
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Camera Shy?

The blog mascot and I were hanging out on the couch the other night watching LOST for the second time, because I like to make sure I haven’t missed any important little subliminal messages they leave throughout the episodes. Needless to say, the second time around Mr. Riley got a little bored.

_MG_4755 “If she hasn’t figured out by now that this show is never going to give definitive answers, she’s a lost cause. Pun intended.”

_MG_4757 “Oh, good Lord, woman. Is it really necessary to whip out that camera every time you are the least bit bored with your life? I’m not just here for your amusement, you know.”

_MG_4759 “Although, I might like a little attention every now and then. And let’s face it, the peeps from the blog come here for me, not you.”

_MG_4767 “Never let it be said I don’t give the people what they want…”

[note from the author: take one look at the smile in that last picture and tell me he wouldn’t be the alpha dog at your house, too…]


  1. seriously. he's so smiling. or smirking. gotta love it!

    Recent blog post: lord, i’m sorry

  2. I know, right?!? When I looked through the camera lens and saw that smirk I was praying it wouldn't be blurry because I knew no one would believe me that he smiled unless I had photographic evidence!!!

  3. he's got sass.

    Recent blog post: lord, i’m sorry

  4. he gets it from me ;)

    Recent blog post: Camera Shy?

  5. Mr Riley is definitely smirking there.

    Not sure if you got this on Twitter earlier...Mr Riley might want someone to spar with sometime while you're watching Lost ;)

    Recent blog post: History Schmistory - Freakin’ Part V

  6. I totally missed that... HILARIOUS! I think the pup will just be keeping his guest spot status around here, though. One blog at a time is enough for me. And you know he'd think his blog should come first... :)

    Recent blog post: Camera Shy?

  7. Does he have eyebrows? Cause it totally looks like he's raising them. I bet that, in addition to that little smirk, is enough to get him anything he wants, isn't it? :-D

    You're such an inspiration, Sara. I love reading everything you write, whether it's funny or not so funny or contemplative...I just love it all!

    Recent blog post: Love Song

  8. Yes, his eyebrow movements can get him out of a lot of trouble. I'm just a sucker. :) Thanks for the kind words and encouragement...

    Recent blog post: Camera Shy?


    Recent blog post: The Adventure Continues

  10. ok,i've gotta tell ya...riley is the only dog that i will actually take the time to look at his pictures. don't know what it is, but i do love that dog. maybe because of how much he loves you. thanks for sharing his "smirk" with us today.

    Recent blog post: Checking In

  11. Abby woke up this a.m. crawled in bed and pretended to be Riley. She even gave me a few licks on the cheek!! We love the Riley pictures...they fuel our pretend story lines for the day!!!!!!!!!!

  12. What a cute fellow. I'm glad you have such a sweet companion.

    Recent blog post: Not Me Monday

  13. That smile is too cute. We need to compare notes on lost sometime.

    Recent blog post: Congratulations, it's a.....

  14. Just too cute for words. Cute + smirk = alpha.

    Recent blog post: A Day of Drama: Smells Like Chicken

  15. Riley pup, you are one clever, clever, little person with fur! Gitz, I love the new header!!!! Beautiful work, I love the colors in it too!

    Recent blog post: The Westra World Wordle

  16. Oh my goodness! That little grin is so funny!

    Recent blog post: Carnival Week: Positive Post Tuesday

  17. I love the new header and the changes you've made to your blog. Very nice! And, hilarious dog! I'm not sure ours have that much personality.

    Recent blog post: INFINITELY More Valuable!

  18. OK... so now I want to take a picture of you holding Riley's head down as you're "trying" to be the ALPHA - then all of your readers would have the same smirk as Riley - you know what he's thinking... I am SO in charge around here, but nice try Sara! And you're right, I'd be exactly the same! He's too cute!!! ;)

  19. I loved the pictures of Riley and his comments. I never thought dogs could "smirk" until I saw the last picture. I have saved it on my PC. It's one of my favorites.

    You have a great "eye" for taking pictures. Of course it helps to have someone like Riley who the camera loves.

    Thanks also for the Grooveshark widget. I will try to put one on my blog.

    Great selection of songs,and singers. We seem to like much of the same music

    Recent blog post: Life Rolls On

  20. Smooch! That's my 1st thought on seeing Riley! Yes he's smirking and I'm certain he did it for the photo op!
    Love him!

