
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring Awakening

While Spring has most definitely sprung, it’s been looking a little bleak and out of sync around here. For example, while the hasta were sprouting from beneath the once-frozen ground, the poinsettia was still waving goodbye to Christmas from the planter right above them.

IMG_6677Every time I glanced out the window, with the green grass growing and plants abounding, it was impossible not to look at the poinsettia and have the Sesame Street song, “Which one of these things is not like the other…” on loop in my mind.

IMG_6690Despite the bleak-looking patio and confusing Christmas decoration, Riley wistfully stared out the window longing for the green green grass of home. And this weekend, it was Mom and Dad to the rescue!

They came for a post-birthday lunch and were going to get my patio furniture out of the garage for me… but came with a few
“reinforcements” of their own.

IMG_6975First, there was a little sweeping that needed to be tackled.


IMG_6996And a few goodies to be unloaded.

IMG_7004A bit of arranging was required.

IMG_7012[It’s moments like these it definitely pays to have an
interior designer in the family

IMG_7022Of course, Riley decided it was time to venture outside
and help Dad with some of the heavy lifting.

IMG_7027 “Did ya see me? Huh? Huh? Did ya?”

IMG_7039 When all was said and done, my view improved by leaps and bounds.

IMG_7020 And while I may be sitting inside instead of out on my patio chairs…

IMG_7037 … the much-improved view is definitely one that makes a girl want to open the curtains and take it all in.

Most importantly, the only red you see are lovely geraniums… the poinsettias are finally retired until the snow rears it's head once again!

***** ***** *****

Yeah, so… I had edited these photos and written this post, feeling pretty darn happy about finally ridding myself of all things winter. I shut down the computer and turned off the lights before heading to bed when I noticed this in the corner of the room, and cracked up laughing:


Well, at least it’s not a poinsettia…  :)


  1. Love it! How nice of mom and dad to come and spruce things up a bit. The view looks awesome! :) Continue to enjoy!! Have a marvelous day!

    Recent blog post: Happy Birthday, Angie!

  2. house on rancheroMay 19, 2009 at 5:37 AM

    Your patio looks awesome! Abby and I worked on our front patio yesterday and it looks nothing like that...can I hire your Mom and Dad for a post-birthday patio clean-up at my house? :*

  3. wow! I just love your parents! How wonderful everything looks. And the geranium is delightful!
    The rug is a great touch and the table...your mom does have the touch. That's where you get it I suppose ;)

  4. Oh my!! I LOVE what they've done. What wonderful parents you have!

  5. It looks great! I love you Christmas tree, even if it is May. :)

  6. Yea Spring! Can your parents come clean up my porch :)

  7. You have the best parents EVER! Count your blessings, quick!

  8. WOW!! I seriously need your mom. What a nice view.

    I also need to know where you got Riley's harness. I could use one like that for Jack. It looks comfy and he HATES his harness. Of course, for him it is more of a "I'm not wearing a harness, if you like it so much, you wear it" kind of thing! :-D

  9. What a beautiful patio! I'm praying that there will be a day that you can sit out there and enjoy the view from OUTSIDE this spring/summer!
    BTW, LOVE the rug! I've always envied those displays in the photos in Home Depot catalogs with the rugs outside -- I thought they weren't for us midwesterners, but maybe I have to rethink that!

  10. Oh Riley pup, what would a girl do without your help? Now that is what I call a transformation! And the soft glow and ambience that little tree gives off completely overshadows anything too Christmas-y about it ;)

  11. How adorable are your parents?! Love the new decorations, and that Riley "helped"!

  12. Georgeous patio! What a blessing! Riley looked like he was having fun. I love summer flowers and plants and the set-up your parents made is wonderful. I am praying that you do get to sit outside on that lovely patio sometime this summer! :)

  13. Aren't parents great (snicker) - I'm sure they got as much pleasure out of spiffing up as you did with the result!

    We saw Rich and Bobbi and "baby" Emma this weekend - they came to our son's wedding. Bobbi doesn't look a day older but Rich has a BUZZ cut! They are the sweetest people and it was great to see them again! :)

  14. When I saw the first pics I wondered how I could get there to help perk things up. I'm so thankful you have such great parents!!

