
Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Gift

See that picture...

It's a picture of "the book"...

The book that Sara dreamed about sharing with each of you. 
The book with her wisdom, her charm and her wit.
The book that would not have been possible without the gift of Mary Carver (co-author) and Ruth Samsel (agent).
The book that is all about Him and what He can do in your life.

As I sit and write, I think to myself, what would Sara want people to hear? What message would she want people to be left with?

The answer..."It's not about me, It's about Him."

So, as I think about the Christmas season, I also reflect on the meaning and purpose of giving gifts. Christmas is a season for giving gifts. And it’s no wonder that we give gifts to loved ones at this time, since Christmas is really the celebration of God’s Gift to those He loves—His perfect Gift of Jesus to you and me!

So, in this gift giving season, you can make it about Him by giving the gift of Jesus to others. You can be part of His discipleship by sharing Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts. The all about finding hope, purpose and ultimately joy by choosing...choosing Him!

And, since the book isn't officially released until January 5th, you can download a Christmas postcard by clicking on one of the links below. We wouldn't want you to show up empty handed, so a postcard is the next best thing, they'll have to just wait a little longer. :)

Choose Joy Gift Post Card -- Joy to the World
Choose Joy Gift Post Card -- Tidings of Comfort and Joy

May this season of Christmas be a blessed one for each of you and may your 2016 be filled with Joy!


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