
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random Bits and Pieces


He was feeling a little neglected lately and wanted to pop in and say hi. Just trying to keep up his good standing as blog mascot. :)

***** ***** *****

First thing first… we have a winner!!!! picked:

The NorEaster: "A life story in fifteen steps?"
Well, I'm glad we get to take a long walk with you on your blog, Sara! I don't know about anybody else, but I need your perspective. You are, in so many ways, my joy.

Congratulations!!! Email your mailing address to and I’ll get it shipped off to you. :)

And thanks to all of you for your always-kind words and support. It really does make a big difference having you all here.

***** ***** *****

_MG_7501 [no point to this photo, really… just thought he was cute…]

Here’s the part where, after a series of serious posts, I stick in a random blog-upkeep note for you all [after having distracted you with a cute puppy photo]. Awhile back I implemented a new commenting system that overrides the normal Blogger comments you were used to. It’s had a few hiccups, as all things do, but for the most part I’m liking it a lot. Some of you have had questions about how to comment with it, so I thought I’d take a quick minute to talk you through it.

They’ve expanded a few things since I first installed it, so where it says “Guest” … you can either leave it as Guest or click the drop-down arrow for choices of how to sign in. If you have a Facebook account, Google Friend, Twitter, Yahoo, Open ID, Blogspot, etc., it allows you to sign in through any of those accounts. I think that should import your avatar from that account as well, but you’ll have to try it and see. If your avatar doesn’t show up, you can add a photo after you sign in by clicking on the blank face, if you choose.

Whether you sign in or not, the important part is the next three fields. Your nickname is how I’ll know it’s you. If you have a blog or website you’d like to put in the URL field [always start with http://], a link to your most recent post will pop up under your comment so that other people can easily get to your blog as well.

And finally, you want to put your email address in the last field… no one can see it [not even me], so you won’t be getting random people emailing you or anything. If you notice in the comment section, each comment has a button under it that says “Reply.” The button is so I can reply to each of you directly, and you can all reply directly to each other’s comments as well. This is the main reason I changed the comment system… I like the idea of having a conversation within our little community. But the only way you’ll know if someone has replied to your comment is if you leave your email address, then the reply will come to your inbox and you’ll know I or someone else had something to say to you!

I know, I know long explanation just to tell you how to comment, but since there were questions by some, I figured there might be a few more who were confused. The big test will be whether or not I’ve just confused you even further! [It’s been known to happen…]

***** ***** *****

Can you tell I feel like I used up all of my words in my first three posts this week? Yep, my brain is pretty random today. I’m also fairly sure it’s been completely taken over by the steroids… I’ve been trying to write out my grocery list for the week and it’s getting a little embarrassing.

Normally I just copy and paste my list, as I pretty much eat the same old boring things each week. A little rice, a little meat, some fruit… the basics. I’ve been trying to eat those things all week and none of them are sitting well with me.

But these things sound divine:
Lays Potato Chips. French Onion Dip. Powdered Sugar Donuts. Glazed Donuts. Marshmallows. More Potato Chips. Did I mention French Onion Dip?

So, if this turns into a foodie blog, it’s totally not my fault. I’m blaming it on the steroids. Tune in next week when I give you step-by-step instructions on how to squirt Hershey’s syrup directly into your mouth and call it lunch.

Riveting stuff.



  1. Riley, so adorable!! I miss that little guy.....AND YOU, of course. Just thought I'd follow your instructions and see what happens. Thanks so much for those as well as your bright and joyful outlook on life, Sara. You give me so much food for thought. How old are you, again?! The wisdom you've been given belies your age, that's for certain!

