
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hit and Miss

IMG_7204 wassup

Wassup, peeps?

Ok, so I hate to do this, but I think I’m going to have to be a hit-and-miss blogger for a little while. I wish I could say that things are getting better, but between some side effects and pain and my lungs taking longer than I thought to bounce back… I’m kind of getting my butt kicked.

I want so much to be on here writing everyday, but how I feel changes multiple times a day and I just know there’s no way I can be as consistent as I’d like to be. And the last thing I want is for you all to worry if I just randomly don’t post something one day!

So, I’ll really try to pop in as much as possible… maybe work on some blog-peep question posts that I can put up from time to time just to keep in touch and see your faces. [So feel free to fire away with questions in the comment section if you have them.] This way you don’t have to worry if I don’t show up some days, and will hopefully be pleasantly surprised if I show up a few days in a row.

Sooner or later I’ll get back to my 12:01 AM posts every day, but until then don’t worry if I disappear for a minute. Just trying, literally, to catch my breath. smile_wink


  1. Oh Sara - I promise to keep you in my prayers. Please know that you will be missed, but taking care of yourself should be your very first priority!
    Sending love and healing {{{hugs}}

    Recent blog:=- My First Ruby Tuesday Subsmission!

  2. I will miss your blogs but understand. I'll keep you in my prayers. Riley -- take good care of Sara. Snuggle and let her know that she's loved.

  3. I will miss you great posts, but completely understand needing to take some time to allow yourself to rest and heal. Praying for you!

  4. I'm sorry you are still feeling really ill. (as opposed to slightly ill??)
    You are in my prayers. Peace and healing to you.

  5. dang! crap! shoot! (those are my cuss words for today) i am so sorry that you're not getting better. totally understand not being able to post and appreciate your concern for all of us. love ya and am praying right now that God would send forth His healing!!

    Recent blog:=- Worry Not...

  6. Prayed for you just now, friend!
    Hugs, hugs and more hugs!!

    Recent blog:=- central park zoo

  7. I just love Riley. How cute Wassup? I liked his smirk the other day too! How do you catch him doing such great expressions? He's and angel.

  8. Oh Sara, sweet Sara! I will be continuing to pray for your health to improve "speedy-fast" as Junie B would say ... and I will miss you dearly. Know you are loved! :)

    Recent blog:=- A Camping We Will Go ...

  9. Feel better sooner than soon. You will be missed!

  10. I hope things get better for you soon. Until then, I will just come back and look at your inspiring canvases, that I am going to be blessed enough to win one day! :-)

  11. Sending lots of good wishes your well. Please take care of yourself!!

  12. So sorry to hear you are not bouncing back quickly. I will try and get my care package sent out sooner to give you a pick up. Take care of yourself, it's your first priority.

  13. I hope you are feeling better very soon! I'll miss your posts but your health and (relative?) comfort are the most important things. Hang in there!

  14. Will miss you but will keep you in my prayers!! Be well sweetie! :*

  15. Oh Sara, I'm sorry to hear that you're still feeling so ucky. God willing you will be back to normal darn quick. Till then, know that you're in our thoughts and prayers.

  16. Lifting you in prayer, Sara, that you feel better and stronger very very soon!

    Recent blog:=- Praying on Wheels

  17. Sending prayers of healing, comfort, and peace to the throne on your behalf. I'll be checking in on you and Riley every day. Blessings, SusanD

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  18. Praying for you!
    Get lots of rest!
    And if you don't feel like writing, pictures of the puppy are totally acceptable :)

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  19. Even though I don't comment much, I too will miss your posts. But, I hope not feeling like you HAVE to write something for all your "peeps" when you don't feel well will give you time to rest. And, pictures, singing clips, and re-posts/flashbacks are perfectly acceptable ;o)
    Take care.

    Recent undefined:=-

  20. Praying for you, sweet one. Catch your breath, get some rest (if you can get comfortable), and know we all love you. I think you are doing a fabulous job. Tell Riles to love you to pieces, and let me know if you need anything at all. Eliana prayed for you, specifically today. She's four and a half...and knows all about you. Keep it that way by getting better, okay?