    You are a blessed woman. ;)

    Recent blog post: God is My Decorator?!

  15. Your patio looks lovely...wish I could say the same for mine! At least we don't have any snow....thank heaven for that! :-D

  16. It's so warm and inviting that Dave and I have been tempted to make ourselves a bit comfy! So adorable!! Sweet that Riley was able to pitch in, too! ;)

  17. Wow! It looks fabulous! I need to learn how to make my patio look like that! And I love the Christmas tree!! :-D

    Recent blog post: A picture riddle

  18. Looks marvelous! My biggest wish and hope is for you to physically enjoy it yourself one day, and not just look at it. That would make my heart swell and my eyes water. Until then, I am glad you are surrounded by beautiful things!!!

    Recent blog post: Sorry….

  19. Your patio looks beautiful! I always forget to put some Christmas item away every year! In fact, I still have a small box on my dining room floor that contains the decorations that I forgot to put away this year. I will begin my spring cleaning on June 2. Believe me, I have a TON of cleaning to do!

    Recent blog post: A Challenge

  20. I'm jealous of your patio - that planter is gorgeous!!! I love Rilye's harness.

    Recent blog post:

  21. Being she does decorating for a living, YES, you can hire her :) But I'm sure Abby made your patio look smashing!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  22. That geranium arrangement is my absolute favorite thing...

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  23. It was really fun! And funny, I'm sure, to watch me talk to them through the window as they decorated :)

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  24. Thanks for the Christmas tree love... I have a feeling I'm going to keep it around. It's just so soothing to have the lights in the evenings...

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  25. I'm sure if you supply the plane tix they'd be happy to come :)

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  26. :) Luckily they're the same even if I count them slow!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  27. I'm pretty sure that one is a Doggle's harness. I just feel safer with the jacket-kind of harness that he's not going to choke. And he seems to like them.

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  28. Funny... first thing I asked mom was whether or not the rug would get ruined in the rain. Apparently that one has been on their back deck the past few years with no problems, so it should be fine. It totally changes the look of the patio, doesn't it?

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  29. Yep... Riley really was the key to making the whole thing work :) Or at least he was strutting around like he was!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  30. They are cute, aren't they? I loved that rock mom brought for the little table. So fun to look out at all the decorations!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  31. Thanks, Debra. I had a reaction to Riley when he came in from outside and all the air was in his fur, so I think I'll just be loving it from afar. But it's so fun to have it looking nice!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  32. OH MY GOSH!!! This almost made me cry... I can't believe that's EMMA! It's been way too long since I've seen them... and can't even imagine Rich with a buzz cut!!!! Glad the wedding went so well!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  33. I'm blessed that you'd want to spruce it up for me, too. :) Love your heart!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  34. Ridding ourselves of snow was by far the most important step. :) Anything after that is just icing on the cake...

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  35. You SHOULD make yourselves comfy... those chairs are just begging for you to relax and have a drink on the patio whenever your heart desires! :*

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  36. Thanks, girlie! I think the tree is staying... just cuz I like it :)

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  37. It is so much nicer to look out at the decorations... almost makes staying inside not so bad :)

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  38. The cleaning and decorating is never finished, is it?!?!?!

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  39. Thanks... I really love the planter, too. Such a funky look.

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  40. I find myself opening the curtains more often now that there's some thing cute to look at! Hope you have a good day... any new photos of Jorgen lately?!?!?

    Recent blog post: Spring Awakening

  41. i love that you have your patio set up for summer. and i love seeing how your parents love you.

    mmhmmm. it's true.

    Recent blog post: coffee talk: betting the farm
