
Friday, May 21, 2010

Breathe In. Breathe Out.


So, I had this naive idea that I would watch Grey’s Anatomy and then write a blog post for today.

Hahahahaha! Ahahahaha!


Yeah, if you watched Grey’s last night, you’ll totally know how funny that is. Because that was the most intense season finale I have ever watched in my life. Ever.

In the words of Meredith Grey, “Seriously?!?!”

I watched. Then I waited for my heart to start beating regularly and my hands to stop shaking. Then I sat at the keyboard to start typing and I came up with nothing.

No. Thing.

Do you all get as involved in fictional people’s lives as I do? I mean, I get to the end of a book… especially if it’s a series… and find myself not wanting to finish the last chapter just so I don’t have to say goodbye to the characters.

In college, my roommate Amy and I stopped watching Chicago Hope when they killed off Peter MacNicol and left his little baby in the hands of Mandy Patinkin. We were seriously upset.

Don’t even get me started on when I thought they killed Vaughn on Alias.


Do they have 12-step programs for people like me?

And would you need to join?

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