
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 9

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Friday, February 26, 2010


This is the first time I’m using a “filler photo” that really has nothing to do with my story about the day. See, I was feeling rather… well… how can I say this nicely… less than ideal the past few weeks. I was super excited on this particular Friday because my sister Laura and brother-in-law Jeff were going to be stopping through to see me. Thomas and Becca had a basketball tournament in a nearby town, which means my condo was right on the way to the games.

I love basketball tournaments!

Anyway, the surefire way you can tell I didn’t feel good while they were here is that it didn’t even occur to me to get out my camera and take a photo. I’m not sure it really even occurred to me that I should move from the couch. But being the sweet family of mine they are, they worked around my couch-hibernating self and kept me company anyway.

I guess the photo above is somewhat relevant since we did discuss the fact that my shaggy looking dog still hadn’t received his much needed haircut. They did make me feel better, though, when they told me their dog Oliver was in worse shape than Riley. Apparently the Pet Smart where he is usually groomed is under construction after the roof caved in from the weight of all the snow.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010


This has been one of my favorite recent additions to my red room. This lovely dish was made for me by my niece, Avery, as a Christmas present this year. It has been relocated to many different spots within the condo, but has finally found it’s home next to my black, zero gravity chair. I often sit there to read, and like having a reminder of sweet Avery nearby.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, it really doesn’t take much to make me happy. For instance, my oldest nephew, Alex, just recently posted on my Facebook wall that he loves me around the world and back. That’s it. He didn’t want money or a loan… he just wanted me to know he remembered the sweet line I used to say to him when he was a little boy.

I’m a sucker for a sweet kid. And it made me so stinkin’ happy that I called my mom to tell her that I’m still his favorite. :)

Now, in the same respect, it’s often the little things that can ruin my moment. Ok, not really… I’m pretty easy going… but on this day, I was super annoyed with the makers of Honeymaid graham crackers. Because I love me a good graham cracker. I’m in the routine of eating one and a half graham crackers every morning with a glass of juice after I take my meds.

Riley loves this particular routine as well, since he always gets a taste of cracker, too.

But, as you can see, all the crackers in this package were burnt. My little piece of joy in the morning left a burnt toast taste in my mouth. Which, in my world, is equivalent to being forced to eat black licorice.

The only thing that saved me during that week of eating graham crackers that were burnt on the edges? The fact that the edges were the part I snuck to Riley.

He didn’t seem to mind.

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Monday, March 1, 2010


I am so looking forward to Mondays now. A small group of blog/twitter friends had been meeting on Monday evenings for a bible study, and they just recently asked if I’d like to join them. This particular Monday was my first evening to participate… and once Tokbox started cooperating, we all videoed in and had a group chat. One of my goals last year was to read the chronological bible in a year, but that got tossed by the wayside when Cushing’s hit. That just so happens to be the plan they are following in their study, so I once again am back on track with my reading. Going through the process is made so much more meaningful now that I get to share it with friends.

Once again… technology offers me a life beyond my walls, with people I adore. I am a lucky girl.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Isn’t that the prettiest bookmark? My blog friend Tippa, whose pup Maxie could be Riley’s twin, sent this to me after she moved back to the States. She had relocated to Europe for a few years because of work, and had picked me up this Belgian lace monogram from… you guessed it… Belgium! I couldn’t decide what to do with it since it’s too pretty not to have a special purpose, so it now holds my reading spot in my bible.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I found it ironic that my only other European treasure also comes from Belgium. Back in the day, I had finished up my college degree mid-year, but wanted to go through ceremonies in May instead of December. In the meantime, I had started my job at a magazine in town and had to request a few days off when that weekend in May rolled around for graduation. I didn’t really tell anyone at work about it, except my editor Bob, who had to approve my time off. He and his wife were in Belgium doing work for our international magazine at the time, and he brought me back this beautiful candy dish filled with Belgian chocolates to congratulate me on my achievement.

I was stunned by the kindness and loved the interesting shape and intricate design. Of course, it now holds the most important thing in this household… cheerios for Riley. Never let it be said I provide anything less than the best for the blog mascot.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010


And this, people, is my new best friend. The clicker. My hands haven’t been cooperating with me lately, and my usual way of getting Riley’s attention is snapping my fingers before giving him a command. [I say that like he pays attention to my commands on a regular basis, which he doesn’t, but when he does it’s usually the snap that gets his attention.]

I noticed this little gem when I was ordering some other dog supplies for him, and it turns out it’s coming in quite handy. The clicking sound is louder than any snap my fingers ever produced, and he seems to respond to it by coming over to me.

Which means I HAVE THE POWER.

I have no idea how long he’ll fall for this ruse, but in the meantime I found an old keychain/wrist strap and attached it to George so it’s always at my fingertips. Poor George is probably starting to feel like a work horse with all the odds and ends I make him carry. :)

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Thanks for sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:
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