  21. You are in my prayers!! I love your blog, sorry I don't post comments more! Feel better soon! Don't worry about us, worry about yourself!!!! Get back to your norm, we will all be here waiting!

    Recent undefined:=-

  22. Sara, you've come to feel like a friend to me, because of the way you've shared yourself and your days. Every day that you're not there, I'll pray extra hard for you, and we'll all be here when you feel well enough to post!

  23. Take care of yourself! Of course we'll miss the daily post, but you do whatever you need to do to get back up to speed.

    Suggestion: Get your lovely mom to write a guest post!

    Recent blog:=- Cooking Experiments: Sorbet and Crumpets

  24. Breath, rest, peace to you.

  25. Praying for you!

  26. Praying for you, friend! Hoping that you'll be feeling back to yourself very soon! Just know that I'm/we're all here for you!

    Huge Hugs

    Recent blog:=- Happy Father's Day, Dad!

  27. oooh ... I love Jan's idea of guest posts! Would your mom, siblings, nieces/nephews, friends be willing to do a post about their favorite memories with YOU? That will fill your blog space and your heart at the same time!
    Wishing you comfort and peace. Take care of you, Sara!

  28. Praying for you, Sara, and sending my love. Hubert Humphrey said "The greatest healing theray is friendship and love"....and you've got bunches coming your way!!

  29. As I "gloss" for Alece (my prompter to pray) I'll add extra for you! ;)

    Love you.

  30. We'll miss you and that cute Riley, but take all the time that you need. Praying for you Sara! You are an inspiration to all of us!

    Recent blog:=- "I Get To" Tuesdays

  31. Mary @ Giving Up on PerfectJune 24, 2009 at 10:42 AM

    Sara...of COURSE I'll miss your regular blogging, but more importantly, I'm so sorry to hear that you're having trouble bouncing back and feeling better. I am PRAYING FOR YOU!!

    Recent blog:=- Because who needs Wordless Wednesday when you’ve got so many . . . words?

  32. I look forward to reading your next post, whenever that is, because it will mean you are feeling better.

    Recent blog:=- National Youth Service

  33. It's Wednesday afternoon, I'm heading out to class and wanted to drop in to see how you're feeling. Hope you're resting and healing. Bringing it to the LORD for you. Blessings, SusanD

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  34. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJune 24, 2009 at 4:48 PM

    Praying for you Sweetie. I'll be here every day. Don't worry just rest. Praying praying you

    Recent blog:=- Outdoor Wednesday~Stone Mountain Park

  35. Hoping that you are getting your rest, finding your center and letting God take care of the rest. I do hope that you are getting better and will be back to see us soon. Prayers for your improved health.

    Recent undefined:=-

  36. I can't believe it - I was the first to comment and I showed up as a guest. I guess that it was because I headed over from Facebook.

    Sending more love and prayers!

    Recent blog:=- Happy Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Take care of you! We will all be praying for God's healing and will! Love you, nancy

  38. thanks, Libby... appreciate that more than you know!

  39. Riley's been listening to you... it's funny how he calms down and just snuggles when I'm worse. Don't know what I'd do without him.

  40. thanks, Paige. I miss you guys already :) Nice to check in and see you here...

  41. thanks, amy... it is ridiculous, but you're right... i'd take slightly ill any day :-P That totally made me chuckle.

  42. =-X Don't feel bad... I've been saying the real words [no one is shocked by that, though... just can't seem to lose my potty mouth].

  43. thanks, marla... appreciate it. hope you get to kiss a giraffe this week :)

  44. he is an angel... and it's not hard to photograph him because he has more expressions that I can possible capture.

  45. thanks, debra... sincerely. i hope Junie B is right on this one :)

  46. i miss you guys, too. thanks for checking in...

  47. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you... i miss working on them, so i'm sure i'll be ready for the giveaways when i'm back at it!

  48. thanks, mary... i'm doing everything i can to let my body figure itself out. and learning PATIENCE.

  49. thanks, girl... a drawing from Millikins would be a perfect bright spot :)

  50. thanks, kaycee... appreciate you guys being so understanding!

