
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 25

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Friday, June 18, 2010


I haven’t been in love with how much it’s rained around here, but sometimes storms leave the sky with the coolest clouds. This would have been a lot better photo if I could have gone outside to capture it, but I did what I could through my big window.

Don’t they look like you should be able to reach up and grab little bits of them like it’s cotton candy?

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Saturday, June 19, 2010


These are my absolute new favorite treat.

People. Seriously. So good.

There are a whole lot of great flavors you can try, but my taste buds never really matured much beyond twelve years old, so I love my trusty grape standby. Here’s why they are so fantastic... the flavor is amazing. I took a bite of the grape and it reminded me of that old Hubba Bubba bubble gum that squirted a juicy flavor out of the center.


And the strawberry? There are actual chunks of strawberry in them. Which is how I justify counting this as my fruit for the day. :)

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Sunday, June 20, 2010


Excuse me. Just wanted you all to know I’m still here... putting my nose in front of the camera every time it’s out. It’s my duty as the blog dog, and I take that very seriously.”

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Monday, June 21, 2010


Is it just me, or does it look like he’s whispering sweet nothings into the non-existent ear of the bone? He gives it this look every time he’s about to devour it.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sweet Candy stopped by this night after work... I was having a day when getting out of bed wasn’t really an option with the pain in my hip, so she let herself in and chatted for awhile. I love that it took her all of 2 seconds to get comfortable here. And that it took even less time for Riley to fall in love with her. He didn’t even blink when she walked in... so much for my guard dog. :)

Anyway, she had this bottle of acai berry juice and I laughed at her because she said it was full of so much good stuff you could actually feel it making your cells healthy.

She’s a nut. A health nut, to be exact. I have to say I thought it tasted fine, but my cells didn’t make any sort of noticeable declaration. :)

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I hope you guys had a chance to watch some of this Wimbledon match last week. Mahut and Isner had a THREE DAY tennis match. It was insane. I think I took this right before they called a break for them to use the bathroom, and the second day of the match was called shortly thereafter. All in all, they played for 11 hours and 5 minutes before Isner finally won.


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Thursday, June 24, 2010


I realized last week that I have converted many a person to frozen Oreos via Twitter, but I don’t think I’ve ever shared about them here.

Life. Changing. People.

You just have to trust me. Buy a package of double stuffed Oreos, stick them in the freezer and share them with a friend. When Alece was here she confessed to me she’s not a chocolate fan so was sure she wouldn’t like them.

Then she tried one. And kept going back to the freezer for more. I guarantee you’ll be a convert after just one bite...

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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