
Thursday, May 7, 2009

People Pleaser

Seriously, peeps, I love getting to read your comments when I ask a specific question… I feel like I get to know you better, but also like it’s a safe little confessional where you get to say how you really feel without anyone telling you that you’re wrong. I swear I enjoy these little giveaway days way more than you all like winning the canvases!

But since you all do like winning the canvases, I’ll go ahead and announce the winner [according to]:


This is my favorite post of yours EVER EVER EVER. And that's my favorite canvas EVER EVER EVER. Love, love, love, love, love everything you wrote! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not going to lie, I just about died laughing when her number came up in… because I’ve never seen so much enthusiasm in a comment, let alone have it be the winning comment!

Congratulations!!! Email me your mailing address to and I’ll get the canvas shipped off to you!

***** ***** *****

You know how people always talk about being a people pleaser like it’s a bad thing? I actually don’t mind it. I like being able to make people happy whenever I can. I don’t mind that sometimes I don’t get what I want if someone else is giddy over getting their way. I don’t mind working on projects that have zero importance to me as long as they are important to someone else and that person is pleased by having it done.

People pleasing hasn’t been all that bad, really.

Then I started getting emails from some of you … and being a people pleaser, I want to make you happy … but I’m torn because I cannot express to you how silly I feel standing in a bathroom pointing a camera at myself in the mirror for the express purpose of posting it on the internet.

It’s just so not my personality.

But you people… you’re like a dog with a bone. Yes, I cut my hair. Yes, I now have a computer that can process my photos. Yes, you can stop emailing to ask me about it. Because yes, I above all else want to make you happy.

Here’s the haircut:


I seriously have got to work on this people pleasing problem.


  1. I love it! And, like all people with straight hair, love the curls! You've got gorgeous eyes, and the haircut really highlights them.
    Now, on a more serious note, I have a question to ask: Do you always look that good (i.e. showered, hair done, makeup on)? 'Cuz I've gotta say, if I were at home and knew I wasn't going to see anyone that day, I'd probably NEVER get out of my jammies!
    Oh wait, that's right ... it's YOU I'm talking about. The person that inspires me with your outlook on life. A person that has way more pride than I do, and probably even showers every day. Got it. :)

  2. Okay so, I'm a Jersey girl, and I tell it straight. I say what I mean, end of story. That being said, you are so gorgeous!!! Not only do you inspire us all with your words of wisdom and your godly perspective, but you RADIATE beauty! Never, ever be ashamed of who you are because not only are you a child of El Elyon---the Most High God---you are His stunning, beloved bride!

    Own your identity in Him, and see how beautiful you truly are.

    (I just realized I now sound like a creep! I'm not---I promise! :) I'm just passionate about people loving who God has created them to be!)

  3. LOVE IT!!!! Wow--who knew one could cut their own hair and have it look SOOOOO good??!!
    Beee--you-tii- FULL!!!

    Recent blog post: Taking a break.

  4. hate to be like a broken record and sound like everyone else - but BEAUTIFUL!! you know i am not just saying that. God has gifted you with amazing looks!

    i am curious to hear the answer to the question that denise asked: do you get "ready" every day. i know when i am housebound - i look like "crud".

    Recent blog post: Running the Race

  5. Oh, it's adorable, Sara!! Seriously..LOVE IT! Wow!!! :)
    And right now...I have to say ~ I'm super glad you chose to be a "People Pleaser" and pleased us by posting that picture. You are truly an amazingly beautiful woman and you should really think about sharing more of that gorgeous face here!!!! ;) I know, probably NOT going to happen, but I tried!!!!

    Love and Hugs, friend!!

    Recent blog post: Almost Forgot...Wordless Wednesday!

  6. Christina J. WerdebaughMay 7, 2009 at 6:40 AM

    You look lovely, Sara!Oh how I wish that I could cut my own hair and that I had your amazing curls! I'm a people pleaser too. I agree in some ways it is a gift and in some ways, not so much. I just have to remind myself to keep my healthy boundaries in check so I protect my personal space. Slapping you high five on the haircut. Love it!!

  7. So I assume that since you can't get out to a hairdresser, those curls are natural? Just call me jealous!!!

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday

  8. Okay, deep breath. Remain calm. Do not use capital letters. Do not use exclamation points.


    Oh my word. If you had any idea how thrilled I am about this win. No, Sara, really. Really. Oh, I want to push caps lock with everything in me. Oh. Oh. Oh.

    You are stunning. So beautiful. Those eyes. That hair. Those lips. That nose.

    I'm going now. Thank you, Sara. Thank you. Going now...

