
Monday, February 16, 2009

My Funny Valentines

Silly me.

Here I was last week thinking I didn’t have a Valentine, only to find out that I had sixteen little Valentines thinking about me. My friend Deb’s 1st and 2nd grade class had made me special notes and gifts on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it never occurred to me to expect something on Valentine’s Day. And not expecting it made it so much more fun.


Isn’t that the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen? I did some rearranging on my fridge and now the handprints of my class are front and center for me to admire every day. The note on the top says: “Let us hold your heart in our hands. This is where your heart needs to be. Our love for you will always be true. You are part of our class family.”

Yeah, it pretty much made me melt, too.


The students have been working on learning how to write poems and, let me tell you, I think they did a phenomenal job. They each made me individual valentines with original poems, and a few even included Riley in the process: “This little puppy is so sweet. His name is Riley and he asks for a treat.” Now that’s dedication to detail!

Another said: “This puppy of mine is great and kind. He gives you kisses, a lot at a time.” Good, right? I’m pretty darn impressed with the little stinkers. I hope they’re having fun doing these projects, because they absolutely mean the world to me. I have been so blessed to have such great friends like Deb who think of things like this to do for me, but to have that extend out to such sweet little kids is above and beyond.

The fact that they threw in some chocolate didn’t hurt, either. :)

This last photo is just so you all don’t think I’m exaggerating when I tell you that Riley tries to get in every photo I take:


This photo can be summed up by the line: “his name is Riley and he asks for a treat.” Yep, they knew what they were talking about in that poem.


  1. I'm so going to pay for this, the fact that its already early Monday and I am still up...

    But I just had to comment. HOW ADORABLE! Can I apply for a fan club too? How sweet they are! It seems they are indeed catching on to how to write poems. And to see Robin's little bird looking over them, just seems so perfect :)

  2. You are up late for a mom who has to get little ones to school! :) I forgot to check the mail yesterday so I got Robin's bird today... SO CUTE. Definitely spruces up my fridge :)

    Now go to bed!

  3. So stinking sweet!!!!!!!! How cute are those little hands!

  4. Oh that is precious! Little people showing God's love ...

  5. I'm so glad that you got something special for Valentines Day!

  6. Awesome valentines, Sara. I think you have MANY little loves. I received a similar valentine from my husband, who didn't get a card, and instead made me one. From the cardstock in the playroom. Little did he realize that after making his card, the reverse side had already been illustrated with "I miss you" by our nine year old. I laughed so hard...I told him now my card was reversible, multipurpose, and when he went out of town, I could use it as well. It looks like we both have creative, funny valentines. Ah, to be loved with homemade artwork.

  7. Sara- I was directed to your blog through Jessica Turner's a few weeks ago and have loved reading it all. Thank you so much for sharing your life and life's joys with us all! I am so glad God blessed you with these special valentines! I know Riley probably loves all the poems about him too! Hope you have a great week full of lots of fresh air!

  8. I am jealous. You got the best present ever! And that Riley, he's a hoot.

  9. I was so into the precious hands on the fridge that the last picute just caught me off guard...I laughed outloud at Riley looking up at me and still I'm giggling.
    Great Valentine!
    Give that dog 1 more treat :)

  10. That was a beautiful Valentine card.

    Love and chocolates the perfect gift for any holiday.

  11. That is an amazing card! I just love art creations made by children!

  12. Cutest post ever!!! Love those valentines.

  13. how sweet is that????? Just precious!

  14. I knew you all would think it was adorable too... I have to tell you I grin every time I walk by my fridge... they are so stinkin cute!

  15. Man, that's something Sara.

    That's really something.

  16. you are loved.


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