
Friday, August 19, 2016

Sara's Legacy Continues!

I can't even begin to tell you how blessed I feel! 

Our sweet Sara has left and continues to leave an overwhelming impact on this world. From the feedback I receive when posting her daily Choose Joy messages on social media, to the messages I receive from people who have read the Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts book. The common message is one of life changing and that they feel they know Sara personally as a life long friend. 

On July 23rd, I had the honor and privilege to be the keynote speaker at the ALS Education Symposium in Atlanta Georgia! What a truly humbling experience! 

I have spread the message of Choosing Joy around our local community at various events and it has filled my heart with love and joy, but this experience was different. Not only was my heart filled with love and joy, but the humbling experience of knowing that you have made a difference for those whose lives will be cut short in this life...I can't even find the words...

To speak with a group of patients that have been diagnosed with ALS along with their families and caregivers was an entirely different experience. Looking out at the faces of those brave individuals who have been told they are diagnosed with a disease that has no cure. A disease that will continue to progress without knowing how quickly it will progress. They are living an unknown journey with the only known is that it is terminal.

I pray that they were blessed by the message. I know I was blessed. 

My daily prayer continues to be that God gives me an open mind, a humble heart, and faithful feet to walk the journey that He has planned for me. Right now, it's continuing this journey of discipleship that our Sweet Sara began. I am so honored. I am so blessed. Thank you God for choosing me.

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