
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Choose Surrender Day 23: Focus

Wherever your focus is, your vision will be as well.  What you focus your life on will be what motivates you. What is motivating you today? Is your vision clear concerning the things of God and are you paying particular attention to His word and what He is instructing you to do today and again tomorrow?

There are so many things in life that focus our media, school, jobs, relationships, how we look, the clothes we want...the list goes on and on. When our focus is not on God, but on worldly things, that is what our decisions will be based on.

When God and His kingdom are your focus, then your vision will be to do everything you can to please Him. You will look to Him for answers when it comes to those decisions about school, jobs, relationships...all your needs, wants and desires.

When we get overwhelmed with our worldly desires, it is often because we lack the time and energy to be able to focus on all that we have in front of us. Time is a finite resource...there are only so many hours in a day. Energy on the other hand, is an infinite resource. How are you renewing your energy each day instead of draining your energy.

By focusing on God's message, His will and desire for your life, you will find that not only will your energy be renewed, you will find that the time in your day is better spent. By focusing on Him, your purpose in this life will become clear. 

Have you ever had someone tell you...don't take your eye off the ball? They tell us that because when we take our eye off the ball, we lose focus and ultimately we may lose in the end. It's the same when it comes to surrendering to God. If we don't keep our eyes on Him, we will lose our focus. When we lose our focus, we will feel lost from Him.

I really think we will find what we are meant to do when we keep our focus on Him. 

Surrender to Him.

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