
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

HDG: Can I Borrow a Scissors?

[Total side note: my godson Tyler called last Wednesday after Susie showed him the photo on the blog, and he whispered into the phone: “Pssst… is Hump-Yay Giveaway!” Cutest mispronunciation ever… Love that kid. Ok, now back to the task at hand…]

hump day

I need a haircut.

Really, I don’t think my hair has ever been this long in my life… not that anyone would ever know since I always have it in a ponytail or a messy bun. But the ends need trimmed and the layers need shaped up and the length needs to be shortened.

And now that the thought has popped into my head, I know I need to cut it tonight… because the last time I had the urge to cut my hair and didn’t follow through I took my Ambien and woke up the next morning with a good five inches cut off my hair and no memory of having done it.

One of the hazards of the Ambien haze.

I’ve been cutting my own hair for quite a few years now… just another one of those things you don’t consider until you’re homebound. Going to a salon where they bring you a glass of wine and massage your scalp while they cut your hair was so relaxing… it almost makes my eyes go heavy just thinking about it.

But now, leaning my head back with my neck on that shampoo bowl sounds like torture. And sitting still in a chair while someone takes their time to try and tame my curls isn’t such a relaxing prospect. The car ride to the salon over bumpy, potholed streets is enough to make me want to stay home in and of itself.

This totally isn’t a complaint… just one of those weird facts of life that I never considered before I got sick. Not unlike the recent challenge of maneuvering my crutches and my laptop while trying to sit in another room and type. Everything in life requires thought and planning in order to make it work, so when a moment in my day works with ease I’ve learned to stop and really savor it… like a little moment that was crafted and gifted especially for me.

So today’s question for the Hump Day Giveaway Drawing is: What little everyday moment in your life are you going to stop and savor today?


Leave your thoughts in the comment section (only one, please) before midnight CST, and I’ll let you know the winner of the canvas tomorrow!


  1. When my girls are eating lunch. I usually use it as a little break for me, they're quiet, and I can check email. Today, I'll sit down with them and just enjoy them.

  2. When my girls wake up way before I'm ready to and crawl into bed with me. There's no sleeping with them in bed. But I love snuggling up with their wiggly little bodies anyways.

  3. It is raining outside, so I am stopping to thank God that we are sheltered from this storm. After a long day of deep cleaning the house, it feels nice to just stop and appreciate what a gift it is to have a nice, warm home.

  4. I always linger a bit longer in the bed when I first wake up, I always have two little furry friends snuggled up with me, one on each, that is good stuff! I am thankful to have them, and thankful they love me so much!

    Love this canvas.....would go so well in a new decorated room!

  5. That I have a lunchbreak. I tend to work through it or do way too much reading. Today I'm keeping it simple.

  6. So pretty! Love the colors - they would work great in my house. and the quote is beautiful.

  7. Ooh. My husband takes Ambien. If he doesn't go straight to bed, I'll inevitably find him with a peanut butter jar and spoon in his hands swaying in front of the pantry door. His eyes roll up in his head and he has a tough time keeping his balance, but it's always FOOD he's after when that stuff kicks in. He's supposed to be on a diet, too!

    Today is produce day from the Farmer's Market. I'm going to savor some time with my 7yo as we wash those veggies in the sink and prepare some good-for-you stuff. He's full of good stories about bears named Grump, Mump, Sump, etc. It makes the time pass faster if he narrates a story to me as we work.

  8. I'm going to savor today for just what it is - a gift from God. Your work is wonderful and thanks for giving one of us the opportunity to get it!

  9. I am so grateful that I am able to read.

  10. It's snowing today and I'm going to savor every moment of it through my 15month old daughter's eyes.

  11. I am going to savor doing the many loads of laundry I have to do today. With a family of 6 it just never ends.

  12. The phrase:

    "Bonjour Madame! Comment êtes-vous?"

    I am going to miss hearing French!

