
Monday, January 26, 2009


You know how I've been chosen for a couple of giveaways in this blog world of ours? This next one is hands-down the one I'm most excited about.

Pretty much everyone who reads blogs has heard of The Pioneer Woman (aka Ree). If you haven't heard of her, click on her name and follow that link to find out what big-time blogging is all about. She's funny, she's talented, she cooks and takes photos of life on their ranch, and tells one knee-buckling story about her courtship with her husband, affectionately known as Marlboro Man.

And she has a big heart.

Late last year her husband and two oldest daughters went on a blogger mission trip to the Dominican Republic that was sponsored by Compassion International. If you have a minute, you should go read through the archives of their trip ... hear their stories and see the photos they took while visiting and helping the children and communities in need. To say it will touch your heart is an understatement of great proportions.

You can click on the banner below to find out more about the Compassion program, but basically for $32/month you can support a child by providing...

  • clean water, food and nutritional supplements
  • critical health care
  • opportunities to learn in a clean and safe environment
  • mentoring, to help kids reach their full potential in Christ
  • Bible training and daily exposure to our loving and caring God

Sponsor a child online through Compassion's Christian child sponsorship ministry. Search for a child by age, gender, country, birthday, special needs and more.

One of the important components of sponsoring a Compassion child is the emotional support you give through correspondence and letters. You take the child you are sponsoring into your life and your heart - making sure they know they are cared for, believed in and loved.

Ree and her husband, through working with the program, found out there is a great need for people to sponsor older children. I imagine that, much like you see with fostering and adoption situations in our own country, older children are simply harder to place. So Ree's family made the decision to sponsor a certain number of Compassion children that are age 16 and older, but because the communication aspect of the sponsorship is important and requires a certain level of time commitment, they wanted to make the financial commitment and offer others the opportunity to mentor.

Which works out great for me... because I don't have the money but I do have the time and desire to help. So I sent my email to the Compassion representative and heard back that I will be matched up with an older Compassion child.

I am so excited to do this.

And I'm so grateful for Ree's kind heart and generosity that made it possible for me to give of myself, and for a child to be supported.

So... when I get my packet of information I'll fill you all in and let you know how it's going, and will also keep a permanent link on my sidebar if any of you are interested in learning more about sponsoring a Compassion child. I have the distinct feeling that I will be getting more out of this than the child I'll be matched up with... because it never fails that when I've taken the time to give I've received so much more in return.

Question of the day: Do any of you sponsor a Compassion child, or work with any other similar programs?


  1. We sponsor an adorable 9 year old child named Mildred Karina in Honduras through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging. This is our fifth year of sponsorship, and it's been quite a blessing. It's such a joy and pleasure receiving her very colorful pictures and joy-filled letters. What a blessing it's been to be a part of this ministry!

    Good for you, Sara, for welcoming this opportunity. This young adult is about to be truly blessed by this new relationship with you!

  2. What wonderful news! I know this has been your heart for some time, and I am so very glad that you and this child have received one another. God is truly awesome. I look forward to hearing more as your relationship develops and grows.

  3. That's so cool, Sara. I didn't realize you had won Ree's drawing. Awesome prize.

  4. How wonderful Sara - I can't think of a better person to have been chosen! We sponsor a little girl in the Phillipines through World Vision. Ove the years we have sponsored probably 10 kids and every one of them has been special to us. I can't wait to hear about the experience through your eyes.

  5. Our little friend is Darwin. His family lives in Guatamala and the ages of his siblings match up with our three children. We get so much out of this experience...praying for their family and writing him letters. We are the lucky ones to know this beautiful family.

  6. That's awesome! We sponsor a girl in Tanzania through compassion. She is 5 years old and her name is Vaileth. Here is my post that I did about her in November.

  7. I don't know who I am more excited for, the compassion child you are matched up with or you! I am so excited that this opportunity was presented to you and look forward to hearing all about your Compassion child. We have been in discussion about sponsoring one, and I am hopeful we will proceed at some point :)

  8. Love the idea of sponsoring a child, I need to look into it and because of you, I will. Love you and could not imagine a better mentor ...

