
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ask The One.

I got an email from Lisa Jo, who keeps all of us in line over at (in)courage, wanting to know if I'd like to help with a new project. After I looked over my shoulder to make sure she really meant me, I emailed back and said I'd love to... that I'd be grateful for the opportunity to help that community in any way I could.

Turns out I was in the right frame of mind, because everything about the new page they added to the (in)courage site this month is centered in gratitude. Being grateful for the community, and finding ways to thank the members, as well as learning from each other about what gratitude looks like in our lives.

I am playing a very small, behind the scenes roll in this new endeavor called (in)spired deals. You will definitely want to check it out because there are some deals and giveaways centered around their Ever Grateful line – which is rich and gorgeous and lovely – that you are going to want to be a part of. But mostly I love the fact that everyone can link up their own thoughts on gratitude.

Some are sharing the ways they keep focused on their attitude of gratitude, some are telling stories of people who emulate this in their lives, some are sharing stories of struggling in this area. Most importantly, all are sharing their hearts.

Want to join in? You can link your own post up with others here.

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You know what I realized when I was working on this project? I realized I talk a lot about being grateful and choosing the joy. And we've talked a lot about different ways to keep that focus in our lives.

I also realized that in all my talk of this, I have never mentioned the number one thing I do to stay positive, keep my joy and focus on gratitude.

I ask God to help me make the choice.

I seriously about slapped my hand to my forehead and gave myself a V-8.

Because I want to make sure you all know that before I'm able to make the decision to choose joy, before I am able to look at that Pollyanna silver lining I'm always grasping to see, before I can stop and see the blessing in the midst of the rubble, I am asking Him to open my eyes.

I'm asking Him to change my heart. To change my vision. To create the desire in me to be joyful when I want to close my eyes to all that surrounds me.

I can't believe I forgot to tell you my step one.

The step that matters.

I close my eyes and open my heart and ask the One who is the only answer. I ask Him to help me. I realized it today, as my pain was crazy and my soul was tired and the exhaustion clouded my mind... I asked Him to allow me to be the person He made me to be.

Step one in gratitude: Ask the One who gives us everything to help us see everything the way He sees everything.

That's my sure way of learning to be grateful.

Just wanted to make sure you knew.

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