  13. woops I forgot to tell you my savor moment....

    well today I'm going to savor the fact that we have a two hour delay and enjoy the slow non-rushed morning...sometimes those are so nice to have as a little surprise :)

  14. I'll savoir the opportunity to rock my baby to sleep tonight...he's almost to the age when he doesn't want to be held!

  15. My oldest 2 children have their 2nd soccer practice today. They will begin practicing as I am getting off of work. I am going to make sure to drive as quickly {and safely} as possible to make it to their practice so I can watch them and savior this time with them. They will be grown before I know it and it's these moments that mean the most.

    PS. I love your blog!


  16. The way my daughter and I blow kisses to each other at bedtime, and how I can still hear her blowing kisses in the darkness if I linger and listen after I've shut the door.

  17. I am savoring the evenings I have with my husband. He works alot and we do not always see each other as much as we would like. So being with him is so precious!

  18. When my husband gets up with the baby in the morning and lets me sleep an extra 30 minutes. Gotta love that guy.

  19. Awesome question. I've been trying to focus more on living in the now, and this fits right in.

    Today I plan to savor the little moment of time I have on the shuttle bus between the parking lot and my class building. It's a good gap of unallocated time in which I can relax, clear my mind, and think!

  20. Today I choose to savor the instant when my babes hug me from both sides. It will happen when my big kid gets off the bus and wraps her lanky arms around my ribs, burying her head. My little bit, at the same time, grabs around my leg and squeezes, not wanting to miss participating in the warmth. This happens each day, and today I will choose to linger in the moment instead of bustling home with things to do; I'll savor it, because too soon they'll be "big" and it will stop.

  21. Today.. I'm going to savor the fact that through God's guidance, I have raised a very compassionate and caring teenage daughter and I'm so very proud of her!
    Mary Austin

  22. I'm keeping my 3 older kids home from preschool today because one has an appt and the other 2 were "sick" at school yesterday so I'm not chancing it even though I think they are fine. But instead of complaining of toting 4 kids to the eye doctor I think I'll enjoy the ride and we'll sing songs and enjoy a nice {McDonald's} lunch together.

  23. I'll savor when my youngest munchkin insists on being carried as I try to work in the kitchen.

  24. Love that canvas! LOVE IT!

    Today I'm going to sit and PLAY with my 3-year-old daughter while her sisters are at school.

    Thank you!!

  25. I'm going to savor the moments while I nurse my precious baby...every part of him is so beautiful and loved by God.

  26. I am due with my second child in about 5 weeks. I am trying to savor EVERY moment with my 2 year old son! I especially love just staring at him while he is sleeping. I hold him a little extra longer at night, next to me, and I can feel him breath. It is so peaceful and such a blessing!!

  27. I am due with my second child in about 5 weeks. I am trying to savor EVERY moment with my 2 year old son! I especially love just staring at him while he is sleeping. I hold him a little extra longer at night, next to me, and I can feel him breath. It is so peaceful and such a blessing!!

  28. That I get to spend girl time with my aunt today.

  29. I am very fortunate that I have so many moments throughout the day to savor and be thankful for.

    One that I will especially savor is when Ian comes home from preschool and starts singing to me. He has now learned the words to "you are so beautiful to me!" (He sings it about as well as Alfalfa did on the Little Rascals movie, but that makes it all the better.) The reason why this especially tugs at my heartstrings is that only six months ago, Ian (at the age of four) was unable to sing songs due to his speech disability. Now, as a result of persistent hard work on his part...and ours...and a couple speech therapists, he is doing very well!

    Ahhh...let the singing begin!

  30. Today I am going to savor coloring with my 5 yr old daughter. She loves it when we color a page together and I usually color as fast as I can but today, I'm going to color slow and reaaly spend time with her. Thanks for the post!!
    Jennifer H.

