
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Camera, Old Model

Oh, you all are going to get sick to death of seeing pictures like this...


But it's not my fault I have this obsession. My friends Kris and Jenny gave me a CRAZY present for Christmas. And when I say crazy, I mean totally out of the blue, shocking, I forgot to breathe for a few minutes crazy. I got a new Canon Rebel xsi camera.


And because most everyone in their family was sick with colds, I wasn't able to get it from them in person and instead opened my door to the hallway to have the gift waiting there to surprise me.


But as soon as they are done with their colds and feeling fit as fiddles, you can bet I'll be taking a few lovely photographs of them and their sweet children (one of whom is my gorgeous goddaughter).


But until then, I have a model ready and waiting to be photographed on demand, one who only requires Cheerios for payment. In fact, as I've played around with the camera and taken photos of random things around my house, he's expressed his displeasure at not being the focus of my camera's attention quite vocally.


"Excuse me... I'm ready for my close up..."


  1. what an overwhelmingly wonderful gift. i'm really happy for you!

  2. Stop it right now. Your child, er, dog is the cutest thing ever...I mean mine, I mean yours is. Dang it. You win. - Kristiapplesauce

  3. You won! You won! You won the camera contest! I'm so thrilled for you and the treasure trove of wonderful friends you have!

    I LOVE YOUR WRITING! I usually just see it on Bring the Rain and MckMamma's blog but I have turned to your blog more than once. I am so edified and always share your thoughtful words with others. You are truly a blessed blessing and delight to many!

    Love in Christ, Michal Ann

    (Aching and praying for Stellan and McFamily tonight from here in the Seattle area.)

  4. I will NEVER, do you hear me NEVER tire of photos of that most adorable pup! Maybe it's that I have 3 of them but you could put 5 a day up and I'd grin every single time! Please don't stop. (Love the close up)
    And the camera...I don't know my cameras, but I suspect this is a dream camera. I can't wait to see pics of those friends...they are one of a kind!
    (joining in prayers for Baby Stellan)

  5. I think that the camera was actually a gift to all your readers! Who could ever tire of seeing that SERIOUSLY CUTE RILEY FACE?
    I've joined Robin and your other readers, in prayers for Baby Stellan and his family.

  6. Congrats to all of us on your new camera, Sara! Love the Riley pics whenever you post them. I need him to teach Beau how to pose so prettily for the shots!

    Hope Stellan is much much better.

  7. Boy!! Is he EVER ready for his close up! He deserves it for sure! :D

  8. Oh my goodness what an awesome gift and what a precious model ... I love the black and white! :) Where is a picture of the photographer?

  9. Stopped by via a recommendation from a comment on my glad I did! Your pictures and writing are wonderful!

  10. Well, first of all, that little pup is a-DOR-able! And I'm not even a dog person! (gasp!) :)

    Second of all, I just read your about page about AS, and it took my breath away. I've seen your comments on Tam's and Mandy's pages, but didn't know a thing about you and your life.

    I like what you wrote about how you respond when someone asks how you are, and that you tell them how you are despite your disease. I think I could learn a lesson from that attitude.

  11. Oh Sara, what a great gift.....I wanted a new camera myself....but Santa did not hear my request loud enough!!

    That is a goal for the next year, I am going to purchase myself a new camera....Is this one easy to work??

    I just Love Riley!! he is just too cute.....I try and try to get my two to pose, and all I get is a blurred mess!!

    My son adopted a pup right before Christmas and my daughter got the cutest picture of her, posed and all.....I just looked at my two wild ones and frowned!

    keep the cute pics coming...maybe I can show Dora on the computer screen what a good dog looks like when the camera is pointing its way!!
    Happy 2009.

  12. Hey, guys... be careful what you wish for... you're getting more photos of Riley tomorrow :)

    @kristiapplesauce: I'm sure your dog's adorable too... mine is just so spoiled he demands everyone's love and affection without them even realizing they're getting sucked in :)

    @debra: the photographer tries to say behind the camera. Riley's cuter :)

    @coloradolady: it's all about the Cheerios. He's a posing monster because of them!

    Thanks, everyone, for praying for MckMama & Stellan. He's in ICU now with RSV and are hoping to not have to intubate him, but they still think his heart is ok. I'll let you know if I hear something more significant.

    @michal ann, andrea & photoqueen: So glad you stopped by! I promise I write about things other than Riley, too... he's just getting a lot of airtime because of this new camera :)

  13. you take as many pictures as you want!

  14. I agree with Neas Nuttienss that your camera is a gift for all of us.

    I hope Riley will let you share some of his blog time with more pictures of your beautiful goddaughter Bailey, what a great smile she has.

    I am surprised Riley lets you keep you name on the blog. He probably wants you to change the title to "Riley Man"

  15. Adorable model. Wish you were closer to Dallas, I'd bring my puppies to you for portraits.

    What a thoughtful, generous gift!!

    Love you, friend.

  16. You do take fabulous photos of His Most Adorable Self. I have a Canon Rebel XT from Christmas two years ago, and my husband and daughter spoiled me rotten again this year by giving me the Canon G10. We have three dogs and I am NEVER able to get shots as adorable as these. Riley is a very, very good model and deserves boxes and boxes of Cheerios! :)

  17. I am so happy to see more pictures of Riley. he is just so precious! Just returned from a trip to see my daughters and spent 12 hours today in the car with our two maltese. They were very good puppies today. Although on the trip down one of them pooped ALL over the car while we were eating lunch. I am jealous of your new camera.

  18. Now that is my kinda Christmas gift. Wow. What incredibly friends. Judging by the pics. here it is an AMAZING camera and i look forward to seeing more of your camera magic. :)

  19. Congratulations! That is my dream camera as well.
    And Happy New Year!

  20. ooh...what a great gift!!
    I saved A WHOLE YEAR!! to buy this for myself (what an amazing camera) count yourself BLESSED!!( I sure do) WOW!!!
    keep the pics coming!
