
Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Hawk

When my parents came last weekend and set up my patio for me, Riley was more than a little thrilled to go outside and help with the process. He was also more than happy to pee on every available bush and blade of grass that may have inadvertently crossed his path.

I was just happy to see him peeing somewhere, anywhere, other than my kitchen floor.

When he came back inside, however, to shower me with love and show me his exuberance at the discovery that fresh air still exists beyond the sliding glass door, I made my own discovery.

The outside air gets stuck in his fur.

This had happened before, and I was prepared to wipe him down and clean him off before he got too close to my face, but it just wasn’t enough this time. I had a bit of a cough and my breathing changed, but a few hours later, when I thought all would be settled down, my eyes started to feel bruised and my ears and throat were burning. Whatever was on him was not dissipating fast enough.

Admittedly, the pup was in dire need of a haircut, which means there was a whole lot of fur for the air to stick to. Mom, Dad and I were even commenting on how he was starting to look chubby. And when I put his vest on him so Dad could take him outside, the velcro barely reached far enough to close around his belly.

I was thinking he was eating a few too many carrots. Turns out, it was the afro hairstyle that was doing him in.

Because I wanted to breathe better, and if there was any hope of him ever going outside again, Riley had to lose as much hair as possible. And I discovered in the end that my scrawny dog really is still scrawny without hair. So scrawny, in fact, that he looked a little bit like a wuss. He most certainly didn’t look like he could back up that ferocious bark he likes to show off to strangers. Yep. I decided he definitely needed something to toughen up his look…

And then I thought of MckMama’s recent blog about her second son’s summer haircut. The one where they decided to give him a mohawk. I mean, if Nuggey can pull off a mohawk, surely Riley can, too…


I think, if Riley was a human child, these would be the photos I would threaten to show his prom date someday.



Is there someone in charge of revoking the good dog owner card?



In my defense, I don’t get out much. Or ever. And him looking ridiculous has been cracking me up for days.



Poor kid.

***** ***** *****

The winner of yesterday’s canvas is:

Robynn’s Ravings!
You are so right, Gitz. Now that we blog we have to open our eyes to see all and try not to miss things. It tightens us up and helps us not to pass up blessings and to (sometimes...) look at even the difficult things in a meaningful or even humorous light. I haven't been laughing this week and felt pretty rough but I just jumped in and started writing this morning and God has returned my joy. I KNOW I'm right where I should be. Blessings my friend. You find EVERYthing to be thankful for.

Congratulations!!! Email me at with your mailing address and I’ll get it in the mail to you!


  1. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeMay 21, 2009 at 12:54 AM

    Oh Sara!!! Riley rocks the hawk! You are seriously a great groomer, I think he looks adorable!
    (If I'm MIA for a few days remember I'm doing a wedding :) see you soon...oh and watch for the UPS guy !) :*

    Recent blog post: Entertaining ~ Open House!

  2. What a handsome look for the Master Riley!! It suits him!! ;)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  3. I think he looks ADORABLE!!! Tell him The Wild Man has gone Faux Hawk for the summer and I love it on him, too. I'll have to post a picture.

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! for my canvas. It will join its sister on my wall. Look for a blog post and photos when it arrives! :-D

    Recent blog post: O Great Medicine Woman!

  4. Completely awesome- Poor guy doesn't have any idea what's making you laugh so hard either :) But he can pull it off, he's that cute!

  5. Perfect faux hawk for your precious pup! He sports it as well as anyone I've seen!

    Recent blog post: In only a moment: About a boy and his bride

  6. Aww--I think he looks beautiful (or should I say handsome. How do you keep the fur around his eyes so white??? My little Maltese, Emmi, always has tear stains under her eyes. Time for a haircut for her, too.

    Recent blog post: Welcome Peyton Shawn

  7. Hee! Hee! How cute. You and Riley made me smile.

  8. The Hawk is a great cut for Riley. I can see why it's been cracking you up for days. Blessings, SusanD

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday - 5/21/09

  9. Yea for Robynn! Oh Riley. Just when I think you can't crack me up even more than you do. Wait till the boys see! The boys usually sport the faux-hawk when they get their hair cut, but they haven't asked for the mohawk yet, whew. ;)

    Recent blog post: Running.

  10. That is so very cute on him! Our neighbor has a very tall mohawk and rides a motorcycle. I'd like to know what he uses on it so the wind doesn't mess up his do!

    Recent blog post: Happy Mother's Day

  11. He's the cutest puppy! Well, besides my 100 pound lab puppy (that isn't a puppy anymore!) that is! Just kidding!

    I totally love his doggy hawk. :-D

  12. Freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see him tonight!!! AND I can't wait to share this blog with the boys. They are going to laugh their heads off! Also, BTW - I LOVE your patio - Jane definitely has style! It motivates me to get my patio furniture out... :) Great blog again - and yesterdays was lovely too!

  13. Oh my gosh. Now I want to give Mabel a mohawk!

    Recent blog post: Forcing the Issue...

  14. Aw, Riley looks adorable no matter what haircut he has! No wonder Martini was screaming for him on Monday when she saw him in your patio window! She must love his new do! :) Give him a big squeeze for us!! Tell him I'll see him this weekend. I bet keeping his hair super short for the summer will make it easier to wipe him down if he goes outside.