    I lift you up in prayer daily. Blessings to you, dear friend! XOXOX

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  2. You did it!!! :) I do think you must still have my blog address in the URL since my link showed up, but that's ok. ;) If this reply comes to your inbox in means you put your email in correctly. You're getting too good! 8-)

    I'll send you a facebook note in a little while; have a favor to ask :-[

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  3. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJune 11, 2009 at 4:59 AM

    Love the new grocery list, it sounds a bit like the comments that allow you to reply back. I've so enjoyed getting the reply email. and smooches...and by the way, no need for instructions on how to squirt chocolate syrup down your throat and call it lunch...I got that down.

    Recent blog post: Summer Supper at the Table and The Reba Mystery Solved…

  4. oh....dill pickle chips, licorice, hot fudge out of the jar!!! Thanks I'm starving at 5 a.m.
    Love ya :*

  5. Reading "squirt Hershey’s syrup directly into your mouth and call it lunch" just sent my sugar levels sky high. Thank you Sara. Any tips of how to get back to sleep now? :-D

    Thank you for starting my morning off with a smile. :)

  6. I have to catch up on your other posts this week. I've been trying to clean before my kids get out of school next week and have been too bloggy! Give Riley a cuddle for me...he's soooo cute! I'm sure some chips and dip float his way when he gives you that pitiful puppy look!

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday

  7. That should read I HAVEN'T been too bloggy!

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday

  8. Oh yea.....chips & French onion dip or Fritos & French onion dip. And the Hershey's chocolate thingy, I so know how to do that....RediWhip too! lol Blessings, SusanD

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday - 6/11/09

  9. First off--yesterday's blog was great. I didn't want to leave a comment (we all know what happened LAST time I commented on a wednesday!!) But, I always stop by and yesterdays was wonderful. I am still amazed at your attitude about the life God has given you. You rank very very high on my list of 'truly beautiful people'. Thank you.
    As for the Hersheys'...eeew...but I'd share my Lays with you any day--with a bit of Helluva' Good dip. mmmmmm

    Recent blog post: Runny chips and cardboard popsicles.

  10. Random is good but French Onion Dip is better!!!

    Recent blog post: Graduation Day

  11. The Hershey syrup lunch is right up my alley! Oh, except I'm having blood work this morning and don't want my blood sugar level to be high! :(

  12. Love the pictures of Riley! Keep those comin'! I've been absent from the blog world lately so I have to catch up on a few of your posts.
    I am pretty sure that chips & dip is my #1 favorite food.

  13. i swear i was going to try to stay healthy with the steroid eating, but since i'm already starting to puff up anyway, i figure i may as well enjoy it. :) chips are so going on my grocery list...

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  14. you lost me with the dill pickle chip thing, but that could work out great... cuz we wouldn't have to share! :) How's your Riley adjusting to life on Ranchero?

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  15. well, if you eat enough of the sugar I suppose you'd eventually have a sugar crash... sleeping ensues? ;)

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  16. What a gorgeous little girlfriend had one just like yours and she was with us for 12 years and her name was Lyndy. She was a part of the family and we were crushed when she passed away.....They are the best fun and absolutely adorable.....

    Recent blog post: Don’t let distance scare you….

  17. he does get tiny tastes here and there... i'm kind of a pushover that way :-P he's trained me well...

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  18. i think it's so bad that steroids make a person puffy AND crave salt... such a combination... so i'm thinking the chocolate syrup is ok since it won't supplement the whole retaining water thing. [justification, party of 1]

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  19. what is this helluva' good dip of which you speak? and do i need to put it on my list?!?!?

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  20. seriously... once it's in your brain you just have to eat it, right?!?!

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  21. well, at least the blood work is in the morning... that means you'll be free to eat it for lunch :)

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  22. if there's one thing i have plenty of, it's photos of the pup :) glad you like them as much as i do!!!

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  23. Oh you make me giggle with the Hershey's syrup comment. Totally getting you with the food, though. I am craving different things that "the usual." You'll have to share other great tips! :)

    Recent blog post: Such Truth!

  24. funny... i thought you meant you've been too bloggy and not gotten your cleaning done! blogging definitely sounds like more fun :-P

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  25. i feel the same way about riley... he's definitely my little lifeline. no doubt i couldn't get through the day without him!

