
Thursday, November 26, 2015

With Gratitude

Holidays...they can bring both joy and depends on our individual stories.

It also depends on our perspective. Our perspective is what makes us choose joy or sadness.

In this time of Thanksgiving, let us take the heartache out of sadness by giving thanks for everything we have been given. When we give thanks to God, regardless of our circumstances, He will give us joy!

God tells us that those who obey Him, will be blessed...He doesn't say He will take away the sadness or the hard. When we can open our hearts in Thanksgiving, we also open our hearts to God's perspective.

This Thanksgiving, I want to express my gratitude to each of you for joining my family and I in continuing Sara's discipleship. A discipleship that is much needed. Let's continue to spread God's word of all starts with Thankfulness.

In October, you joined me in 31 days of choosing joy. As a Thanksgiving gift to each of you, click on this link to download your own copy.

With gratefulness and praise ~


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