
Thursday, December 2, 2010

YOU:create: week 18

Well, people, I don't have a canvas giveaway for you this week. But it's not because I haven't been creating.

On the contrary, it's because I HAVE been creating. A lot.

Every year, I design some of my friends' Christmas photo cards. I started doing mine like a scrapbook page one year and ended up really liking it. And they ended up really liking it, too. :) I do them in a 5x7 format and then have them printed as a regular 5x7 photo... it saves a ton of money over the standard Christmas photo cards.

I obviously couldn't show you the ones I'm currently working on because that would ruin it for the people who will be receiving their cards... so I asked a couple friends if I could show you guys some examples of photo cards I've done for them in past years.

So, here's some examples of what I've been creating lately... and be forewarned. I have beautiful friends with really cute kids. :)

dunkin 2009

Dunkin Xmas 2008 2

evens 2

Sernett Xmas 2008

sernett 2009-2

sig xmas 2

sigwarth 2009

zacharias 2009

And I couldn't leave out the past ones of Riley... that dog is cute, if I do say so myself...

Riley Xmas 2008

riley 2009-2

How about you? Do you have your cards all ready to go?

divider red

I can’t wait to see what you guys came up with this week! Just click below and follow the instructions to link to your project. When it asks you to choose the web or a file for your thumbnail, choose web. Then it will take you to a list of the images on the page you are linking to and you’ll be able to choose a photo to represent your project.

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