  31. I am going to stop and savor time with my 3 kids today- especially my 2 older sons. I just returned to work last week after 8 weeks of maternity leave- during those 8 weeks, I was able to spend lots of time with them in the afternoons doing homework, playing, and talking. Now that I am back at work- I come home and cook, clean, feed my daughter, and it's already time for bed. I think I will make something simple for dinner like soup and sandwiches, and just spend some time with them! They are my step-sons (that I adopted in September), so becoming a mother to my daughter has made me cherish and savor time with them even more.
    Thank you again for sharing your life, your story, and your wonderful art work!

  32. Today I am going to savor the moments of my husband being home and playing with my son....he is temporarily layed off his job and has been home for two weeks. It is a struggle not knowing what God has next, but it is so precious to see them bond further as he is home! I love to hear them giggle together!
    -Amy Starnes

  33. I'm going to stop and savor my husband and kids insead of running around trying to get "everything" done tonight. Instead we will eat leftovers and other things will be on hold so I can just enjoy the time with them.

    Thanks for making us think about things.

    Heather in IN

  34. I'm a stay at home working Mom, so when I stop working to feed Addy (13 months) lunch I will savor my "hour" with her by teaching her new words, work on her walking, and watch her laugh at the dogs. Ahh, the simple things! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  35. I am going to enjoy when my 5 year old Gabriel comes up in the morning and tells me that he loves me and just wanted to see me. He warms my heart! Have a great Wednesday!

  36. I choose to savor the moments that my little girl comes up to me wanting to read a book. I will sit down with her and read. Even if it's the same book we've read a million times before!

    tbmroberts at yahoo dot com

  37. The smell of my little ones. There is something about baby soap, watermelon shampoo and left over food particles on their little faces that smells so good.

  38. As a breast cancer survivor I HAVE learned to savor every little moment. Today for me it was a walk in the falling snow.

  39. Boy do I know some people who could use this reminder. ;) Beautiful Job!

  40. As my baby approaches one, I will savor our current bedtime routine because I know it will soon change. Breastfeeding and then snuggling on the rocking chair. I love how sweet he smells and how tight he squeezes me back. Its hard to believe he will be a man one day.... :o)

  41. This morning we woke up to not 1, not 2, but 3 sundogs over the top of the church across the street from us. My entire family sat in a moment of awe looking at it before we rushed into the rest of our day. Its the journey of the moments we are trying to savor. Because we have been blessed with so many moments!

    I LOVE THIS CANVAS!!!!!! Have fun today girly!

  42. This weekend we got several feet of snow and my oldest was suppose to be shoveling the front steps but I looked out the window and saw this - - they were sledding down the steps they were suppose to be shoveling. It just tickled me, to see them having so much fun. Such a great reminder of how fun it is to be a kid. I have had this picture of them laughing in my head all week and it just makes me smile.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful work!

  43. I savor my boys making sure to give me hugs and kisses before I leave for work every morning! It just totally warms my heart! I know it may not last long, so I will savor it all while they do it.

  44. Tonight I'll take my time saying prayers and singing songs before bed. My son always asks for more songs after we finish, and I'll take the time to snuggle him and sing just one more.


  45. Love this canvas!! My moment to savor today is cleaning up after dinner. My DH always helps me. Sometimes we just work quietly, but sometimes we play and laugh while we do the dishes. Thanks for reminding me not to take those little moments for granted.


  46. LOVE LOVE LOVE today's giveaway :) I'm really trying to focus on the little everyday moments lately- like listening to my little boy's laughter throughout the day.... What a joy...

  47. Yesterday my little Angel started saying 'ok'. That is what I am treasuring yesterday and today, not only is she saying ok but she is actually being agreeable and cooperative. (which is not the easiest thing for my 2 1/2 year old recently!) This little word has brought me hope yesterday, when I had a migraine, and today when I barely can keep my eyes open from tossing and turning last night. It's amazing what a two lettered word can do to a Mommy! :D

  48. When my 18 year old daughter comes home from college and curls up on the couch with me. She is chatty, loving, authentic, and caring. It's as if she is 3 years old all over again. We delight in that time together!

