
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

50 in 50

So, I haven't been up and about or moving around much, and I decided I had to make myself get up and stretch my legs today. I realized I hadn't gotten my mail since Friday so I looked at Riley and said, "Buddy, should we get the mail?"


I think his head exploded off his body and reattached itself before I had the chance to grab my crutches. So I put on his leash and we took the "long" walk down the hall to check my mailbox. And then I took off his leash and let him run down to the end of the hallway and back (shh... don't tell anyone... that's a no-no in my building).

He came back in and plopped down in front of the fireplace... exhausted. This whole dog-acting-like-his-owner-thing is getting ridiculous! :) Most dogs would have just been warming up and wanting to keeping running. But while I have taught him nothing other than how to pose for the camera to get a Cheerio... I have obviously trained him to have pretty low expectations.

Which reminded me of my friend Kelly's daughter, Kaitlyn. I believe they were having Thanksgiving dinner at Kelly's parents' house and Kate commented that it was a good meal but the mashed potatoes tasted funny. She really preferred her mom's recipe.

The problem: they were REAL potatoes... she'd only ever had them from a box. Low expectations...

If my friend Susie and her boys come over for dinner, she walks in my condo with a bag of groceries... including basics like milk and ketchup. Because she knows what's in my house: ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly. I've trained her well: low expectations.

But there are people out there who deserve more than low expectations. People who need help with the basics of daily living... food, clothing, shelter. There's a program called Soles4Souls that is doing an amazing challenge you all can be a part of:

 The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge

Soles4Souls facilitates the donations of shoes, which are used to aid the hurting worldwide. They are trying to get 50,000 pairs of shoes in 50 days, and if you want to help you can go to their site... 2 pairs of shoes can be given for a $5 donation. Which is pretty darn incredible. Need a small Christmas gift for a Secret Santa? A $5.00 donation to put shoes on the feet of a child would be an amazing gift. And when you donate you are automatically registered for the chance to win a trip to Mexico and help hand out the donated footwear.

Sometimes it's a good or funny thing to have low expectations.

Sometimes it's a great thing to raise someone's expectations and give them a simple gift that means the world.


  1. Great information. I do have a secret santa, and I think this is a great idea, they have everything under the sun, and I have been wondering what I was going to do. Wonderful idea. I just added it to my sidebar, donated for the SS and once for myself.
    Great cause.

  2. Okay - I just donated in honor of you. I'll add the information to my blog later today. Thanks for info on a great cause. Who knew the $5 could do so much.

  3. If you can make the effort to walk down the hall, with Riley, get the mail and return to your condo, while on crutches and in pain, the very least I can do is lean over, dig in my purse, grab the debit card and donate to a worthy cause. Done. Thanks for giving us the vehicle to do so!

  4. Kaitlyn can come to my house any time she wants. I promise not to make funny potatoes. Excellent post. How exciting that three more donations have been made!

  5. I feel so guilty about Mabel's "out of shape" figure. She heaves and pants after running for a couple of sticks.

    This a great program... I think I'll mention this tomorrow if you dont mind.

  6. You all are so great... I still can't believe $5 can buy 2 pairs of shoes for these kids. Thanks for giving.

    @liz... blog away about it ~ that's how they're trying to spread the word. (And tell Mabel not to feel too self-conscious... Riley's pitiful too) :)

  7. I love S2S. It's a great organization. Your pup is adorable!
