
Friday, February 20, 2009

Flashback Friday: It’s a Yahweh Chewyday

This is a pre-post warning: You all may not be able to handle the cuteness. Seriously… don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I’ve told you all many times that I have the cutest nieces and nephews on the planet… and I’m sure some of you have rolled your eyes thinking that I’m biased or something.

Let me assure you, I’m not. I know cute when I see it. And now you can see it, too.

IMG_0859 lc

My nephew Christian, who is also my godson, is Cute with a capital C. He’s also pretty darn animated with a spunky personality. And he’s also been pretty darn obsessed with the Catholic church since the moment he came out of the womb.

We all thought it was so cute that his favorite toy when he was little was a rosary, which he referred to in his little boy language as a Yahweh Chewyday. He could tell you which church was a Catholic Church, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist… while you were driving by in the car. Kind of like a built-in tour guide of religions.

This is a video I shot of him when we were home in May of 2003. It’s in two sections… one where he tells you about his Yahweh Chewyday, and another where I caught him walking around the yard processing while singing his own church hymn. You can hear him as he’s on the basketball court at one point singing “Christ, Our Lord!” [and I apologize in advance for the annoying commentary by me; apparently my voice is WAY over animated when talking to children]:

christian rosary from gitzengirl on Vimeo.

We’ve all experienced many a church service in the living room presided over by Christian (or as he sometimes referred to himself: Pope Christian), and my favorite parts were always the homilies. Especially the ones where he told us what God was thinking about his siblings that day. Very insightful.

The best story is one my mom told me a few years back… they were visiting Christian’s house around the time when Pope John Paul II had passed away. Mom walked into the living room and Christian was laying on the floor with a coat draped over him, being as still as a church mouse. Mom asked what he was doing, and he replied in a monotone voice:

I’m the Pope. I’m dead.”

But of course! How could she have missed the news?!?!?


  1. Ummmm, I'm totally freaked out right now b/c your voice sounds EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY like an old friend of mine. Like, REALLY. =-O And do you know how excited I am that you now have EMOTICON OPTIONS?! Tammy is going to freak! LOL! hahahaha!!!!! :-P

  2. Okay, that was me. Brandy. Not anonymous. HAHA!! :-[

  3. All these blogs I read are from people up north. Not hard since I'm in Louisiana, but man! Ya'll talk so proper-like!! It was good to get to hear your voice!

  4. No lie, I've started saying y'all more since reading the blogs of people from the South. It's catching.

  5. You Dork! 8-) I have to say, when I installed this comment system I immediately thought of you with all the emoticons :-P

    Just so I know if it's working correctly, did you put in your blog URL when you (finally) typed in your name? with the http:// in front of it? Because if you do, it should list your latest blog post under it so others can click to you easily. I just want to make sure this is working the way it's supposed to. :*

  6. LOL This cracked me up!! My kids went to Catholic School all the way through 8th grade. I can just see your cute little nephew on the floor pretending to be the Pope...LOL this is so cute and funny! O:-)

    Recent blog post: Bathroom Remodel: Trash to Treasure Bathroom Cabinet

  7. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Adorable!

  8. That was weird....I showed up as Anonymous...???

  9. You weren't kidding with the cute alert!!! The video was great. Love hearing your voice. It's just like I thought it would be...sweet~
    Love the picture too...those eyes, those cheeks, that hair!!! =-O
    (Have I told you I love these emotions? I have to use restraint not to just use them all!)

    Recent blog post: A Few of My Favorite Things

  10. He was obviously given a very fitting name! He is adorable!!! How old is he now? Hmmmm... your voice reminds me of someone too... ME... I hear the northern inflection and that is exactly how I talk to my kids! ;) It IS fun to hear your voice as well as the cutie-patootie!

    Recent blog post: Getting ready for MckMama's visit!

  11. Out of the mouthes of babes...this is precious!

  12. That is so darn cute! My 6 yr old son is exactly the same way! We usually go to the 7:30am Mass on Sundays where there is no music, but on occasion we will go to a later Mass with music and Sean will sing his little heart out all during Mass and then for days afterwards. The innocence of youth is just priceless!

    He just came up to the computer while I was watching your video and I told him that little boy likes to sing church songs. He smiled and whispered to me..."I do too!"

    So cute!

    Thanks for sharing your family!


    Recent blog post: Easy Crocheted Oddball Afghan

  13. This had me belly laughing. How funny!

  14. I see Tam isn't here yet! =-O She must sense the emoticon madness. :-P

    bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! O:-)

    Recent blog post: I’ve got a hot date!

  15. hahahaha... she doesn't come here to read every day so you might have to wait a bit; but when she does I can guarantee she won't miss your varied emoticons :) =-X :* :-D =-O :-P

  16. Isn't he the cutest thing?

  17. I'm imagining that sweet little whisper. How cute!

  18. Hey, Neas... hope your leg is healing well!

  19. Did your kids play church, too? We used to use potato chips as the hosts... :)

  20. Yeah, I'm using a new comment system, so you probably had to enter your name... I might post this weekend to explain it...

  21. Aww... go crazy Robin... it's cool 8-)


  22. :) Hey... your canvas will go in the mail tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Just a heads-up!

  23. I thought that when you put your video of Colton up, too... FINALLY someone who sounds like me :)

  24. oh now that's cute! And yes, he is a such an incredible cute boy. He's gonna be a lady killer for sure! 8-)

  25. His older brother is a Mr. Hollywood, too. Total cutie.

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: It’s a Yahweh Chewyday

  26. ok. you have a good idea. like, fo sho! he is delicious!!!

    and as cute as he is scooting around the yard singing praises - i couldnt help but admire the lawn, the patio, the beauty. sheesh. i want to be there.

    and i love your voice. its so welcoming. and fun. and loving. and...YOU!

    Recent blog post: give me your best

  27. I look at the video for the same thing... mom and dad don't live there anymore, but truly I am way more nostalgic for the yard than the house. The basketball court and the barns and the fields and the yard back behind the honeysuckle... so much imagination used while playing out there when I was little.

  28. have you ever heard of that song "the green grass grows around"??? your
    words here...
    "The basketball court and the barns and the fields and the yard back behind
    the honeysuckle"
    totally reminded me of it. if you dont know it...then kass and i will have
    to sing it for you one day. oooo - the fun to be had!

  29. what's he think of his rosary-wielding toddlerness now that he's slightly bigger?

    Recent blog post: everything’s right

  30. I'll let you know at his next homily...

    Recently at my Aunt's funeral, when they were doing the incense around the casket, he leaned over to my sister and said, "Is that what they mean by Holy Smoke?" :)