  49. Today I will savor many things...but most importantly the fact I will be off work early today and snuggling with my 2 favorite kiddos--and taking in their sweet smell:)

  50. I will savor the falling rain today not necessary because of the rain itself but because it's beginning to smell like Spring rain and NOT Winter rain.

  51. I savor watching our little cat pounce on pencaps.... he is still young enough to 'play' and I know he won't always be this active. So I will savor his playfulness and his eagerness to do so....

  52. On my lunch hour at home today I am going to play one-on-one with Asher (my dog) instead of trying to play catch-up on household chores.

  53. I am going to savor my Bible study with my friends from church tonight. It's our first one! Very exciting!

  54. Believe me, this doesn't happen everyday but my husband just sent me the most beautiful email. He is going through a really hard time right now and his note expressed his gratefulness for me in his life. I will definitely savor it today and forever.

  55. I am savoring the fact that my little girl will be 9 months tomorrow and I don't want to miss a minute of her being 8 months and 29 days old!! :) (first child...everything is so new and exciting!)

  56. your work is beautiful and your blog is inspiring! i'm going to savor today and take the time to enjoy reading your blog and other random blogs and hope to get something enlightening out it - i love the feeling of reading something and getting something so meaningful out of it - even if it is just a little laugh to brighten your day when everything else seems to be going wrong.

  57. I love going into my daughter's room (she's 11 mos. old today) after she wakes up in the morning. She's so happy & excited to see me. Love your blog.

  58. I just came across your blog and have spent the last 30 minutes reading. You have such a wonderful spirit and way with words.

    Today I am thankful for my health. While I have a horrible cold, it is on the mend and over all I am well. I can really get bogged down when I am sick, but today I woke up and said "this is it. be positive." Makes everything better.

    Thanks for your words. I look forward to visiting again!

  59. Woman, would you look at these comments!!! Weeeeeee!!! how much fun!
    Okay, I'm sitting here in a chair waiting for my bath to fill's raining and chilly here. There's steam rising from my tub...I'm going to light a candle or two and relish this moment in the tub! Smmoooch to Riley...
    ps I LOVE this canvas...what's my # today? 62-63-64? I think that's my lucky #!!!

  60. I am going to savor all of the hugs from 2nd graders that I've gotten and the sweet comments about me being back. They said it felt like I was gone forever, but I only missed 2 days of school! However, spending that time with my brand new nephew was worth every single minute of me being gone! :)

    Can't wait to see the new hair-cut! I might drive down and have you cut my curls, as well! :) They need a trim...major!

    Jess :)

  61. I really try to just savior as much as I can. I have 5 children and sometimes we get so busy that I just look forward and do not stop for a few minutes to enjoy the moment. My 5 year old does not have school for two days and we have really been enjoying our mother/son time. Yesterday we layed on the carpet in front of the window and talked about Thomas the Tank and just felt the sun shining on us. It was very nice and a memory that will be tucked away!! I love your work.

    De Anne B.

  62. Today I will savor the 100th time that Abby makes me play puppy dogs and she has to be Riley and I pretend to be Sara (no lie!!). I feed her lunch in a bowl on the floor and rub her belly when she rolls over! I WILL savor this today and I will try not to use the Dog Whisperer "SHT" on her too much:)

  63. That's a good one for me today. My son received his first bloody nose today at the hands of his devestated and repentant big sister (accidental, by the way). Blood everywhere and on a 5 month old is not a fun sight.

    But now I'm savouring seeing them together again, all forgiven, my daughter newly cautious and giving him a "check-up" with her doctor kit.

  64. I plan to savor the few minutes before bedtime for my boys. That's usually when we chat for a few minutes, pray together, and then they still (ages 13 and 9) kiss me on the cheek before heading out! I might sneak in a hug tonight too!!

  65. Definitely the lazy day at home with my LuckyPuppy...because he doesn't have many left :( I love how he lets me know that he knows I'm taking loving care of him. Awkward sentence, but couldn't say it any other way.

