
Friday, May 29, 2009

Flashback Friday: One Year and Counting

So, Wednesday was my 365th day of blogging. I’ve officially been blogging for more than one full year.

367 days. 271 posts.

I honestly had no idea I had that much to say. And I certainly had no idea I would meet so many people, make such good friends and come to rely on all of you being here every morning when I stumble out of bed. It’s like a long-term slumber party, only you don’t have to look at my crazy, matted, unruly, curly hair when I wake up. It’s a win-win. [Trust me.]

I figured this Flashback Friday would be a good day to revisit the very first post I wrote. I started this blog on a whim because I felt like I had something to say and no one to say it to…

Thanks for showing up and listening.

***** ***** *****

Rummaging Through
[originally posted: May 28, 2008]

Two nights ago, tornadoes ripped through nearby towns. They tore apart homes, families, livelihoods and security. I sat for nearly seven hours as the newscasters told me it was going to miss my town, that it was heading straight for my town and finally that it had created destruction everywhere around me, but spared my town. The sky was ominous. The atmosphere was, in a word, creepy... and the sound of a jet hovering overhead turned out to be the F5 tornado many towns away. It was the sound of lives changing in a moment.

I spent the day today going through my closet and putting together things to give to the people of Parkersburg, whose town is gone but not lost. In the process of searching for things that may help build their lives, I discovered myself finding a way to let go of my own past life. Before I became sick I took my full life for granted. I assumed I would always be social, rarely at home, singing at weddings and working to my heart's content.

Now, because of the need of others I finally let go of the dresses I don't need for singing at weddings, the shoes with heels that are too high to use with crutches and the little clutch purses that can't swing hands-free across my body. They haven't been of any use to me for such a long time, but I couldn't seem to get rid of them without a reason. I mean… what if, after ten years of getting worse, I wake up tomorrow able to sing at a wedding again? What if, after barely leaving the house a handful of times in the last year, I break out and go on a date? Those heels would come in handy.

But the reality is that I have to let go of sifting through my life just as the people in Parkersburg, New Hartford and Dunkerton will soon have to do. They are going to have to step aside and watch the bulldozers carry away the remnants of their old lives so they can start rebuilding their town, their homes, their families, their livelihoods. They will find their new normal in the midst of the chaos and see blessings in tragedies. They will struggle between holding on and letting go, and I will cheer them on in spirit as I do the same with my life.

Somewhere in the midst of all of their trouble, in my heart aching for them and trying to imagine their loss and their gratitude and their hope, I let go of hopes that aren't meant to be fulfilled and offered the material remnants of my past life for their new lives. It's another start, and a fresh start always means hope is on the horizon. Theirs may be the hope of building bigger, stronger, better. Mine may be of building a resiliency for the pain that lies ahead. But both are hope nonetheless.


  1. Wow Gitz. You started out with a bang. What an insightful, poignant post from the very beginning. No wonder you have touched so many hearts and developed great friendships. I always head to my blog first thing in the morning, too. Love your analogy to a slumber party but I'd take you with matted hair if you don't mind my Albert Einstein look! Congratulations on an incredible body of work. Amazing. :)

  2. Happy Blog Birthday/Anniversary!!! My one year will be Sunday!!!!


  3. Happy Blogaversary!

    Recent blog post: 15!

  4. Happy Blogaversary to you. Thank you for your honest posts that encourage, challenge, and uplift. You are a blessing. SusanD

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday - 5/28/09

  5. Happy Blogaversary!! I was just realizing mine is in a couple of days. I have always said "you hit the ground running" with your beautiful posts and unselfish, generous, pretty self! Love ya girly :* Cheers to year two!

    Recent blog post: Shifting Gears.

  6. Happy Blogaversary Sara! May you continue to write for many many years to come!

    Recent blog post:

  7. [yay! i can comment now!]

    since we can't share a celebratory drink together, i'll just have to raise a glass in your honor tonight.

    i love you!

  8. Congratulations on one year! Awesome! So glad to be a part of your blogging community!

    Recent blog post: Such amazing truth ...

  9. What a great first post! Happy Blogaversary! Glad that you've kept at it!

  10. Congratulations! Wow, one whole year? That's way longer than I EVER keep up with any of my new hobbies : ) But I'm so glad that you felt led to start this blog, so happy that I found it (when you commented on Pete's and I saw the pic of that cute little dog), and I look forward to another year of your inspiration and talent.

