
Monday, October 3, 2016

Day 3 Choose Surrender -- Patience is a virtue

Psalm 37:7 “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Be still. Wait Patiently.

These are two extremely difficult tasks in a world that demands instant gratification. We have been taught that things can come to us quickly. Technology has brought things quickly to us and provided us with instant gratification.

The problem is that while some things have become quicker to achieve, there are still some great things in life that require time, and being impatient can produce negativity in life. It takes away the joy in our lives.

As a parent myself, I am thinking about the number of times I have answered my children with “No” or “later.” Those answers are given to our children because we are doing what is best for them.

Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. As one of the nine fruits of the spirit, God calls us to patience. When we are experiencing a time that is uncomfortable, as Christians we are called to be patient without complaining.

When God isn’t giving us instant gratification, when He isn’t answering immediately to resolve our problem or give us what we want, we begin to question whether He cares, or sometimes whether He even exists. We experience this with our children when they decide to question us. When our children do what they think is right, or when we walk away from God, the result is disaster.

As much as we know what we want, God knows what is best!

Remember…patience is a virtue! Surrender to Him.
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