  51. thanks, Ubah... i took a minute to look at your facebook photos the other day [or last week? i'm not sure]... your girls are SO BEAUTIFUL!

  52. thanks, Candy. please tell Ron he did a beautiful job on the news today. my heart really went out to him.

  53. thanks, susan... that really means a lot.

  54. good idea... heaven knows i have enough photos of the pup laying around:)

  55. i do have a few more songs recorded... maybe i'll try to pull one out for friday...

  56. that comment felt like a great big hug... thanks for that. and tell eliana thank you, too. means the world!

  57. thanks, eva... i do hate to disappoint when i don't post but it's been good to not have to try so hard when i'm feeling like i am. i appreciate you guys being patient with me :)

  58. thanks, fran... it's hard to step back because you all feel like friends to me, too... nice to be able to come and comment with you, though!

  59. mom called after she read your suggestion... that just may happen now :)

  60. i'm working on all three of those. thanks, julie

  61. thanks, david... appreciate it. i miss checking in on you all via twitter. will try to pop in sometime.

  62. thanks, girl. fun to get your bring the rain comment tonight!

  63. i'll have to check and see who is brave enough to do some writing... could be funny!!!

  64. i am pretty darn blessed in that department, including all of you...

  65. thanks, mich... so appreciate it. and now i want to go gloss MY lips... :*

  66. thanks, leslie... happily riley hasn't been up to too many antics since i'm not feeling great, but i'm sure he'll be back to doing story-worthy things before i know it ;)

  67. thank you. so appreciated.

  68. thanks, mary. i'm anxious to feel up to it again, too... you all have become such a part of my daily life! thanks for the prayers.

  69. i'll keep working on it ... in the meantime, nice to try to work on the comments :)

  70. definitely been resting... thanks for checking in! [and hope your class went well...]

  71. thanks, rob...

    i'm so hungry from these steroids i'm afraid to look at your blog for fear Mike will have cooked something delicious and i'll want to eat the computer screen :-P

  72. thanks, debb... working on the 'finding the center' part at times, but i'm working on it :)

  73. Hey, lib... i knew it was you because of your comment love link to your latest post. :) Are you putting in your name in nickname section?

  74. thanks, nancy. you just can't know how much i appreciate it.

  75. Thank you Sara. Yes, I'm very lucky in that God gave me 3 beautiful girls. My oldest looks like me but the 2 younger ones definitely take after daddy except for the skin color. That is a mix between us.
    And also, I made the decision to make my blog public so you don't have to sign in to see it anymore.
    I hope you have had/or are having a good night so far. If you're wondering why I'm writing at 0422 in the morning, well, Noor woke up hungry wanting the boob. Then since I was up for the it was time to do prayers. And also my hubby goes to work at 0400 too (he's a taxi driver) so unless I'm dead tired, I'm usually up for 1-2 hours and then go back to sleep till my 2 y/o wakes me up, which is usually much too early.
    Take care and God bless you

  76. That would be great! Hope you are feeling better!

  77. I will - thanks for your kind words. It was a horribly emotional day for him and he was understandably exhausted. This part of his job is so difficult.

    Recent blog:=- I Just Don't Understand

  78. Just checking in with you ;) Hope theres a smidge of improvement even! My poor Dakota may have to start steroids soon, and I am so saddened by the effects they have on her, but hopeful we can get her feeling better soon.

  79. I'm praying for you....stay strong.
    Blessings, my friend.

  80. Hey girl, I have been concerned about you. You are in my prayers, even moreso now. Much love to you, and I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Recent blog:=- Anita: Prima Ballerina

  81. Hey Gal, I stopped in this morning and saw you had been up on the computer while the rest of us were sleeping. Thinking that means you have some improvement. Hope all that clicking didn't wear you out more. Still praying for you. Blessings, SusanD

    Recent undefined:=-

  82. Keeping you in my prayers!

  83. Can you possibly publish some photographs of Riley while you're recuperating?

    (One look and I knew I was never going to be the alpha dog, either. ;) )

  84. Praying for you.

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  85. Praying for you.

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  86. i just sighed out loud.

    wish i could do something for you.

    i know you know what i mean.
