
Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Five: blog headers

friday five new

My friend Shannon does this cool thing every Friday where she lists five things about her week. Good things, bad things, in between things... doesn’t really matter. It’s kind of her way of keeping a record of her family’s life, even if she doesn’t have time any other part of the week to blog.

Smart, right?

Anyway, next week she’s going to start doing a linky if people want to join her, and I totally do. Except I basically cover all aspects of my week in Gitz Bits, which got me wondering what kind of “five theme” I could use and still participate.

Then I was thinking, what fun is participating if all of you don’t get something out of it, too? And then I thought about how much I love giving away a canvas every Thursday, but hate that so many of you leave empty handed. So on Fridays, when I announce the canvas winner, I’m also going to have a free giveaway for everyone.

I’m going to have a download that contains FIVE things. Five doodles, or word arts or card designs. Something fun that I create digitally, just for you.

What do you think?

I thought I’d start out this week by giving you the five different headers I use on here, so you can recolor them to use on your blogs if you so choose.


a few good reads

categories copy

header blog archive copy

header contact me copy

subscribe copy

All you have to do is click on that download button and it will take you to the download page for the headers. Hope you enjoy!


divider 2

Oh, you didn’t think I forgot about the canvas giveaway, did you? :)

The winner, according to is:

my sweet ALECE!!!!! how fun!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :) Be sure to email me at with your mailing address and I’ll get the canvas shipped to you!

Now, one more note about yesterday’s post. Thank you all SO VERY MUCH for telling me about your lives. I don’t know about you, but when so much of our encounters are spent trying to smile even though inside we’re wanting to scream to the world that life is hard, it helps to just speak truth for a moment. Even if it’s just a comment on a blog.

I’m so glad you all told the truth here yesterday. I loved smiling and celebrating with those of you who had peaceful and joyful days, and I appreciated having the privilege of taking a minute to pray for those of you who spoke from your hearts about the hard stuff. I love that we can trust each other with that here.

And no matter what your days were like yesterday, I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the people you love. :)

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