    Recent blog post: ~Sometimes…you just have to ask~

  21. He would absolutely be NUMBER ONE!

    Recent blog post: WHY? WHY? WHY?

  22. I'm hoping it doesn't make you miss Maxie more :( Are you commenting from Africa right now?!? So amazing. Hope you're having fun!!!

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  23. That's so funny, Sheryl... when I was posting this I wondered if I was the only one who was really going to enjoy it; but he's the only thing that keeps me entertained every day so he gets a lot of pictures taken of him!

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  24. HEY! I almost emailed you last night to see how you were since I hadn't seen you around here. Was hoping Abby was still feeling ok. Remind me on Thursday to give you a photo of him for her. She!

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  25. Thanks... you and me both!

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  26. I LOVE that show. And on your new, amazing tv I'm sure you all don't miss a thing! ;)

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  27. I wish you all could see him when he's not so relaxed and smirking... you wouldn't believe how riled he can get!

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  28. Thanks, Vicky! At 2am I got a wild hair and decided the blog needed a change... I wanted something more spring-like, but I made this one instead... just felt more me.

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  29. Thanks about the header! And he may have so much personality because I treat him like a human. :-[

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  30. I KNEW that would crack you up!!! I wish I could get video of him when you walk in the door... people would understand why I need the Dog Whisperer...

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  31. I love that on Grooveshark you can make the widget whatever colors you want... kind of fun to play around with. I'm pretty much obsessed with Sara Bareilles' "Dock of the Bay" right now.

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  32. I knew you'd get it... those maltese are something, aren't they?!? I was laughing at that whole sequence... it seriously happened in that order.

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  33. Yeah, I got no hope. ;)

    Recent blog post: The Voldemort of Illnesses

  34. Dont feel bad. I watch them twice too... that show has me so hooked and exasperated at the same time!

    Recent blog post: Good Weekend

  35. As always...he is just adorable. Riley almost blends in with the he is cute!

    Recent blog post: Love on Wednesdays: Pint Size Love

  36. I know, right? I'm almost sad they have an end date already... although it has them giving us more answers I'm going to be so bummed when that series is over!

    Recent blog post: Camera Shy?

  37. :) We obviously use your blankets CONSTANTLY. The minute I wrap up in it he's all snuggled in with me. We think of you a lot ;)

    Recent blog post: Camera Shy?

  38. What a cutie! I have a Maltese too and he has stolen my heart!! He will be 2 in June and gets away with murder! I love how Riley will just pose and "give the people what they want"!

    Love your new header! It looks great!

    Hope you are having a great day today! Thanks for sharing the Riley pics. Boo (my maltese) will nap on my lap as we watch shows....I often wonder what he is thinking about my viewing habits. I don't think he enjoys the Bachelor that!

  39. Trust me, he'll keep getting away with murder... Riley is 5, and while at times he seems more mellow than when he was a puppy, he hasn't lost a bit of orneriness!!! *DONT_KNOW*

    Recent blog post: Camera Shy?

  40. He'd win. You're right.
    You may have said this sometime, somewhere, but when I've looked I cannot seem to find it. What breed is Riley? My hope, is someday soon-ish, I will be able to get myself a pupper, and take him/her to work and train him/her to be a therapy dog.
    I think my residents need more puppy love in their lives.

  41. He's a maltese. They are little loves and are happiest when they can be with you all the time, so taking it to work would be great. Most are good with people if they are socialized early... my confinement created Riley's confinement so he's not well socialized, but that's my fault not his. I've also known a few malti-poos that are really cute and sweet, too, and are sometimes less expensive. Maltese can be up to a thousand if you can't find a small pet breeder like I did.

    Let me know what you end up getting!

  42. It does make me miss Maxie....but that does not take away from the love of
    sweet Riley! And, yes, I am commenting from weird!

  43. I thought so, but then wasn't sure as a friend of mine has this sweet little guy who is a coton de tulear. Super cute, but seriously, what is that? So anyway.... Love Riley, wanted a maltese forever ago, but have never been settled in a job where I could really have a pup. So now that I am....
    Will keep you posted on it!
    Thank you!

  44. im thinking more and more that i need to send Duke to your house and have Riley whip him into shape. seriously. Riley is awesome!!! youre a good mama!

    and you know he's smiling cuz he just let one rip.

    Recent blog post: my hand totally hurts from this
