
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sara's Heavenly Birthday Wish...

Today, September 24, 2015 marks 4 years since Sara reached for heaven and joined hands with her Father in heaven. Right up until the end, Sara was intentional with her time. She was intentional in making sure everyone knew how much they were loved and how excited she was to be going home.

We miss our Sara...our Gitzen Girl!

We miss how intentional she was in sharing...

Her life...Faithfully devoted to Him.
Her words...Filled with inspiration and hope.
Her heart...Filled with so much love and joy.

We miss all of her!

Sara lived with so much intention and taught us the importance of being intentional in all we do. To be intentional in making this life about Him, not us.

Since September 24, 2011 there has been continued intention in making sure Sara's God inspired legacy will continue here on earth. Sara always made sure that we knew..."It's not about me, it's about Him."

This journey has been amazing. God has opened so many doors. He has made this continued discipleship a reality.

Sara also liked to challenge us. Even in her last days, she provided us with challenges.  

First challenge … Sara didn't want her funeral to be about her…she wanted it to be about Him. 
How do you celebrate someone's life and not make it about them?  Sara's funeral was about the One who gave her JOY, Strength and Hope.  And, we celebrated Sara…Her example of being intentional in trusting the One who can give us JOY, strength and Hope.

Second Challenge…How to continue someone's beautiful legacy and not make it about them.
On January 5, 2016, the book Choose Joy, finding Hope and Purpose when Life Hurts will be released! This book is about Him. Using Sara's life and words as an example of how being intentional in choosing can bring us joy, hope and purpose. 

How can you be intentional?

If you want to be inspired and live a life of JOY, hope and purpose, click on the picture below to purchase your own copy of Choose Joy; Finding Hope and Purpose when Life Hurts.

You can also be intentional by sharing it with a friend…you won't regret it and neither will they.

God's blessings today and always ~

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