
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 34

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Monday, August 23, 2010


Considering his new contract, I thought I’d start the week off with the compulsory photo of Riley.

Wasn’t it nice of him to smile for the camera? :)

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My friend Jess sent me these in the mail last week and I’ve been diving into them bit by bit. First of all, what a great pick-me-up to send... some days move at a snail’s pace around here and these are a great diversion. Secondly, I am SHOCKED by how many episodes I haven’t seen before. I could have sworn I had seen the majority of I Love Lucy reruns, but I was sorely mistaken.

I’m glad to say I am now rectifying that.

It’s also a very ironic gift, as my good friend Mandy calls me the Ricky to her Fred quite often. I love when little coincidences like that fall into life.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Speaking of sweet little gifts, I forgot to show you guys what Mary brought me when she and Annalyn came to visit a few weeks ago. Isn’t that cute? She has the mistaken notion that I’m like Wonder Woman [although I did believe myself to be the Bionic Woman as a child] and found this fun little necklace to drive home her point.

When she gave it to me I instantly thought of Marla, who is obsessed with scrabble tiles, because the photo is laid overtop of a scrabble tile with a “W” on the other side. People are so creative...

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Thursday, August 26, 2010


This is a screen shot off of Padma, featuring my current favorite app: Pocket Pond. I downloaded this a few months ago simply because I LOVE the realistic background sounds it makes [I wish I could make an audio of it for you to hear]. If I turn it on and close my eyes, I can almost imagine myself outside by the lake... it’s subtle sounds of nature and birds and insects by the faint ripples of water might be the most relaxing sounds I’ve ever heard.

And the sounds I miss the most in life.

I also love this app because the last time Dad was here and Susie’s family stopped by, I was showing Tyler how you can tap your finger on the water to make the water ripple and the fish swim away. He thought that was so cool, and when he finished tapping it my Dad asked him if he needed a towel to dry his finger off.

And Tyler stopped for a second to look.

And Dad thought his joke was HILARIOUS.

I kind of did, too. :)

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Friday, August 27, 2010


I’m pretty sure half of Twitter was watching the much anticipated release of Taylor Swift’s new video Mine on Friday night. Not so much because everyone loves Taylor as much as everyone was excited to see Pastor Pete and his family make their video debut.

They had to keep it very hush-hush, but apparently anything can happen when you live in Nashville... including getting a call from Taylor Swift to see if your family will fly to Maine and pretend to be HER family. Pete and Brandi played a young Taylor’s parents, and their three boys played Taylor’s future children at different ages.

I asked Brandi if Gage had an agent yet... just look at that cute face and those dimples! I think he’s got a future in the biz. :)

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Saturday, August 28, 2010


So, this picture is kind of cheating, because I actually took it LAST week and then forgot to put it into Gitz Bits. But it was waaaaay too cute not to share with you guys so I’m using it this week instead.

It’s my blog. I figure I can bend the rules. :)

Remember the Shan Clan? This is my Yodi [aka Eliana] and I snapped this photo through my webcam while we were Skyping. I was videoed in just in time to be a part of a Fancy Conference she was holding.

You heard that right. A Fancy Conference. There were signs and admission and everything. [Speaking of which, I still owe her a quarter.] I learned a great deal about how to dress fancy and speak French as she read to us from her Fancy Nancy book. I adore being a part of this family.

Pinkies up, Dahling...

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Sunday, August 29, 2010


Alright, guys... now I need some advice and opinions from all of you... because I won a giveaway on my friend Robin’s blog! I get to have three cans of Behr Ultra Interior paint [it has the primer in the paint] delivered to my door ... which means I need to choose a color PRONTO [like, by tomorrow] and decide what I am going to paint.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that this is your kitchen. Would you paint the cupboards? And if you would, what color would you paint them? And if you have painted cupboards, am I out of my mind? Is it difficult?

The other thing I’ve wanted to do forever is paint my woodwork/trim in my house some shade of white to give it that Pottery Barn look and brighten things up a bit. Anyone done this? Is it a huge pain?

What do you all think? The three cans have to all be one color, so it’s either the kitchen cupboards [no idea on a color] or the trim/doors.

Opinions, please!!! [And volunteers to paint if you’re so inclined...] :)

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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