
Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hi everyone!  This is Sara's friend, Susie...  Sara asked me to send out a post today because she is having a rough day and she isn't able to type a message.  She was sitting at her computer this morning and got a very severe pain in her neck and shoulder - now she can barely move her arms and she isn't able to type.  She says she will be fine, but she thought if she didn't have a post on her site by Monday morning, some of you may wonder...  They're forecasting the possibility of freezing rain and snow here tonight and the drastic changes in weather usually have a very negative effect on Sara - so that's probably what's going on.  Regardless of what it is, she is in a lot of pain (I should say, more pain than usual), so please keep her in your prayers.  She said she will write again as soon as she is able...  Thanks for checking in.  - Susie   


  1. Thank you Susie.

    Sara, my prayers are with you. Hoping you feel "better" soon, and the use of your arms returns fast! As well as all the extra pain goes away.
    Bless you.

  2. sara, i am praying for you friend. please keep us all posted.

    xoxo ang

  3. Oh Sara. We are praying for you right now and will continue. Love you.


  4. Sara, I am praying that your pain subsides. I am sorry you are having such a time today. I hope you are feeling better very soon.

  5. Hey Sara - I'm right there with you dear. The cliche "I feel you pain" is unfortunately true in our situation.

    Hang in there dear. If you will I will.

  6. I'm sorry you're feeling so badly. Prayers to the Healer sent. Thanks for the update Susie.


  7. You are in my thoughts. I hope your pain goes away soon. And I think it's amazing that you think of your blog readers at a time like this. Thank you too, Susie, for being such a good friend!

  8. Sorry you aren't well. I will pray for you now!
    Take care,

  9. how sweet of you to think of your readers. praying that God would decrease your pain even right this very minute.


  10. Hope you're feeling much better very soon, Sara.

  11. Oh sweet Sara! It won't be the same without you tomorrow. I will pray for strength to "weather" this rough patch and comfort for you. Know we are thinking of you! Thank you Susie for letting us know.

    Love you Gitz!

  12. Hey, Sara. I'm praying. Asking for relief and comfort. Praying for healing. He can do that too, you know.

    Love you, Sara!

  13. Sara~
    I'm praying for a fast rebound. Keep your chin to the wind, my friend. May God's Peace be with you. I will be checking with your Mom.

  14. Thank you for updating us Susie.

    Sara, you were on my mind today, and I sent some prayers up for you this morning while I was at church. It's funny because I always feel silly talking about "blog people" to my husband or friends, because how do I explain "who" someone is when I don't even really "know" them myself? . . . but when I went to pray for you, I knew that God knew exactly who you were. We have Him in common . . . and I hope He's blessing you with some comfort and peace this evening.

  15. Wow, Sara, do what you need to do to feel better, and don't ever worry about us! Maybe someday Riley should do a post :-) I hope the pain diminishes soon. You are an angel if I've ever seen one, and your outlook on life is truly inspiring.

  16. Hey Sara! I am praying for you, my friend! Hang in there and I hope to weather clears up for you soon! Maybe Riley-kisses will help??

  17. praying for you, dear. sending hugs from Nashvegas and kisses from Elias.

  18. Just prayed for you and will continue to. Some encouragement: Ps. 73:26

    My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.

  19. My goodness I am sorry I am seeing this so late. Sending up more prayers for you lady. I agree with all the other posters, take care of yourself and don't worry so much about not posting.

    Praying for you more than ever. Thank you for touching our lives so.


  20. Thank you Susie, for the update. I'm praying for Sara and will continue to do so, even after she gets better.
    Please keep us posted - we all await her inspirations!

  21. Praying for you today, Sarah! Rest up and feel better soon.

    Anne Elliott

  22. I'm praying Sweetie. Prayers for a tender touch from The Father, a soft blanket of comfort, deep to your toes rest, warmth and love from The One who knows you best and from all of us who love you so much~
    Praying all day ~

  23. I include you and Riley in my prayers each day, so I'll say extra prayers for you today. I'm sending you a big hug and Martini is sending you puppy kisses.
    Candace and Tini

  24. Delurking to say that I'm praying for you!

  25. Praying for your fast relief Sara ~ rest up and stay warm!!


  26. Sara - praying that you feel better soon! Thanks for the update Susie.

  27. Praying for you Sara. I have the same problem with the weather and I am suffering terribly too. I'm praying that the front passes quickly and you are feeling back to your "normal" so very soon.
    Wishing you wellness,
    Christina W.

  28. Sara,
    I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you feel better soon. I'm sorry to hear you are having a rough time.

  29. Sara, Praying fervently for you today. Rob sent me a message earlier in the morning to pray for you and I have been and will continue.

  30. Hi, Sara. I am TheNorEaster. As someone who has a disability myself--I am hard-of-hearing--I do have some idea of what it is like to live with a disability--though mine is obviously very different than what you are enduring. I will certainly be praying for you.

  31. I'm sorry. Sending my thoughts.

  32. I am so sorry that you are in extra pain right now. I will keep you in my prayers.
    Beth Ann

  33. Lifting Sara up in prayer. Please keep us posted Susie. Thanks.

  34. Wow... Glad that you pushed through. Also glad that you have a friend like Susie, who'll be your blogging ghost writer when you're down. Thanks Susie!

  35. Sara!! I hadn't checked in for awhile! I see my good ol' cousin, Susie was trying her hand at blogging! Gotta love her! :) What a fabulous friend to have! I hope this finds you feeling better my friend. Take care sweets! :)
    Michelle Tessman :)