    Recent blog post: the circle of life

  9. cut your hair yourself....and it looks that good? Please teach me, oh wise one!!! lol

    It looks fabulous. You are so cute!:)

  10. I LOVE it!! In fact, I envy it just a touch. Thanks for enduring the silly humiliation just to make us happy.

    Recent blog post: Making Work at Home Work

  11. Oh Gitz, I heart those curls!! Beautiful!

    Recent blog post: The Pit

  12. I totally love your hair! I've always wished for curls like that instead of straight, straight hair! :o)

  13. Sara - you're lovely and so's the haircut! I have curly hair too....but if I tried to cut it myself, I'd end up looking like a poodle met a light socket!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  14. You are absolutely one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I'm not just saying that, it's true....and like everyone else, I WANT that curly hair!!!

    And another thing, you're not just beautiful on the outside....your inner beauty is very evident. Your fruit of the Spirit shows! :-D

    Recent blog post: Nostalgia

  15. I didn't know you had any experience cutting hair when you originally wrote the post so I was totally wondering how it turned out. If I cut my own hair it would be like a horror movie.
    It looks wonderful.

    Recent blog post: WHAT I REALLY NEED

  16. If I bring my curls to you, would you cut them for me? :)

    I can only guess about your response to the 'do you always look that good' question, i.e. made up every day. For me, I like a day off every now and then, but as a rule I just feel better when I've made the effort. My scowl at my reflection in the mirror may be a tad less harsh if I've at least *tried* :P

    You, on the other hand, are simply beautiful and no amount of makeup or missing makeup would make any difference at all. You're just too darned pretty all by yourself! :)

  17. UMM GORGEOUS!! What do you use on your hair? As a fellow curly, I am always looking for tips! Your curls are so beautiful!

    And about the people pleasing, my (horrible and abusive) ex boyfriend used to always criticize me for wanting to please people, and now I see that people pleasing is really what loving God is all about -- if you make someone happy, you make God happy.

    Okay that's enough rambling for today! Thanks for sharing your picture!

    Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday

  18. Love the hair - and go ahead - keep pleasing us all!

    Recent blog post: This and That

  19. You hair looks beautiful. My curls are nearly as tight! You look wonderful.

    Recent blog post: (Almost) Wordless Wednesday

  20. Hey beautiful ;) Can't wait to get my own camera on you!! Wanna cut my hair? I'm really good at sitting on George.

    I love that Marla won when she was so excited for that exact canvas!! "I want to push caps lock, that is hilarious!!

    Thanks for indulging us and I think the shag looks fab on you.


    Recent blog post: "Wired for Sound."

  21. OK - so I already knew you were gorgeous and I had already seen the "new do" - I still love it, but where is your beautiful smile????!!! Seriously, it doesn't look like you without the smile. BTW - I'm with you... people-pleasing is a GOOD thing or a God thing - however you want to look at it!!! :)

  22. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :*

  23. What a cute haircut! I've always wished I had curly hair. *sigh* Stick straight, won't even hold a curl with a can of hairspray in it :( LOL.
    I am SUCH a people pleaser! Sometimes it's good, when I'm acting on my servant's heart to help others.'s debilitating. I'm still trying to accept that I can't be all things to all people and that sometimes, it's just got to be about me. Hard lesson to learn!
    PS - I just saw the quote on the bottom of the page - LOVE it!

    Recent blog post: R is for Restitution Damages, Reliance….oh heck, it’s *really* for Reese

  24. Oh, Denise... you're so funny! First, I don't look made up every day [I'm not sure I really look made up in that photo]. I do try to have make up on every day simply because I have to see myself in the mirror and I'd rather see myself in make up. :) My hair takes no styling; it's just blow dried and hairspray.

    BUT, there are absolutely days where I have to decide between taking a shower and being able to write a blog post... that's how much energy I don't have sometimes. Those days, I really love a good hat. :)

  25. Thanks, Jersey girl. :) You're not a creep... and I do have trouble owning my identity. I really prefer being behind the camera... or behind the words on the blog.

  26. Oh, there are times I cut it and it gets a little interesting... but I've had a few years to practice now!

  27. Like I said to Denise, in a pinch a good hat is my friend. Especially when an unexpected Skype call comes in!!!

  28. :) Hey, got your photo of you with curls ... that is so crazy how different you look! I really like it both ways, but can't figure out how you get the length to be so perfectly curly when the top of it is so straight?

    My curls definitely have a mind of their own...

  29. You're right... everything has to be done within boundaries. Especially for you and your health!

  30. They are natural, but I had straight hair my whole life until the summer before I went to college, and it turned curly within about a 2 week period. SO WEIRD.


  32. My teaching method is just to start cutting... it's always just trial and error :) [Sometimes REALLY bad error, too!] :-P

  33. anything for you, tanya... :)

  34. Thanks, girlie. Hey, how's Lucky doing?

  35. It could happen... mine was straight my entire life until I turned 18 and it went curly. Who knows!

  36. hahahaha... that gave me the funniest visual in my mind!!!

  37. :-[ Thanks, Nancy...

  38. Oh, you could probably do it... you just haven't tried! Believe me, I still don't know anything about cutting hair. I just figured out a system that works for me.

