
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 48

*** Quick Posting Note ***

Hey, peeps... I haven't exactly been feeling stellar these past few days, so I'm going to take a couple off and see if my body can't bounce back a little. You all know how much I hate doing that, so you also know I won't be gone long. ;)

If I'm not back posting by the end of the week, be sure to come back on Monday as I'll have my Christmas (in)courage post up, and am sure I'll be back posting after that.

This disease just kicks my butt sometimes.

Rest assured, I'll keep kicking it back.

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Monday, November 29, 2010


Welcome to Christmas at the Condo. :)

I had to take the ornaments off of one of my little trees this year [yes, I put my trees away decorated with a bag over them] because it needed a new strand of lights, and I ended up liking the simple look of just lights and berries. So I made a little ornament centerpiece instead of putting them back on.

It's kind of a fun little change.

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I showed you my red room tree in last week's post since it was the only one with working lights, but it turned out my little tree for my nativity set just had a loose bulb. So I was able to get it lit and my Willow Tree nativity up and in place.

This is one of my favorite decorations – there's something so simple about the Willow Tree look that I think suits a nativity scene perfectly.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


"Deer's Lookin' at You, Kid" was definitely yesterday's favorite caption, but I loved Candy's comment when she came with this light extravaganza.

I [as always] immediately said we needed to name the deer, and she said she'd already named it O.

Not going to lie, I immediately thought of Oprah, and then I realized she meant Oh. As in, "Oh Deer!"

She's a quick one, that Candy.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010


Because Candy was kind enough to deliver a few extra strands of lights with Oh Deer, I was able to get my other trees up and lit as well.

I've had this tree the longest out of all of my decorations, and in years past the base was held in a large white vase. It had already been broken once, which is how I got it in the first place. Mom was going to throw it out and I convinced Dad to salvage the base with super glue. After he promptly glued his fingers together and I bit the inside of my cheeks not to laugh at him, I took it home as my own.

It blew over in the wind this year when my neighbor was getting it out of the garage, and the vase broke once and for all. But I was thrilled to see the base of the tree was actually this cute wooden log. So now it's almost like I have a whole new decoration. :) I love it when accidents turn out to be happy ones!

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Friday, December 3, 2010


And since I'm spending most of my time in my bedroom now, I decided I needed a bit of glowy Christmas in here, too. Yes, if you're counting, I now have three trees [not counting the nativity]... which means a tree in every room.

And I'm happy about that.

Mom is actually bringing one more big tree to put out by the fireplace, because with my little girls coming for Christmas I thought we needed a proper spot for Santa to leave his loot.

Have I mentioned that my favorite word to describe Christmas is "glowy"? Nothing better than lights.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010


Which is exactly why I don't just put lights on trees.

Atop the piano is my collection of Snow Babies. Ironically, I'm not a collector at all, but I just seemed to accumulate a lot as gifts for a few years there when they were really popular. I have the perfect amount for the top of the piano and it gives me another excuse to light up the house a bit more.

Have I mentioned I love Christmas decorations?

Because I do.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010


And this is just one more shot of the table centerpiece for no other reason than I really liked it.

Sometimes I'm just in it for the pictures. Winking smile

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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