
Monday, March 14, 2016

Our Job is to Love

Today the sermon at church was on "Sharing My Faith." As I was listening to Pastor Darrin, I couldn't help but think of Sara.

Pastor Darrin talked about how sharing our faith today is very different than how it has been in the past.  How it is important for us to first listen to others...listen to their story.  Listening requires us to be fully present with others and give them our full and undivided attention. Once we hear their story, it is not our job to judge them and/or save them. It is our job to love them.

God's job is to judge, Jesus job is to save, and our job is to love.

Isn't that awesome! Why do we make our job so difficult? All we have to do is love.

I think Sara was a role model at sharing her faith. She first and foremost loved well! She fully trusted and left the rest up to the One whose job it is to judge and save.

Sara shared her faith by being fully present and listening to the needs of others. She developed relationships and loved them well.  It was through her love of God and others that she was able to impact the lives of others and connect them closer to the one who could bring them peace and joy.

I am so grateful to my little sister for being brave in sharing her faith.

And, I am grateful and blessed to continue this ministry by sharing my faith, here in our lower story, while she is enjoying true joy with Him, in her upper story!

Have a blessed week!


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