  9. Oh, that is so cool! I love Pioneer Woman and loved her even more after her generous offer to partner with people to sponsor older kids. How exciting that you get to participate in this!

    I do not sponsor a child through Compassion yet. But I will before the year's out, I promise.

  10. what a huge blessing all the way around. i'm really glad you get the chance to connect with and pour yourself into a compassion teen.

    to answer the QOTD... while i don't sponsor a specific child, i've given my life for africa.

  11. that's so awesome! congratulations! i hope that alyson and i can sponsor a child soon. please keep us informed with the process!

  12. This is great!

    The school my children attend sponsors 2 children through compassion international. Some of the funds that we raise as a school pay for the sponsorship. It's been such a wonderful experience for the kids to be involved in. The students write letters to the sponsored children. The letters that are received are then posted to our Friday school letter for all to read.

  13. I am so excited to read your post today! I too will be able to sponsor a child through Ree! I too, am still waiting for my packet to arrive. I can't wait to start! :D

  14. Such a rewarding ministry for all involved.

    We sponsor three children through World Vision, another Christian-based organization. Lorena in Peru, Irish in the Philippines, and Sandile in South Africa.

    It's also great to give from their Christmas catalogue, water, sheep, medical name it, it's there.

    Very cool, Sara. You'll love this!

  15. I sponser a little boy in INdia through it!!

  16. We don't do a monthly deal right now. Will one day. Right now we simply send in two dollars for every cd (i'm a musician) sold. It's been an effective way to commit what we do to God and others.

    Thanks for posting this!

  17. Wow! That is so great that so many of you do this (@alece: you were the one I knew I didn't need to ask the question to!)... I shouldn't be surprised, though. I do have the coolest blog peeps on the internet. There is something cool to me about this being a joint effort as well... one person being able to give the time and the other being able to give the money. I think it would be amazing if more people were able to do it jointly like that too.

    It's also fun knowing all your sponsor-kid's names... makes me more excited to get the packet!

  18. lucky compassion kid to get you as a sponser. Ree knew what she was doing when she chose you.

  19. You have a gift for words. It is great to read you will be sharing this gift of emotional support with a child.

    I have never sponsored a child. I have some spent time with charity work and now work part time at a local homeless shelter.

  20. One day, I noticed this charge on our joint account. On our budget sheet it was simply labeled "child" I asked my husband about it and he said "oh, yeah..." kinda hemmed and hawed about it. Said it was "his thing" but through Children's International decided to sponser a boy. In a way, I think he did it in memory of our son. He isn't the type who really has done charity work or anything like this before...

    There is some weird connection too. The boy has 3 siblings, all starting with "K" and my husband has 3 siblings whose names all start with "K" (even one same name!) It was really sweet. I think it has been over a year now.

  21. This is wonderful Sara. It's something that I should consider.

  22. ive never thought about the older kids like that.

    we sponsor a 7 yr old boy, Ogotu.

    the only thing is, compassion has been having trouble and confusing our automatic withdrawals from our bank...we're hoping the money is getting to him. its been weird.

    we get letters and send him letters. he is precious. wants to be a doctor so kids dont have to die anymore. i love that little boy!

  23. @hismom: that might be the coolest way I've heard yet of how you all have honored Curtis. That just made my heart bust wide open.

    @sue, ed and neas: Thanks for the kind words and support... I hope I can give what he needs.

    @tam: Funky about the $, hope they get that straightened out soon. I didn't know before this about older kids but it makes a lot of sense. I wish there was a way to bring it more to the forefront.

  24. Merab is our little girl from Uganda. She just turned 11. We have sponsored her for 6 years. She's a doll.

  25. Hi, I found you through Nancygrayce at toowonderfulforme. I am so glad to see someone else supporting a Compassion child, blogging about it and promoting it. I sponsor a 12 year old boy in Brazil. His letters are so sweet and mean so much to me. You really do get back more from these kids than what you give! Blessings to you!

    Recent blog post: My Husband is Sweet and I Am Clueless