  39. Oh woman, this face requires make up. When my mom owned a Merle Norman Cosmetics store, her motto was "natural beauty takes time." I live by that!!!

  40. Oh, I've gone through so much product... it makes a huge difference. I think the most important for my curls is the shampoo/conditioner. I use Pantene Restoratives Breakage Defense for both. Then I use Samy Big Curls lotion and Samy Get Curls gel. Then I just blow dry with a diffuser. That's it... and all those products are cheap through Walgreens or

  41. I totally agree with Jersey girl!

  42. Oh, Libby... anything for you :)

  43. My curls change tightness daily depending on their mood!

  44. Oh, I don't know if I should be trusted to cut anyone else's hair... I'm far from professional!!!

  45. Oh, Suz... do you have any idea how ridiculous I feel taking that photo of myself, let alone SMILING AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR??? It's one thing to take a photo with someone else in it, but to have it just be of me? I feel too silly.

    Besides, when I smile my cheeks get chubby and show my extra weight. :-P

    And people... Suz can vouch for me... I don't look good every day. Believe me, she's lived with me... she knows me without makeup :)

  46. Thanks! That quote on the bottom of the page just came to me one day, but I find myself living by it now.

  47. Not so good, but still hanging in there. I think he wants to head to the Bridge, but someone is having a very hard time letting go....

    Recent blog post: The Pit

  48. *snort* WHAT extra weight, you nut?!

  49. Your Mom's a genius, in my book! :D

  50. I love your hair! You are so cute, you need to post MORE pics of yourself! Why not?? I think your beautiful!

  51. You know, I was wondering because in that picture of you and your dad on his 32nd birthday, your hair was straight!
    Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:17
    Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 11:13:29 -0700
    Subject: Reply to your comment...

  52. OK, so I used to cut other people's hair for a living and I KNOW I couldn't perform such an awesome self-haircut. Rock on, rock star.

    Also, your eyes are quite lovely, and if that is lipstick/gloss I want the name of it peas. :)

    Recent blog post: Things That Make Me Believe In Jesus, Volume One

  53. I love how the color of your eyes just stand out now! And I never realized you had heart shaped lips! How NEAT!! You truly are beautiful. You and Riley both, that is. :) :-D :-D

    Recent blog post: I stole a Question from The Rambler

  54. Great blog!

    Congratulations on your 100,001 hit - which was me! I just e-mailed you a photo of it LOL

    Wishing you best!

    Darla in NYC

  55. And I think you're very sweet. :)

  56. That's probably because you'd be trying to do it correctly... just start taking whacks at it like I do and you'd be fine! =-O

  57. Well,l I didn't really realize I had heart shaped lips either. :) Guess I should pay better attention!

  58. You could give yourself a Cheerio whenever you pose, and then you would learn to like doing it!

    Recent blog post: Blue Norther

  59. Your mom owned a Merle Norman store?!?!
    My favortie make up.

    Your hair is beautiful just like everyone else is saying. I have curly hair. It's coarse and thick and get's frizzy if anyone breathes on it. My mom is a retired beautician and we fought the curls for years. I was 23 years old before I discovered mousse and learned to love my curls. (I am so thankful for all the curly hair products out there nowadays.)
    We'll be waiting for more pictures now that we know you're capable!

  60. you are so beautiful.

    and i love your haircut. can you work some magic on mine?

    Recent blog post: loneliness

  61. Robin ~ All Things Heart and HomeMay 10, 2009 at 6:04 PM

    Oh my holy cow woman!!!! My Aunt Gail was here last week and I was underground for a few days and I've just now seen this!!! Your hair (not to mention the rest of you) is BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!!
    Really, I understand you not wanting to snap your own picture I do, but THANK YOU! A beauty, that's what you are. Don't be embarassed, you can't help it! love you~ :-D

    Recent blog post: Welcome to my new Home!

  62. Your hair is so enviable. You're making me sin! Do you realize that? Seriously, your hair is beautiful. I'm breaking my (no late-night computer) rule and I have ONE minute left before I'm forcing myself off of the computer for the night. I had to visit you and Robin. I want to see more but I am out of time! You look great and I'm glad to see you are posting away. My love to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Recent blog post: All But Grounded

  63. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeMay 11, 2009 at 6:24 AM

    I tried to comment last night but must have messed it up! I think it may have been all caps. I am ever knocked over by your beautiful self and as I've said before inside and out. How rare :)
    And although The Husband has no little brother, he said he'd have no trouble getting loads of men wanting to meet you...

    Recent blog post: Welcome to my new Home!

  64. Have I ever said that I LOVE your hair?? I do!!!
    You look beautiful!

    Recent blog post: Because I knew their stories…

  65. Happy Birthday! and Wow, your photo, is stunning. even if it is taken in the bathroom mirror, and the camera is in the corner of the pic. You are beautiful.
