
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 51

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Monday, December 20, 2010


I honestly couldn't think of a more fitting photo to represent Monday than one of my Vicodin bottles. Because that's the day I started physical therapy.

Oh. My. Word.

Guess what I'm able to do in physical therapy? Pretty much nothing. My great therapist, Ted, was so nice. And patient. Because every time he'd say something like, "Let's try and move this joint." I'd say something like, "Oh, I can totally do that."

And then I totally couldn't. I learned in physical therapy that I'm delusional.

So I tried to move a few joints, and then we decided my PT for the day would be to try and straighten my leg a little and move my ankle.

I'm a rock star. :)

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010


How awesome is this? I'm putting it on the blog because:

1. It's cool.

2. I have no idea who gave this to me. So if you did, please come forward so I can say a huge thank you!

It came addressed to me in a Blessings Unlimited box, but with no note. And I love it!!! I moved many of the pictures of kids I love from my fridge to this great wall hanging so I could put my overflow of Christmas card photos on the refrigerator. It has worked out so well and I love getting to see even more faces of people I love around my house.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


"Lady. We're resting today before company comes. That was the deal.
Now put down the camera and get back to snuggling."

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Thursday, December 23, 2010


This picture just makes me let out a big sigh. That's how I feel when Shannon's family is here. Like I get to exhale for a minute.

I'm such a blessed girl.

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Friday, December 24, 2010


Oh, Santa.

We were so excited for him to come to the condo. I mean, just look at Yodi's face of anticipation. My sister in law, Patience, dropped off some delicious sugar cookies when they stopped on their way home for Christmas, and we knew they were just the thing to leave by the fireplace for when Santa came by.

And we decided he really is magic because he made it in the condo, delivered presents, ate the cookie and left without Riley barking even once.

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Saturday, December 25, 2010


I wish every single one of you could have the privilege of knowing these two people. Jason and Shannon somehow manage to be as beautiful in their souls as they are in their faces. They drive 17 hours one way just to come see me, knowing how slow my life is, content to sit in this little condo and do nothing but spend time simply soaking in life. Even when life includes me in pain, throwing up, needing rest, whatever. They just roll with it and make me feel like it's all just normal and ok.

There are just not words big enough to describe these two.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010


Sunday was our last day together, and I think I held these two this close all day long. I'm so lucky they let me love them. It's a privilege.

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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