  66. I savor every minute I get to spend with my 6 month old. She is at such a fun age and I want to enjoy every minute of b/c she is changing daily!! She is just a precious girl and i don't want to miss out on hearing her laugh or seeing her smile at her daddy. Love your blog!
    beccaz79 at hotmail dot com

  67. This one....this one, when I get to take a few minutes out of my otherwise hectic, filled-to-the-brim with activity day, and I get to "read" you! This is the everyday moment that I get to savor today, tomorrow, the next day, and the next and the one after that, etc......

    .....and I so cherish this one!

    Love you, dear-heart!

  68. I am going to savour spending time with amazing friends that I have been so blessed by! And savour the time at the end of the day spent with a candle, a cup of tea and my bible

  69. I'm going to savor my two wonderful children and the time we have together to just play. Thank you for this reminder to not waste even a minute.

  70. Today I was savoring having a safe car to drive my children in! We just traded in our old car last night, and the muffler had fallen off and the CV joints were cracked so it could have caused an accident at any time. We just didn't have the money for a new one until we got our tax return! It is so nice to feel that little bit of safety when driving!

  71. I savor the time with my mama. She's 85 and lives in a retirement home and is almost unable to walk. There have been moments when I resented having to be the "daughter in town" who goes to see her most every day and helps her get around....then I remember that mama is my best friend. That I have been able to tell her ANYTHING since I was in my 30's. That she cared for 6 of us with such love and devotion....only sometimes blasting off like a rocket ship when we were just unbearable.

    I'm going to see her in a few minutes and I'm going to savor each moment. Thanks for the reminder!

  72. I am going to savor the fact that I get to stay home with my kids homeschooling. I will also choose joy when they are fighting with each other.

  73. Hmmmm today I will savor God's grace, we have a little older gentleman who works part time for us, he is 74 and had a mild stroke last week, he is home now and actually came by work today...We all prayed for him! Don't take life for granted, don't give up! Oh and today is my bf's mom's birthday! Yeah!
    Happy Hump Day to you too,

  74. My maternity leave is coming to an end in 2 weeks, so I'm savoring the snuggle time with both my newborn and 3 year old. I'm also savoring the fact that I don't have to get dressed and do my hair and make-up at 6 in the morning yet.

  75. Hi there!

    Just a few minutes ago I savored the hug my husband gave me before he left for work. The cozy- sink-in and snuggle up tight kind of hug. The kind where you know that someone loves you more than words.

    Hope you have a good day.

  76. A full day of moments ... with my children, with my husband, noticing the things God is doing. Already He has filled me with joy by opening my eyes to see His hand in our lives. Awesome!

  77. I am about to head home for lunch, no errands, no kids, no husband. Just me & the dog and the quiet! What a great Wednesday.

  78. I'm going to savor the joy of the women who came to meet my son for the first time. The way he smiled at them and they oohed and aaahhed over this precious blessing God has given to my husband and I!

  79. This may be cheating since I savor this every day, but every morning my husband tells me to "have a most wonderous day" when I leave for work. It's so stinkin cute.

  80. I will savor the bedtime stories I read to my kids. The oldest is 9 and there may be a time when he no longer wants to be read to. But for today, I can savor the moment.

  81. I am going to savor tucking my boys in bed. I am so thankful and blessed by a wonderful Savior, to have two healthy boys, a roof over head and comfy beds to put them in.

  82. Hugs, kisses and silliness from my seven year old son.

  83. Snuggle time with Dylan.

    You must post pic of new cut tomorrow.

  84. <3I am going to stop and savor the little pecks that I get from my boyfriend through out the day <3

  85. Hugs and kisses good night every night with my boys...they still want them even though they are 15 and 13 now!

  86. I'm savoring the snow falling outside, being snuggly-warm inside, and having my two cats snuggled up with me. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  87. It's snowing outside right now. I can look out my window and watch all that beautiful white falling from the sky.

    I can also savor the fact that I no longer have to drive in it. :)

    Perhaps the best thing about being retired is I now have the time to savior every moment.

