
Thursday, February 10, 2011

YOU:create ... week 24

I got an email last week from a reader who was in desperate need of some original valentines to send to friends and family. So I doodled together a few little sayings that you can print out on a card or stationery or whatever your big hearts desire.

In lieu of candy, consider it my Valentine's Day gift to all of you. Which, of course, means you have to be my valentine. :) Just don't tell Riley. He's the jealous type.

i love you

be mine




be my valentine

If you'd like a copy of these doodles for yourself, all you have to do is click the button and it will take you to the download page:


divider red

I can’t wait to see what you guys came up with this week! Just click below and follow the instructions to link to your project. When it asks you to choose the web or a file for your thumbnail, choose web. Then it will take you to a list of the images on the page you are linking to and you’ll be able to choose a photo to represent your project.

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