  15. Oh my word, Sara, I can't decide whether to laugh to give the poor guy a hug! Cuuute!!

  16. He has the roundest eyes I have ever seen - they don't even look real! I think his haircut is very cool. I might have to try that with mine. We use a Flowbie on our three little teddy bear dogs. It hooks up to the vacuum and pulls up the hair, clips it and sucks it in all in one swoop so there's no mess, and it comes out perfectly even.

  17. So cute! Love the black-and-white pic!

  18. I love Riley's new doo. And I'd love to know where you got his "vest"!

    Recent blog post: I've Come A Long Way

  19. Does Riley ever bite you when you cut him? I love the mohawk! I would give one to mine, but I value my fingers. :-D

  20. Oh, I am SO giving Maggie a mohawk!!! That's so funny. And at least he pees on your KITCHEN floor. Maggie pees on... well... anything.

    Recent blog post: Farewell, facebook friends

  21. More great pictures of Riley. Love the mohawk.

    I wonder if he laughs as much at your hair cuts as you do at his. :)

    Recent blog post: Who is that face on your driver’s license?

  22. Did you do the haircut yourself? If so, I'm impressed! He must not be too embarrassed about the mohawk seeing that he was still willing to pose for pictures. He has the biggest eyes!

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday

  23. he does NOT look ridiculous! He looks adorable! oh my word!

    Recent blog post: Let's Recap-

  24. I love it. I think he's adorable with his hawk. I think if you can create some kind of guitar on a string to throw around his neck, that would be even cuter.

    Recent blog post: 1 year pics with Keri

  25. oooh! I almost forgot about winning the ankle bracelet!!! :) hope you have a great time at the wedding...

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  26. i don't know about suiting him, but i find it entertaining ;)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  27. i'm glad your other canvas won't have to be lonely :)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  28. isn't it funny? dude does crack me up!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  29. well, i figured i've been so scissor happy lately, it's better him than me!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  30. his can get red in the corners, too... i really have to be diligent about washing his face/eyes everyday for them to stay nice.

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  31. he makes me smile all the time, too :-D

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  32. i know, right? maybe he'd fit in riding motorcycles with all of you! 8-)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  33. i actually thought of your boys when i put the photos up... thought they might get a kick out of it!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  34. i would have to think they have special hairspray for that... or aqua net could probably do it!!!!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  35. your lab could probably pull off the attitude better than riley!!! :)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  36. i know, right?!?!? i knew you'd think it was funny!!!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  37. Oh, please do! I'd love to see the look Mabel gives you after you do that to her...

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  38. yeah, he did it to impress the girlfriend...

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  39. he might need the hug for all the laughing i've been doing!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  40. i would love to use the flowbie, but the sound of clippers make him scream like a hyena, so i'm guess the vacuum would be a problem...

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  41. he's a good little model :)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  42. I think it was a Doggles vest... try

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  43. crazy thing about him: he's better about letting me cut his hair than he is about me brushing him. I just lay him on the counter and he relaxes while I scissor cut it.

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  44. oh, riley feels free to pee where he wants, but i'm grateful it's been the kitchen lately... so much easier to clean...

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  45. i think he's just glad when i turn the scissors on myself instead of him... ;)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  46. i do groom him myself... he lays on the kitchen counter and i go to town with a scissors. he's really good about it.

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  47. now i just need to find him a collar with spikes to complete the look...

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  48. oh my gosh, that would be brilliant!!!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  49. I love it! This has potential. Maybe the next cut can be Riley the Rhodesian Ridgeback.
    I had wondered whether the outside air would get stuck on his fur. If the short haircut works better, could you clip a long leash (clothesline or very light chain) on him and fasten it to the patio wall or something just inside the door? That way he could safely have recess with outdoor minimal air getting in to trouble you.

  50. Love the new haircut! Such a sweet dog.

    Recent blog post: Recitals, Rehearsals and Relief

  51. Love Riley's new do!!! Too cute.

    I am happy to report that I am typing this message to you from my brand new computer that just got up and running tonight, and I LOVE it! I am going in and adding my favorites in explorer, and yours was the first one I could think of. :) Now, I just have to redownload your fonts. Would love to know what the new one is called so I can have that one too. PeaFrankie is one of my favorites.

  52. Hi Aunt Sara O:-),
    I love Riley's new Mohawk, it is 8-), but not as much as you.

    Love, Cooper 8-) 8-) 8-)
    P.S. yell at my dad a.k.a steve for not keeping a promise

    :* :*

  53. i actually can't open my door to the patio without having issues. actually had friends over tonight and the air on them made it tough. he'll just have to stay in with me, i think. :( Good idea, though!

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  54. yeah, i think i'll keep him :)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  55. Woo Hoo!!! So did you end up going with the desktop or the laptop?

    I'll drop you an email with the other font attached since they don't have it up on the site yet. :)

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  56. I thought you might dig the mohawk!!! 8-) What promise did your dad not keep? I like to know what I'm yelling at him for... :-P

    Recent blog post: The Hawk

  57. ugh, i am so sorry friend. my heart just aches for you.

    but i'm lovin' riley's new do.

    Recent blog post: coffee talk: betting the farm