  11. I enjoy reading your blog every day. Happy anniversary!

    Recent blog post: How do we see baby?

    Recent blog post:
    How do we see baby?

  12. Wow...I can't believe it's been a year since Parkersburg! One of my college roommates is from there, and thankfully there was only minimal damage to her home. Another girl I went to college with lost her house. She was supposed to fly to Africa for a Summer of Service a few days later, and miraculously they found her passport (undamaged) in the debris.
    Happy Blogiversary!

    Recent blog post: substitution

  13. curly and einstein... we'd be quite the pair :)

  14. did it fly by as quickly for you? i feel like i just started a few months ago...

  15. :) thanks. i think it's so funny that 'blogaversary' is a term now!

  16. thanks for showing up every day and encouraging me :)

  17. thanks, dear. sometimes i feel like i used up all my good stuff early on when no one was around to read it :)

  18. thanks... i'm certainly going to try...

  19. what time? i'll raise a glass to you too :)

  20. so glad you're here, too. it's nice having friends show up every day :)

  21. i honestly think riley's photo brought more people over here than my actual comments did :)

  22. thanks! every time you comment i get a grin thinking about you and the little one on the way. hope you're feeling well!

  23. it really does seem hard to believe, doesn't it? it's amazing how well they've rebuilt and the stories like the passport that have come out of it.

  24. That is why I love it when you repost :) pull those gems out and for those of us who missed we'll be all caught up eventually!!

  25. i always feel like i'm cheating, but it's nice some days to go back and repost when i'm tired!!!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: One Year and Counting

  26. right... NOW.

    cheers, friend.

  27. OK! I'm getting a smirnoff right now :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: One Year and Counting

  28. I LOVE that we’re having drinks together!

  29. Congratulations!
    My three year old just asked me a lot of questions about Riley. :)

    Recent blog post: His lips

  30. Wow! Happy anniversary! We are all so lucky that you took this on. I feel especially fortunate that your blog got me back in contact with you after too many years. What a blessing that has been! I only wish I knew of a way to give back to you what you give to me every day. :)

  31. He does seem to be the main attraction for most kids ... I try not to take it personally when my friends kids want to "go see Riley" instead of "go see Sara." :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: One Year and Counting

  32. That's been one of the best things about it for me, too... seriously. I've been wanting to call you and see how life is and how the new computer is working, but I have no voice and my breathing kind of sucks, so I haven't been able to - but I love seeing when you show up here because it makes me still feel kind of in touch, you know?

    Anyway, you give me SO much being here. Really.

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: One Year and Counting

  33. Wow! Happy Anniversary. What a great first started out just as good as you ended the year. Have a great weekend, Sara. Tell Riley Hello!!

    Recent blog post: VINTAGE THINGIES THURSDAY: Forgotten Mountain Treasures Part 2

  34. Thanks so much... you know, you were among my first "regulars" I knew I could expect to see everyday... it's always nice having you around :*

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: One Year and Counting

  35. Congrats on blogging so long!! And must I say your dog is ADORABLE!!

    Recent blog post: Maribel

  36. Congratulations on your one year blogaversary, Sara! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your words of insight, inspiration, and hope as well as your humorous and light-hearted stories!

    You bring joy, sunshine and awareness to those of us who are so blessed by your willingness to open yourself up to us every day. God bless you, dear-heart!! <3

    Recent blog post: HDG: Watch Where You Step

  37. Hello. I came here via PW's site after seeing your comment directly above that of my own and wanted to congratulate you on your first year of blogging.
    Your Riley is absolutely gorgeous, as is your blog. I love how you used the font for the post headers and on the sidebar. Clever!

    Recent blog post: Afternoon in the backyard

  38. Thanks so much... and I think he's kinda cute, too. :) [although i may be a little baised...]

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  39. Thanks so much, sweet friend!

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  40. Thanks, Kate! I'm so glad you popped over [i love PW's site, too]. I've really loved getting to know people through this medium over the last year. Glad to have you join us!

    Recent blog post: Sponsored By Sesame Street (kind of)

  41. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJune 1, 2009 at 4:50 PM

    Wow Gitz! A year! I have to say I'm so thankful you started this blog. You've lifted me up, kicked me in the rear when I needed it, made me giggle and given me the best thing ever...a precious friendship. I love this first post because it shows right off the bat, your to you and congrats... :*

    Recent blog post: Getting smaller with age…
