
Monday, May 10, 2010

Let The Birthday Begin!

I'm not usually one to shout from the rooftops when it's my birthday. It's not because I don't like getting older or anything... At this point, the fact that I made it through the past year with my sanity intact is reason enough to throw a party. ;)

No, I decided awhile ago that age doesn't really matter to me much. I think getting older bothers most people because they use it as a benchmark for what they have or have not accomplished. For me, benchmarks of accomplishment went out the window when disability set in. So, when Thursday the 13th rolls around and I hit 37 [yep, three - seven] I figure I will be exactly where I am meant to be, and doing exactly what I am meant to be doing.

And I will be doing it with an iPad!!!!!!

Can you believe it?

That's why I'm declaring the upcoming status of my birthday… I got an early birthday gift and I couldn't wait to tell you about it. Or, more accurately, brag about it.

Whatever. ;)


Isn't she pretty? Yes, I called my new iPad a “she.” After sarcastic consultation with many friends on Twitter, we determined that since Riley and George [my walker] are both of the male persuasion, I need a female to even things out. So, I'd like to introduce you to Padma.


Humor me, people. I spend my days isolated in a condo. I gotta create company where I can. ;)

I wish you all could have seen me when I got this package from UPS, opened it up and saw this:

IMG_9729 [note: my family really does call me Gitz, as you can see by the envelope]

I’ve never had a bag with an apple on the front of it before. So, when I pulled away the bag and saw this:


I pretty much lost all sense of reason, speech and mobility.

I opened the card and discovered that my brother Steve and sisters, Laura and Janette, got me this lovely iPad for my birthday. But more than being lovely, it’s going to functionally change things for me immensely.

Actually, it already has.

Quite a few things have gotten more difficult for me to do in the past year, and one of those things is working with my laptop resting on my legs. The pressure of its weight sets off pain from some nerve damage that’s occurred.

If I could use the computer at a desk it would be a different story, but since I am usually on the couch or in bed, that’s just not an option. But this thing… it’s so light and portable and, other than working on photos or digital scrapbooks, it does everything I need to do during the day.

Including blog!

But the best part of this ridiculously kind and generous and thoughtful gift? The card that came with it. The one that said they loved me and were so proud of how I’m living my life.

That’s the part I’ll treasure most.

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