  88. I'm going to savor the warmth of the sun through my car window on this cold Montana day

  89. The first breath of the day! I survived an AVM. Every morning I wake up I have that huge, physical reminder that I am here because of God's grace! A breath. And I take a million a day!!!

  90. My hubby taking that extra minute to give me a kiss before he walks out the door, even when he is only going to be gone for 15 minutes.

  91. I am savoring having a day off in the middle of the week so I could enjoy a couple "spontaneous" outings with friends I haven't seen in a while. And, also savoring the fact that I can take a nap under a nice warm blanket inside a warm house on this windy, chilly day.

    I love Hump Day Giveaways!

  92. Okay... this canvas speaks to me (and my husband)... something I hear myself repeat is that it is the "Little Things in Life"... and it is. It SO is.
    Hmmm... what will everyday moment will I focus on and savor today?? ... After bath-time... when we are usually in the living room and my 2 y/o is playing for a bit more before bedtime, my husband is watching TV and I am doing the odd ancillary thing left that 'needs to be done'... I will not, I will not worry about the little This or That that calls me, I will stop and savor this brief time and be.
    Thank you for all you do.
    You inspire.

  93. My favorite little thing in life is my goodbye kiss in the morning from my husband and my daughter.

  94. I savor the time at night when I'm rocking my baby to sleep. I know before I know it he'll be an energetic, always-on-the-go toddler like my oldest, so I enjoy these precious moments while they last.

  95. i still don't think i could cut my own hair. i'm impressed, friend.

    today i've been savoring the simple gesture of a friend texting me. knowing that i'm being thought of and cared for right this moment feels like a hug.

  96. I am savoring the fact that I am refinding the Lord in my life...Turning things over to him and not dwelling on what tomorrow will bring - Just enjoying the fact that I am here today.

  97. I will savor all the little things I take for granted in a day - messages from friends, seeing my children off for school, taking the animals out, etc. ~ :) Thanks!

    sounders68 [at]

  98. Tonight I'm going to savor the moment(s) that I spend snuggling with my 8 year old daughter, singing her a good night song, and saying a prayer out loud, while gently rocking her to sleep. We do this every night! It's one of those moments I'm going to miss when she's not so small anymore. :(

    Love your work!

    Laura W. (Rocky Face, GA)

  99. Three years ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer and told he probably would not make it beyond a year. God has blessed us with time and I will not take for granted hugging him and prayer.

  100. Hump day give-away? I'm scared to ask what that is exactly.

    Are boys allowed to win?

  101. I am going to savor the craziness of my children. Example: today while I was working out, I brought my three year old and four month old with me. My three year old Olivia wet her pants, shoes, socks, and bath mat. I am lucky to get to have those moments with my kids.

  102. I'm 107--that's just crazy!!!!

    Today, I wanted to change my "name"-not my real name, just the given one-MAMA.
    I heard that name TOOO many times, and I was getting FRUSTRATED!!!
    Had a bit of time to sit and read, blog, FB, and realized I need to enjoy the little things. This is a daily reminder for me. Someday I know I'll miss them being around, and miss the mama calling.
    Happy Hump Day.

  103. I sat and watched my daughter play with her special animal,big bird. I love watching her smile when she holds him!

  104. Through the last 20 months I have learned to savor almost every little moment that I used to take for granted! Walking unassisted - LOVE IT. Taking a shower - AMAZING! Mopping a floor - A PRIVILEGE. Ok, I'll stop, but I so get it about having your hair done!

  105. i am going to savor bedtime with my 2.5 year old little girl...right now, i want her to get to sleep by herself without me next to her holding her hand so badly, yet i know i'll miss the days when she won't need my hand to fall asleep

  106. I had oreo chocolate creme cakesters as a special dessert treat with my supper. They are sooooo gooood, amd I made a point of really paying attention as I ate them, instead of just scarfing them down. So simple and so good.
    Beth Ann

  107. Today I savored the time I spent with just me and my mom. So many people my age dont take time to step back a realize what a gift their parents are...and one day it's gonna be too late. So I make sure to savor every moment I can, and believe me I wouldn't take a single moment back for anything.

