
Friday, February 19, 2010

Hear No Evil

hear no evil

I don’t even know where to begin, because there are so many things I want to say about Hear No Evil. It’s like when you watch a really good movie and you want to tell your friends all about it, but you know if you tell them every detail that moved you, you’ll ruin the experience for them.

That’s how much I loved this book.

Here’s what I will tell you: When you read Hear No Evil, you’ll know exactly what it’s like to have a conversation with my friend Matthew. He tells the stories in his life with such great detail and emotion that you can’t help but feel like you were with him when they happened. And because he’s a natural with satire, you sometimes have no idea where he’s really going with something until you find yourself laughing out loud and scaring your dog.

Seriously, I made Riley jump off the couch and bark.

And just when you think you’re reading the craziest story you’ve ever heard and are preparing yourself to laugh, he takes you on a different journey. And you have to set down the book and let his words hit you for a moment. When you finish reading this book you will know Matthew, his humor and his heart. And you will be better for it.

The thing that probably amazes me the most, just like it did in his last book, Churched, is that he can write about things I’m not all that familiar with and make me feel like I get the inside joke. I’ve mentioned before that my family was pretty darn straight and narrow… we honestly made the Brady Bunch look scandalous. But the environment in which Matthew was raised as an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist makes my family seem like crime lords. The insight that gives him, and the journey he traveled to be who he is today, gives him a voice that is uniquely qualified to write this book.

It’s full of short chapters that tell of a time in his life, framed around his love for music [and his ambition to be the Christian Michael Jackson… I’m so not kidding]. They are chapters that stand alone so the book can be read bits at a time, but if you’re anything like me you’ll absorb the book in one sitting. Whether you know about the Christian music industry and its artists or not, you will enjoy every page. Because it’s about more than music. It’s about life and it’s lessons and the journey we all take to get where we are. And become who we are.

I highly recommend this book.

And the fact that he writes about having lunch at Amy Grant’s house increased his cool points with me exponentially. :)

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Now, since it’s not fair for me to tell you all about this great book and not give you a chance to read it, too… I’m giving away one FREE copy!!! All you have to do is leave a comment below, and I’ll use to choose a winner on Sunday! You’ll have until noon Sunday [CST] to leave a comment and I’ll post the winner that afternoon.

If you’re not the lucky winner, go to one of these stores and get this book. I promise you’ll laugh out loud. More than once.


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