
Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Five: thanksgiving

First thing first... selected the winner of yesterday’s canvas:

Teri322: Would it be a shameless display to boast here that I know the fabulous Ms. Sigwarth (through work). Will that help me win? tee hee
Love the canvas. As always. :)

Congratulations, Teri! It didn't help you win – that was all on – but I will say you are one lucky girl for knowing my Susie! :) Email me your mailing address and I’ll get the canvas sent off to you [or I may just send it with Suz]!

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friday five new

Can you guys believe it's almost Thanksgiving?

Seriously. Some part of me really believes it's still September. But the holidays rolling around makes me wish I was still at family gatherings, pestering everyone by putting my camera in front of them and snapping endlessly away.

Which sends me dreaming about what I might use to decorate a Thanksgiving themed scrapbook page... so I made a few little word art doodles in case you need them in your scrapbooks. ;)

This week, with each doodle, I'm going to list something I'm thankful for – I'm linking up to Shan's post and she has had a Thanksgiving theme leading up to the holidays – she says that one can never be too thankful.

I think she's right.

thanks and giving

I'm thankful for those I love who are near. My friends who call on their way home from work, who drop me off a Sonic slush for no reason other than they know it makes me smile, who would walk through my door if their health let them, and who would stand outside my window just to wave if they thought I needed to see a friendly face. I am so very blessed.

happy thanksgiving

I'm thankful for those I love who are far. My friends and family who call when I've been quiet, who text and email and Skype to keep me a part of their lives. For those who send me pictures of sunsets and videos while on walks or while simply sitting at their desk at work – just to give me a glimpse of the world outside my walls. They love me as I am, where I am. I am so very blessed.

give thanks

I'm thankful for my pesky pup. The one who lays with me for hours on end and would rather snuggle under covers than retrieve a ball or romp outside. I'm also thankful he pesters me now and then for fresh water and makes me get up out of bed even when it hurts, because I count him as my physical therapist for pushing me beyond my comfort. :) And I count him as my counselor, too, as he lets me cry and makes me laugh and keeps me sane. I am so very blessed.

thanksgiving day

I'm thankful for my faith. I'm thankful for the deepest knowledge that there is a God and He loves me. I am so very grateful that He came to earth and saved the world so we can all be together someday for eternity. Without knowing that, I couldn't do what He needs of me in the here and now. I am so very blessed.

dinner is served

And I am so very, very thankful for all of you. You, who are the dessert at the end of a very filling meal. You who show up here, who found me sitting by myself on the other end of this computer screen and decided to stick around and keep me company. You who remind me, every single day, that I am not doing this life alone. I am so very blessed.

Now, if any of you would like some of these doodles to remind yourselves of all you are grateful for today, all you have to do is click on that download button and it will take you to the download page.

Hope you enjoy!


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I’m going to be linking my post to Shannon’s Take Five entry [she takes 5 minutes to write 5 things about her week]. Head on over if you want to participate and link up. :)

Have a great weekend, friends, and enjoy the people you love!

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