reply to your comment...

  22. How about some more adolescent stories?
    You could get this request again under childhood stories.

  23. you could even put it under sibling stories if i don't get to it until then :)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  24. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJune 1, 2009 at 4:47 PM

    Addiction...doesn't have to be heavy...I'm thinkin microwave s'mores...
    (I'm gonnna ask The Husband if he can think of one, he's good at this kinda stuff)

    Recent blog post: Getting smaller with age…

  25. You deserve a great deal of adulation for your very creative idea. Of course an addled brain like mine would never think of something this awesome.

    Have you ever wanted to play the accordion? That would be quite an achievement!

    We already know how adorable Riley is. Maybe next time you cut his hair you could give him an afro, although that might alarm him.

    He is such an all-star that even the Almighty would be proud to have him as a friend. However I am not sure you would describe him as an angel.

    In an alternative universe Riley might be complaining about how much he has to clean up after you.

    Did you ever audition for a part in a play? It would be very annoying if you didn't get the part.

    My poor ancient brain has run out of ideas. You should have enough ammunition already to come up with an artistic post.

    Recent blog post: Our Obession With Weight & Appearance

  26. now that you've mentioned it, i'm off to the kitchen... ;)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  27. Holy Moses, Ed... that was REALLY good!!! You addled brain has mine beat by a long mile...

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  28. Okay - Ed is just a suck up!

    How about Anything At All!
    Antebellam Attrocities or
    Atrocious Accidents or
    Android Aliens or
    Awful Answers

    Sorry - I couldn't help myself.

    Seriously how about someplace that you have Always wanted to go?

    Recent blog post: Giveaways Galore!!!

  29. Ahhh, adorable Sara. Are anyone's authorings as admirable as yours? Always acing all arguments and animatedly addressing appealing affairs. Ack! An appetite for alliteration almost annihilated my ability to adequately answer!

    Let's hear about APPAREL! (I don't think anybody said this one!) We all know you're gorgeous - what do you wear that makes you feel pretty? :-D

    Recent blog post: "Not Me Monday" is back, baby!

  30. Adulation! Who do you adore (can be real people or those celebrities)

    Aha Moments! When you figured something out that you probably should have known for years! Happens to all of us!

    Recent blog post: Practical Souffle

  31. You guys are!!!

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  32. i officially don't have to write anything next monday now. i'll just post this little gem and call it good :)

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  33. Okay, finally got one...
    anticlimactic antics in annoying arctic air around associated arthralgias...

    thought I would bless your day with some alliteration... I think you rock....and the letter of the day today on the REAL SS was J :)

  34. Christina J. WerdebaughJune 2, 2009 at 12:49 AM

    Great idea, Sara! I second the idea to talk about your illness and research, etc. related to that topic for "A". I know it would help us all understand your day to day struggles. PS-I think you're amazing and I WISH I lived closer so that I could get to know you in person! :)
    Christina Werdebaugh

  35. Great idea, Sara!

  36. anatomy - what do you like most about your bod??

  37. Advertising Agencies, perhaps?!?
