
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Choose Joy day 13 -- Joy in the French Fries!

"By the time I got in to see my Doctor that day, I wasn’t doing well. My voice was going, my breathing was bad, my pain was increasing by the minute. My doctor and I both knew, after 15 years of treating me, I wouldn’t be coming in to see her again. She would make my medical decisions, but it would be through home nursing now so I won’t have to make an extra trip out of my house again.

As we left, I stood outside the door of the car and decided I wasn’t getting in until the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. After going outside and visiting with my doctor, I told mom that no matter how life progresses for me from this point out, it was ok. I was good with it, that God and I are good with it.

Then the sun came out.

And Mom said she thought God was good with me, too.

I can close my eyes and feel the breeze, feel the sun on my face and see the bright orange color that rests on the inside of my eyelids when they are closed and facing the sunshine. I can smile remembering that, for a few fleeting minutes, Mom, Dad and I sat in those patio chairs I’ve been longing to relax in and ate McDonald’s french fries just because we could… the damage was done and we were determined to take our moments.

I have a lot of things that aren’t going right because I left the house on that day. Those things will take awhile to leave my system. But I choose the joy. I choose the conversation, the relationships, the breeze and the sunshine.

And especially the french fries." ~Sara Frankl

Learn more about choosing joy in Sara's book...Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts.

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