
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 20


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Friday, May 14, 2010


Ok, so I was talking to Susie on the phone late Friday night, intending to chat away until it turned midnight and I could officially wish her a happy birthday. We were actually talking about a really serious situation when, I swear to God, I thought a snake slithered out between the pillows next to me and landed on my arm.

Imagine how ridiculous I felt when I realized it was just Riley’s paw.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010


The thing is, though, I had no idea the little… um… I’ll say “stinker” had burrowed his way in between the two pillows that were set next to me on the couch. The pillows that, at any time, I could have leaned back against and SQUISHED THE DOG TO DEATH.

He did alert me to the fact that the clock had struck twelve, so I wished Suz a happy birthday and kept talking to her in a soothing, even tone so I could grab my camera without him realizing. Because we all know that if he had been aware I was snapping these photos ahead of time, he would have jumped out from between the pillows and started posing like the model I trained him to be.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010


As many Sunday nights as possible [read: whenever Suz is healthy] she tries to come over and watch Brothers and Sisters with me while devouring a good amount of popcorn. This past Sunday was the season finale, so we curled up on my bed and watched while the lives of the Walker family dramatically changed forever.

And, somehow, Rob Lowe was hot even while dying in a car crash.

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Monday, May 17, 2010


Ah, my cute little Elias. This magnet was his St. Patrick’s Day greeting and hangs on my fridge where I can see him daily. Last Monday, Jessica wrote a letter to Elias on her blog and included in it all the words he can say now that he’s almost two.

I let her know in a super non-subtle way that a certain name wasn’t on that list, and maybe she needed to work on that.

So that night, I got a phone call from the cutest almost-two-year-old ever and heard him say, “Hi, Gitz!”

He’s officially in the will.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I wrote last week about getting to see my aunt and uncle after they heard the Dalai Lama speak, and my friend Mark [Susie’s husband] was nice enough to drop off an informational packet for me to look at as well.

My mom has asked me to stop referring to myself as an idiot when I do idiotic things, so I’m just going to say that I felt like a total dolt when I discovered, after the fact, that His Holiness’ talk was broadcast live on the internet.

And I missed it.

Because I’m something similar to, but not exactly, an idiot.

I’ll let you know when I figure out what exactly I am…

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Wednesday night was pretty remarkable as we all waited around on Twitter for Angie’s c-section to happen so we could welcome Miss Charlotte Olivia into the world. I was trying to keep Jessica busy tweeting about dumb things while she was in the waiting room, ready to be called upon to take photos like the ones you see above.

It was a full day and a late night for all of them… Jess called on her drive home and her voice contained an amazing mix of exhaustion, awe and love.

Which pretty much sums up all a new life should be.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010


That little hand resting in mine belongs to my sweet goddaughter, Bailey. She is in second grade and recently made her first holy communion.

Something a godmother should be on hand to witness.

It made me realize how many moments are to come for her that I will need to support and love her through from afar. So I gave her a very special present for her birthday [which was in February] so a piece of me could be with her on those special occasions.

When it was time to get my class ring back in high school, I had every intention of getting an emerald [my birthstone]. But when I walked into the jewelry store with Mom and Dad, the only ring that stood out to me was the one in the photo… an amethyst with tiny little diamonds around it. I think something in the universe must have known that my sweet Bailey would have a February birthday, and the amethyst birthstone was really for her.

So Jenny [her mom] is keeping it safe for those special occasions, and I’m looking forward to being the one she gets to come to and recount all the details of all her special days.

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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