
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

She Told Me So…

I skyped with Shannon late last week, and after we hung up she texted me that Nie Nie was praying for the infection I was fighting because my voice sounded so bad.

I told her I wasn't sick. I was just tired. And my voice always sounds bad because my lungs are never good anymore. And I just needed rest. And I wasn't sick. Just because I didn't feel good it didn't mean I was sick. I never feel great. And I would feel worse if I was really sick.

Did you all get that? I had decided I was. not. sick.

Because I don't like being sick. Or admitting that I'm sick. At all. Some have been known to call it a stubborn streak, but I just think it's the optimist in me. :)

Over the course of the next couple of days I got more and more tired. And my breathing got worse. And I can no longer squeak out a voice. And then the cough started. And the headache. And the pain spiked.

And then my nurse came today and said, "Hey, you're really sick." Shannon, God bless her, promised not to say I told you so.

Isn't she kind?

And as I was laying here tonight trying to think of something to write for you all so you wouldn't worry that I didn't post and … I don't know … think I was sick or something, I realized how silly that was to try and pretend.

So, tomorrow my June (in)courage post goes up and after that I might be a little slower than usual for a bit. I'll do my best to keep a regular schedule, but if I miss one here and there, don't worry.

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I promise he's keeping a very close eye on me.


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