
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 40

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Monday, October 4, 2010


If I had a condo on the other side of the building, I would have a great view of some big trees and a sprawling cornfield. Which would make this Iowa girl much happier than the view of garages I currently have.

Instead, about once or twice a year I get myself behind one of the chairs in my red room so I can push my forehead against the window and turn my neck in a way it doesn’t turn all that well to get a glimpse this little view of a field ready for harvest.

I love fall. And corn stalks. And Iowa. The sky is so blue and it looks so cool and crisp outside... like we should all be sitting at a football game, sipping apple cider and soaking in life. :)

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


See what I mean? BLUE skies.

At one point this week I had to close all the shades in my place because I wasn’t sure I had the self-restraint not to open up my sliding glass door and walk right outside into the beckoning gorgeous day.

But then I remembered how much I enjoy breathing and put the kibosh on those urges in quick order. :)

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Fortunately, I didn’t have to put the kibosh on all my cravings this week...

Susie and Meg both have Wednesdays free until they pick up their kids from school, so they stopped by with a Sonic lime slush and chicken sandwich in hand. I was THRILLED when I made the discovery that Sonic’s chicken on a whole wheat bun AND their french fries are whey-free. Which means they are Sara-safe.

Which also means my great post-steroid weight loss plan just got a major wrench thrown in it. But it’s a really yummy wrench. :)

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Thursday, October 7, 2010


Funny story.

I pretty much take enough vicodin to choke a horse, so I never supplement with extra Tylenol or anything because I figure it wouldn’t do much more to help. But a friend of mine recently told me that extra Tylenol is supposed to compliment/enhance the vicodin and that I should try adding some when I take my regular doses.

So I rummaged through my bathroom cupboard and found a bottle. And I tried it. And I noticed absolutely no improvement.

A few days later I looked at the bottle again and realized it had expired in May of 2003.

That’s seven years.

I’m now more than a little afraid to look at the expiration dates on the cans in my food cupboard.

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Friday, October 8, 2010


Look at what Suz hung up for me. :)

A couple of weekends ago a few friends came over to move the furniture in my bedroom for me. My sister Laura had the idea of flipping the room around and it has made it so much more functional for me, and the position the bed is now in makes it a lot more accessible for getting in and out. When they were done getting everything situated, Susie said she had a rug and some curtains in storage that would look great.

And they did. :) It’s amazing how much curtains can cozy up a room. I absolutely love them.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010


Riley loves them, too. My old set up had curtains that couldn’t open [seriously] so I was never able to look outside when laying in bed. Now, I have them cracked open during the day and Riley hardly knows what to do with himself.

This was us all day on Saturday. I watched football and he blocked my view while staring outside at the beautiful day. It was hard to tell if he was wishing he was out there peeing on the bushes, or if he was standing guard against all the cars pulling in. Either way, he was very busy.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sunday was still full of football for me. And this is Riley getting ready to pounce from the ottoman to the bed to take his position for guard duty.

Seriously, people. How freaking cute is my guard dog???

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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