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  26. maybe i'll post about my microwave monkey bread next week...


    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  27. I told a friend this week that I have been eating too many Pringles to cope with stress lately. Her recommendation was to fret less about the Pringles and dip them in chocolate! Hope you're having a great day.

    Recent blog post: What Do You Aspire To?

  28. Oh the French Onion dip! I have been having a craving for it too :) We bought a new 7 layer taco dip and oh my is that full of flavor and all kinds of things that are not very healthy at all!! Yummo. I hope your new "cocktail" of meds is starting to kick in and give you a little relief! Steroids make me ravenous!!

    Yea for NorEaster, I loved his "storm series!" Hugs to you and Riley pup!

    Recent blog post: Back Yard Bokeh

  29. Yeah. I don't understand why steroids make you puffy either. I hated that when they pumped me full of them during chemo treatments. Took too long to get it all worked out of me too. But thankfully it does eventually go away. Then hey, we can blame the puffiness on the steroids instead of the junk food. =-X

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday - 6/11/09

  30. !???!?! How could I have left Pringles off my list? =-O Good thing you reminded me ;)

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  31. man, i was trying to be funny about my grocery list, but i'm totally doomed now... there's no way i can talk about all this food all day and not eat it!!!

    Recent blog post: Random Bits and Pieces

  32. I'm awed by your humble faith and simple trust, and blown away by your ability to put it all into words. Not just the last few days, but the last few months. Praying for you daily.

  33. Like most others, I need no instruction on how to properly ingest the Hershey's syrup, but I definitely need a helping hand with the "call it lunch" bit, because, hello?, how does one eat Hershey's syrup and not wash it down with, say, a chocolate chip cookie?!?! THAT would be the part that makes it lunch! *LOL*

  34. The dill pickle chips are an acquired taste....but that's ok that you might not enjoy them cause I really don't like to share!! Riley is great! He has taken 2 obedience classes. He does great for the first 1/2 hour then he looks at me like...."I'm totally spent I have no more to give!" He has a sweet and curious personality. He loves playing catch and chewing on sticks. He is super sweet with the kids. He looks at me with his BIG brown eyes and I just melt. I'm in LOVE!!!
    I miss you and think about you everyday. I look forward to our next time together.

  35. Oh man. Now I have to go grocery shopping on the way home from work. I NEED (spell that want) chips and french onion dip. You are terrible girl just terrible. Always love to se pics of Riley.

  36. Hi Gitz,

    I am so excited that I figured out the Paypal and can wait for the delivery of my first Gitz Canvas!

    I enjoy your blog very much and I am always interested in your thoughts and perspective.

    Take care and enjoy Riley (as if you need to be reminded)! : )

    Recent blog post: Changes, by choice or by necessity.

  37. I stand corrected... the syrup would just be an appetizer :-P

  38. Hes always cute!

  39. I won!!! Yay!!! My luck in Blog-Land seems to be holding out pretty well. First, I got Alece's 20,000th comment and now I won my very own canvas!!!

    By the way, give Riley a hug for me, if you get a chance. He's seriously making me miss my dog. :'(

    Recent blog post: 7-0

  40. Christina J. WerdebaughJune 16, 2009 at 12:26 AM

    Trying again to post . . . for some reason I'm doing something wrong and it keeps deleting my message! Ugh! And I can't remember what savvy thing I wrote! LOL Oh well, I'm thinking of you!

    You have never had??? I wish it wasn�t dairy or else I would ship you some.
    If you like french onion must put it on your list to try!!
    I think you are in Iowa yes? ( I am so so so so sooooo bad at geography.
    Seriously ignorant). It says the dip is available @ Hy-vee or Super Target
    (whatever THOSE are??)
    If your runner shops there for you, you have to try it.
    If you aren�t hooked, I�ll be surprised!
    Think of you everyday.
    Pray for you more than that.
