
Thursday, August 26, 2010

YOU:create ... Week 7

So, as of yesterday morning I hadn’t done a thing to get ready for today’s YOU:create.

I know. I’m not proud of me, either.

As the host of this little project, I’m supposed to be a bit more on the ball... but I’ve been even more tired than usual and was hoping some energy and inspiration would just randomly hit me over the head.

Lucky for me, that’s exactly what happened.

I was reading through the comments of yesterday’s post, when Jill Wadle mentioned this quote: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” You know me, I LOVE a good quote, and this one was totally new to me. I kept mulling over all the ways I could write a post about it, and decided it was so simple and straightforward that it didn’t really need any elaboration.

What it needed was a canvas.


So, for the first time in over a year, I made a quick little canvas.

And now I’m going to give it away!


All you have to do is leave me a comment below to be entered into the drawing. [Only one comment per person, please.] I’ll leave the drawing open until tomorrow [Friday] at 5pm, and then I’ll put up a post announcing the winner. :)

Good luck!

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I can’t wait to see what you guys came up with this week! Just click below and follow the instructions to link to your project. When it asks you to choose the web or a file for your thumbnail, choose web. Then it will take you to a list of the images on the page you are linking to and you’ll be able to choose a photo to represent your project.

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