  108. The way the kiddos smell and feel after they get out of the bath at night. I am going to hug on them and hold them closer for a few more minutes tonight before bed.

    BTW - Found your blog by way of Jessica Turner's.....

  109. Today I savored the time I had with my brother. I am at college so we don't get to see each other very often but he surprised me so I skipped class and we visited and had lunch on a very pretty, sunny day (which is rare for where I live)!
    Catrina in Oregon

  110. Just being with my kids tonight. Not doing anything special. Just watching them play and being interested what they are doing. Because as my baby turns four today I am realizing more and more that these small moments are slipping away from me.

  111. Picking up my ten month old baby girl at the end of a long workday and hearing her "Hiiiii" from across the room. Watching her crawl over to give her Mama kisses. It just makes my heart lighter, she is so precious! :)

  112. I am enjoying the serenity that comes with putting two very stir-crazy kids to bed, the small talk with my lovely wife, and a big bowl of ice cream.

  113. I am going to savor the moments when my grandson, Davis, 9 months old begins smiling from ear to ear when I enter the front door. All of my other grandchildren live out of town and it feel so good to be known as Gran...

  114. Today I'm going to savor everything about my teenage son. He will be off to college in 6 months or so. It seems like yesterday that I sent him off to preschool!!

    Sheila, Carlsbad CA

  115. Snuggling up with Martini to cuddle and take a nap tonight. :)

  116. I savor each day the memories I have of my parents that have passed on. I miss them so much and try to keep it fresh in my mind, our lives together because I want to have those memories with me when I am old and alone.

  117. i will continue to thank God that our girls are healthy! After baby Cora and my coworker's 11 yo dd was diagnosed with cancer, I am so thankful for our health!

  118. I'll savor that I have 3 precious kiddos that love me and give me hugs everyday! Great blog! Glad I found it!!! :-)
    Amy in CA

  119. Aidan is my non affectionate kid. He has softened up a bit since I started praying for God to soften his heart, but it's still hard to get the kid to cuddle with you. Always at the most inopportune times he comes up and says "hold me high!" He wants me to pick him up and hold him, while standing up. Not sitting down mind you....standing up. So he can "see high." More often than not I say "not now Aidan, I'm ...." usually cooking or cleaning something. I need to take those moments and realize he'll come to me for affection when he needs it, not when I want it. I sure do love his hugs. When he is needing it, he hangs on tight.

  120. I am savouring so much right now. I look at my children's eyes differently. Today (which will end up being Thursday actually and not hump day) I will savour playing with my children.

    I will be going in the hospital on Monday, the 23rd for major surgery to remove a mass and one of my ovaries -- possibly more. Because of this, things seem a little less of a big deal. And then there are things that are HUGE.

    I will savour seeing my children after my pre-op appt today -- being registered, having blood drawn and doing an EKG.

    Enjoying the everyday is often the key to our happiness.

  121. I am going to savor that God gave me 2 beautiful girls after 4+ years of infertility. I will enjoy their hugs and kisses every day. Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  122. I am going to savor my children today. I need to remember how blessed I am to stay home with them, with the Economy in the state that it is in. I am still able to stay home and enjoy them, teach them, watch them grow & learn. I need to savor that more and more each day.

  123. My son has a quick recall match today and I think I should savor watching him with his friends having fun.

  124. I am going to take a little extra time rocking my babies before I put them in bed.

    Recent blog post: Frozen

  125. love your work! jumped over from jessica turner's blog! :)

  126. My first visit to your blog... found it through Jessica Turner's. Riley is SO SUPER CUTE! Have you heard of It's "Facebook" for dogs. My cats are on Catster, and its the greatest place ever to meet other pet parents.

    Nice blog! ~Stephanie
